Sisters of the Order, Chapter 1 [ff]

When I opened my eyes on the Day of my Wedding, I found my Little Sister Asha, already awake, gazing lovingly up at my face.

“What is it, Sister?”

She moved upward to kiss me, her soft body brushing against mine, milky nipples causing trails of goosebumps to rise on my skin where they touched me. Our lips met and I savored the taste of her, determined to memorize it, to take it with me. She cuddled closer to me so she could whisper in my ear: “This is the last time we’ll ever wake up together like this.”

“First of all, you don’t know that.” She continued to gaze at me, apparently unconvinced. “And, secondly, let’s make the most of this morning, my sweet Sister.” I pulled her on top of me, feeling her gentle weight against my body, her breasts settling around and between mine like puzzle pieces snapping together. She found my mound with her knee and pressed it against me, making me gasp. Her mouth swallowed the sound, sucking my tongue inside her.

As her kisses began to travel down my neck, I ran my hands down her back to her plump behind. Like all the Chosen Sisters of the Order, her body was soft and wide, with large, shapely hips; a round tummy; and big, perfectly shaped breasts. A mother’s body, through and through. Asha, though, was especially blessed. Her breasts put mine to shame, as they did many others. Each was bigger than my head, and her nipples were perfectly centered and light pink in color, with puffy areolas that melted in your mouth. She would make the perfect nurse someday, and her lucky Demon and his spawn would feast on her for all eternity. For this final morning, however, she was mine, and mine alone.

She somehow sensed my thoughts, and slid her body up mine, letting her tits hang in my face. I took them both in my hands and pressed them to me, taking in her sent and caressing her, feeling her body respond to my touch. Unable to help myself, my tongue darted out and I licked her skin, letting my mouth drift naturally to her nipple. I let my lips settle gently against it, looking up toward her face so I could see her expression the moment I latched onto her. She gazed down at me, her eyes full of longing, and lowered her body just a little more, forcing her nipple into my mouth.

I responded by latching on instantly, sucking her entire areola with my lips. The delicious puffiness swelled and filled my mouth, indescribably yummy even without the life-giving nectar, and she cried out and began to tremble. I lifted my head, allowing her to settle back against the bed, guiding her down with my arms. She pulled my head against her as I suckled, moaning and stroking my hair with one hand as her other pawed at her neglected tit. I took it in my hand and squeezed, letting her nipple fill my palm and find its texture. She was moaning continuously at this point, and I could feel her hips begin to buck up against me. I began to run my hand down her belly, seeking to feel her wetness with my fingers.

“Nooooooooooooo, Lily,” she moaned. “This is supposed to be about you…”

“Methinks your protests are half-hearted,” I mumbled into her breast. “And feeling your wetness only increases mine, dear Sister.” I let my hand drift lower still, and grasped her mound with my entire hand. She cried out again, and her cry had not even ended by the time my mouth was back at her breast, suckling her with a rolling motion of my lips and tongue, a technique long developed by our Order to give the most pleasure to the Sister. Her body responded to me perfectly, every muscle relaxing, especially those below her waist. Her flower opened to me, and I allowed my fingers to breach her, her warm juices my reward.

“Oh, gods, Sister!” She began to tremble, as she often did when my hands were inside her. “Please, don’t, you’ll make me squirt…” My thumb found her clitoris and, when I pushed back the hood, she lost her ability to speak. Her opening body allowed me to get all my fingers inside, and I grasped her pelvis like the old men held their balls while at bowling. At this moment, when she thought she could take no more, I switched my mouth to her neglected breast, and took her swollen nipple deep into my mouth, sucking with all I was worth.

I knew she was crying at this point, which further fueled my assault on her. I began to swirl my thumb around her clit in a steady rhythm, working my tongue on her nipple in time with the motions of my hand. A low, deep moan began to emanate from her chest; it made my lips vibrate in a not-unpleasant way. She began to buck her hips against my hand and, as we fell into the rhythm, I could finally feel her muscles inside start to throb. Her moans became louder, filling my ears, and we increased our speed till I knew she was right on the edge. She drew in a deep breath and, right as she began to scream, I pulled my hand out of her cunt, and an explosion of fluid followed, drenching the bed as well as the inside of her thighs. I immediately dived down to her pussy and pulled her clit into my mouth, suckling it in the same rhythm I used on her nipples. She screamed and bucked against me again, and I was rewarded with another wave of her juices, hot and salty and drenching my chin and breasts.

I felt her hands grasping at my hair, so I allowed her to pull my face up to hers. She kissed me deeply, dipping her tongue into my mouth to taste her own cum. Our breasts slid against each other’s, her cum lubing them somewhat, allowing our nipples to mush together harder than usual. I began to move down to lick it up, but this time she would not allow me. She held my head, forcing me to look into her emerald green eyes. “This is your Wedding Day, Lily, so let it be about you.”

Suddenly, she was on top of me, pushing me down into the bed and kissing me fiercely. Her wet cunt found mine and she ground it hard against me, pushing mine open and brushing my swollen clit. I cried out, and she responded by holding my wrists on either side of my head and grinding faster while looking me dead in the eye. I wanted to close my eyes, to give into her motion and her body, but her gaze held me in deepest rapture. “I love you, Lily,” she said, her voice deep and husky, the rhythm of her fucking never varying. “He may fill you with his spawn over and over, but he’ll never love you like I do.” Somehow, she managed to fuck me harder and faster still, and I could feel an intense warmth building in my lower belly.

“I know, Asha,” I cried, vision clouding over as the tears took me. “I love you, too!” She kissed me again just as my muscles began to spasm and my juices drenched the both of us, audibly squirting from my hole. She finally dropped down and latched onto my breast, and her mouth drew out my orgasm for a seemingly infinite amount of time. I lay there underneath her, trembling and cumming and dripping from my cunt a little at a time. Her hands ran up and down my body, leaving tingling lines of pleasure all over me. She switched to my other breast and began to suckle much slower, emphasizing our special technique of lips, tongue, lips, tongue…

“Gods, Asha, you’ll make me cum again.” I could hear my arousal in my own voice. I felt her laugh, then her mouth began to travel down my belly towards my mound. She was going to do the most Special Thing, the Thing it was rumored the Demons never did, and I knew she was doing it because it was my Wedding Day.

This may be the last time I ever felt a Lover’s mouth on my sensitive lips and clit.

I had already begun to cry, anticipating the intimacy of the moment. “I love you, Ashaaaooooooohhhhhh, gooooooooodsss…” My hips rocked involuntarily up towards her face. She nuzzled her mouth against my fur and allowed her tongue to slip out, grazing my lips. The feeling of her tongue between my lips was divine, and I felt my pussy squirt a little more in response to it. This only egged her on, and she pushed her tongue deep inside me, desperate to lick my juice from the source. Her thick muscle inside me felt better than any fingers ever could, and I gasped and moaned and rocked my hips against her. I had lost all control of my body; it moved only in response to her.

Finally, when she could sense that I was ready, she allowed her mouth to drift up my slit to my clitoris. It had already swelled enough to breach its hood, so she latched onto it immediately, sucking my soul out through my organ. I screamed loud enough that I was sure the kitchen boys could hear clear across the courtyard, and she swirled her tongue around my engorged clit and suckled me in that perfect rhythm. My hips rocked against her in the same and my muscles began to pulse, trying to pull her into my body. She slipped two fingers into my hole, just enough to apply pressure to my spot and push my tiny cock deeper into her mouth. As my Little Sister sucked me off, my cunt began to erupt.

There aren’t words.

…We lay there, holding and caressing each other, feeling the pool of our love cool around us. Her mouth was at my breast again, compulsively suckling as she rubbed her sweet, ginger-dusted pussy with a single finger. My own dark hair was clumping as it dried, reminding me that I need to bathe. Today was the Big Day, and I had to look my best for my new Daddy.

“Big Sister Lily, what am I going to do without you?” Her mouth was on my nipple again instantly, before I could even finish hearing her.

I stroked her long hair, contemplating my response. “You’ll meditate on your own body and your own place until you hear from my Daddy. Then we’ll know.”

“Then we’ll know,” she repeated. I grasped her hand against my chest, savoring our last private moment together. She suckled me gently and I stroked her hair in the same rhythm. The moment seemed infinite.

Then the clock tower chimed nine, and it was time to get up.


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