Undercover by Tristan Kane (MF, MC)

HE AWOKE WITH AN UNUSUAL FEELING, and initially didn’t realize what was going on or honestly where he was. His eyes opened slowly and blurry and he saw the first hint of sunrise through the window in his bedroom slightly reflecting off of their maroon sheets. He tried to move his hands but felt the cold metal of the handcuffs securing him to the black wrought iron headboard. A dream maybe, he thought initially until he had gained his full sight and when he looked down to the sheets that were covering him, he saw something he didn’t expect. Her hair draped around her face looked reddish brown in the morning sunlight and he knew what she was doing. His hazel green eyes met her beautiful browns for the first time and she smiled as she looked up from between his bare legs.

Am I dreaming, or is this for real?, he thought to himself. Her look was one of intense desire, and he felt as if she were peering into his soul. Her hair whipped back as she slung her head back and let it drape to the side exposing his hard cock from which her hand was clasped. A smile was beaming from her face and he hoped this wasn’t just a dream, he hoped this was really happening.

[M][F][Str8] Soft Night

It was her laugh that got its way to me, it took me months of trying to make her mine but when I did I couldn’t stop to smile. It was on a windy summer night she came to me. A white robe, shining in the moonlight rays as she opened the door to my room and smiled at me. “Is it a dream, am I sleeping.” I mubbled to myself. She just started walking towards me. Closing the door behind she walked towards me like an angel coming down from heaven and using the clouds as stairs. It was a dream sight only for me . She swept me of I feet, I found it troublesome to breath as she got into my bed and touched my chest. Her hand slowly moving over my neck to my face. The look in her eyes, the burning fire of the desires in both of our hearts., the gentle wind blowing through our hair. Her lips touching mine, I felt like blessed by a divine power. She was beautiful, she melted me . It was enough to kiss me to make my brain imagine the most beautiful place I have ever seen. She leaned in, our bodies touching, my hands on her touching her soft skin , as her amazing lips played with mine. Eyes closed slowly our bodies touched and her soft little body pressed against mine, I rolled her to the side and got over her. My hands holding me up as I moved in to kiss her neck, her hands moving on my bare back and gently scratching it, leaving red marks on it. You could feel the passion in the air as our bodies took control over our minds and started to play with each other. A gentle move of my hands and the robe started to move , revealing more and more of her beautiful skin that I adore to kiss and touch. A gentle kiss on her shoulder resulted in a giggle that made my heart skip a bit. I looked up to her face and saw the most radiant smile I have ever seen. The rob just glided of her , it was blown to the side by the wind with a little help of my hands. She stood now under me nude, like she came in this world. A sight worth more than a million words. I was trying to say something, but she put her finger on my lips and stopped me. She kissed me passionately as she still played with my back, caressing my arms and back, with the same radiant smile she looked at me and gently pushed aside my boxes. Both of u naked our bodies touching made my mind fly away in another galaxy. It didnt take long, her legs spread and we were as one.Her soft hands on my body, her lips locked on mine , my body pressing against her, going up and down as she added more sound to this amazing scenery. The feeling that we were connected was nothing I could compare to this world experience. It felt like we were the only one in this whole world. Her moans made me fall deeper and deeper in my imaginary world, her face filled with happiness was all I need to see. Louder sounds coming from her and me and than it happened, the moment we build up was finally there. A explosion of emotions, a mixture of feelings, and a gentle wind mixing it all together to the perfect recipe for love, for her and for me. I rolled to the side and she laid in my arms, I played with her hair until she felt asleep in my arms happy as she could be.

Categorized as sexystories

Beauty and the Beast/The Gentle Monster/Quasimodo and Esmeralda type story MF [fantasy] [reluc] [sm]

I want the most nervous virgin you can think of. The nervousness is HUGELY IMPORTANT!!! Not just a normal virgin guy though. I want him to mostly be that way because he’s deformed like Quasimodo or the elephant man. Really burned/scarred face. Scars all over. Hunch backed too, and fat. Like this FROM BIRTH. Knows nothing else.

I mostly just fantasize about it happening in some midevil/fantasy realm. When the Vikings would pillage villages they would take women to rape too. I’d want to be a maiden or lady in waiting who was taken for that purpose. Like a noble or even a princess.

The other guy (deformed one) would be the village outcast, probably someone I’ve (I’m the girl) never even seen before but whom is ostracized socially for obvious reasons because of his deformities. He'd be like the town myth. 'Monster' myth, mostly a hermit before the Vikings find him.They would take him too simply because of how much of a human curiosity he is, they think they could get kicks and giggles from torturing him or something. They capture him like the women they use for rape.

Garden Party [MF][Strangers] (Part 1)

Kate smiled listlessly at the guests. Emma, Matt,… so many boring people she thought to herself. She suddenly realised she didn't like any of them, her husband included. He gets a promotion, and he throws a dumb garden party, so typical of him. Kate looked around for someone new to talk to, someone exciting. She dressed well for the party, as she always did. A knee high skirt and a black shirt. Yes, sounds plain but Kate could pull it off. At least as much as her age could permit. She would be 46 next month and was dreading the party for her birthday. "Hello Mrs.Stone" said a voice behind Kate. She caught a whiff of the sea from behind her. A sailor? Lets hope he isn't too shy, she thought to herself before turning around. She looked straight into a pair of steely blue eyes. "Hello…" she smiled and extended her arm. The man took her arm and shook it. He was not extremely good looking. But he exuded confidence and had rough good looks. "Have we met before?" Kate asked the man, her hand still in his. "No ma'am. I'm Jason. I used to work with your husband". He finally let go of her hand. He had strong hands, and a muscular torso to go with it. Kate couldn't help thinking what she would let those hands do to her. "How come I've never met you before Jason?" slowly leading him away from the crowd and closer to the fence. "Well ma'am" … "Kate".. "Ok Kate" he smiled at her,"I've been living in England the last couple of years. I worked with your husband before that only for a few months". She nodded silently. They walked silently for a moment. What do I tell him now, Kate thought worryingly. "You don't seem very thrilled at the party Kate" said Jason, breaking the tension. "Yeah well, how can I? You have to admit it is pretty boring" she said in disgust about the party. "Yes. Yes it is. But the last five minutes have been much better" Jason gave her a knowing smile. Kate blushed. She couldn't believe she had just blushed. It had been many years since a man made her blush. But two can play at this, she thought to herself and said "Really? I wonder what it could be?". They were standing next to the fence and staring at each other. He towered above Kate's diminutive 5 foot frame. He looked down on her and said "I have a feeling the next one hour is going to be a blast" Kate didn't take her eyes of him for a second. "You're really confident about yourself" she said her breathing getting heavier. "I am. I also like confident women" Jason placed his hand on hers. Kate looked across at her husband. The asshole was too busy talking to notice. "What are you looking at? I'm right here" said Jason. His voice was so sexy, so deep that it sent shivers down her spine. Suddenly he leaned towards her and whispered in her ear "Your garden shed is a really cute looking building". He walked away into the crows leaving Kate standing there, her heart thumping. She walked to the drinks table and had two shots of vodka. She turned and made her way to her garden shed. She remembered spending time here as a newlywed, rearing new plants. It must have been at least a year since she had entered the place. Looking around and waiting for the opportune moment, she turned the door knob and entered.

Garden Party[FM] [Part 2]

The shed smelt of soil, fertiliser and fresh vegetables. Looks like the gardener hadn't completely ignored it. Kate tried to look around but could see nothing, it was pitch black. She knew there was a switch hanging from the wall somewhere. She stretched out her hand, but grabbed only air. She tried again, and her hands fell on a surface which could only be described as a handsome face. She smiled but stayed silent. She stroked his cheek, and felt the light stubble growing. Her fingers explored his eyebrows forehead and hair. She moved closer and could smell him now. He was sweaty, very sweaty. Obviously this place was a little humid, and Kate was sure she would be sweaty too soon enough. He broke the silence, "You're drunk" he said, placing his hand on her hip.

The Ski Trip Surprise 2 [MM][MMF][oral]

John woke up with Frank's morning wood poking him in the lower back. Before he could move away, Frank stretched and yawned.

"Mornin'," Frank grumbled and gave John's thigh a friendly pat.

"Hey," John said, unsure of what to do. The idea of snuggling was out of the question, but Frank took matters in hand when his fingers slid forward to grasp John's semi-erect shaft.

"Looks like we got the same problem," he chuckled and pushed his cock harder against John's back. "Lemme help you out." It wasn't exactly a suggestion as he began to stroke slowly from balls to tip. The sensation made him push back a little, encouraging Frank to rub himself against John's back and ass.

"Fuck," John whispered as he felt teeth against his shoulder biting him as Frank pulled and released. Eventually a bit of precum made it out allowing Frank's hand to slide along his head. Soon the feeling was as fine a hand job as he'd ever gotten.

Frank moved down to slide between John's ass cheeks and pushed harder. Not to penetrate, just to rub along in between, dripping his own precum along the way to slip and slide more easily.

The Church Pianist, Part 2 [MF]

With that I lifted her off of me. I was aching to play with her and have her please me. It was a little unreal. I had had so many fantasies about the church pianist. Now I had kissed her, I had felt her up and handled her. It was only the beginning. The relationship had changed and now she would be my pupil. She would learn what I liked and how I was to enjoy her. If she was a good student I would teach her new pleasures.

Categorized as sexystories

Garden party[FM] [Part 1]

Kate smiled listlessly at the guests. Emma, Matt,… so many boring people she thought to herself. She suddenly realised she didn't like any of them, her husband included. He gets a promotion, and he throws a dumb garden party, so typical of him. Kate looked around for someone new to talk to, someone exciting. She dressed well for the party, as she always did. A knee high skirt and a black shirt. Yes, sounds plain but Kate could pull it off. At least as much as her age could permit. She would be 46 next month and was dreading the party for her birthday.

The Rebellious Stepdaughter, Part 2

Faced with Carrie's closed bedroom door, I can feel my rage building to a fever pitch. Somewhere in the back of my mind is the voice of reason, telling me that this isn't all Carrie's fault. There's her mother to blame, too, and myself for marrying the bitch even though I knew I was doing it for the wrong reasons. The girl's been through a lot, the voice says, and is only modelling the behavior she observed from her mother. The voice, my strangled conscience, makes a valid point. But valid points are not going to prevail today. I am on autopilot, and I can feel my heart racing at the prospect of where the autopilot is taking me.

I’ll Be a Mommy’s Uncle! (1-3) [Fm, inc, regression, x-dress, reluct, slow]

I'll Be a Mommy's Uncle! by DiscipleN

It's was dull around the house after my father died. You never know what you're going to miss about a person until he's gone. I'll never miss his cocaine frenzies or the occasional flings he flaunted before mom, but my father was a pretty fun guy otherwise. I was pretty young to be certain of my memories of the time he spent with me, but I know I was never bored. When I turned eleven, it seemed like the three previous years without Pop were one eternal drag after another.

You see my mother was very strict and proper, and she decided, soon after my birth, to ensure I never followed the outlandish path of my father. Curfew was instilled in me the day I left the crib. Sundown meant straight to bed, lights out, and no noise. I could play with friends, but only from after school 'til dinner time, five o-clock. She dressed me conservatively, short haircut, comfortable brown shoes probably designed by the Amish, and she only bought starched white shirts and permanent press gray or tan trousers. I was drilled in every pleasantry and courtesy, and learned manners fit for a duke. In religion she was a tad more flexible, Methodist or Southern Baptist. She took me to both every Sunday.