Rain (and you) [MF, rememberance]

It rains, and I think of you.

Water, racing across the window, sculpts the shadows that fall across my desk; my fingers trace the changing landscape, following the dark lines, and I remember.

I remember the way the rain tasted on your skin. I remember how it trickled down your stomach, your breasts providing a cool alcove while I knelt, cheek pressed to your bare skin. I turned my head upwards to catch the drops of rain as they slid over your curves and onto my waiting lips.

I drank you in.

In my study, I can hear the rain, tapping at the glass of the window, and when I open it, just a crack, I can hear the soft roar of the creek outside as it comes to life. Normally a quiet, lazy, memory of a stream, the torrential downpour has awoken it.

I listen, and I remember.

I remember hearing your heartbeat as I stood, my head resting on your chest, and it sounded like the roaring creek outside, as if we were rushing towards concupiscence and that if we didn't let go, the moment would crash through us, leaving us tangled, the space between us lost.

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In the Empty Lot [mf]

Christmas time was coming closer. Miranda could hardly contain herself the closer it got. While she did adore Christmas, her excitement was about something different.

A few months ago, Paul had become a patient in the office where she worked. He had some back pain from an injury and needed therapy. Miranda, the receptionist, had taken his call and made his appointments. When he came in, one look into his eyes and she was instantly wet. The words she said tumbled out of her mouth, but still she managed to sound professional.

After seeing him for a few weeks, he said that he would be going back to school, so he wouldn’t be in for a couple of months. Miranda’s heart sank. She wanted him so badly; she needed him.
She could tell he felt the same way. The way his eyes would glisten when he’d look at her; the way his fingers twitched when they spoke, and how he seemed to stumble over his words when he talked to her.

As the weeks passed, her anticipation grew.

The Farm, Pt. 2 [mf] [fingering]

Ali dropped Lucy off at her apartment just off campus. Neither girl had spoken much on the ride home, but Ali had handed her an envelope as she was getting out of the car.

"Do you need a ride tomorrow?"

Lucy hugged her arms around her chest, guarding off the bitter cold. "Yeah, I don't have a car…"

That evening Lucy passed by her roommate on the couch and went straight for the bathroom. She turned on the shower and stripped off her clothes and let them fall to the tile. For a long time, Lucy stared at her reflection until the steam filled the small room and fogged the mirror.

Under the hot water, Lucy scrubbed her body clean and thought back on her trial.

"Action!" Mark had shouted, walking off the set.

Immediately, James stalked forward towards Lucy's bare body, and took her by her shoulders. He was so much larger than her, in height and muscle, and he was able to effortlessly toss her onto the sheets and pillows. When she hit the floor, Lucy's breath was knocked out of her which made the men off-set chuckle.

Orbital Academy III

Like the story? Hate it? Let me know how I'm doing in the comments!

Part 1
Part 2

"Four minutes remaining." Missy was sure that the cold robotic voice was speaking directly to her. It didn't matter that she could look to her left or right to see her squaddies climbing the rock wall around her. It didn't matter that the other rookies were sweating, straining, and in pain as they scaled the surface just like she was. No, at this moment as her muscles screamed at her and her vision blurred Missy knew that the cold, metallic voice was aimed solely at her.

One hand up. Look for the hook. Grab. Pull up. One hand up. She let the mantra repeat in her head, trying to ignore the fact that even the slowest of her fellow squaddies had made it to the top. Her arms stung, trembling whenever she pulled herself higher. The joints in her fingers were on fire. She tried to distract herself by doing the math; she was forced up this wall three days a week, and she had been at the Academy for three weeks. Ten times on this hateful surface. On their first attempt, Captain Appet had assured them all that the course would get easier, that they would soon be able to finish the whole course in the twenty minutes. She told them that someday they would find it easy to run the mile, scale the wall, and make it safely through the attack track to grab one of the nine pendants that hung on hooks at the end of the track.

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The Farm, Pt. 1


It didn't take Lucy long to hear, through word of mouth, about the farm five miles out of town. The community college she'd moved to was a in a fairly rural southern town, and there wasn't much around besides the Baptist church on every street corner, and the gas station and grocery store.

Being so small, hardly anyone was hiring, but Lucy had heard the rumors. Girls paid their way through school around here by getting part-time, or even full-time, jobs at the farm. It was taboo, and incredibly risky, but without her dad to help her out, Lucy could see no other choice.

The day she decided to finally look into the farm was the day before Thanksgiving break. A girl in her literature class had been whispering to another right in front of her. Lucy knew the girl's name was Ali, and when Ali pulled out 700 dollars from her wallet to prove it to her friend, Lucy was convinced.

That afternoon when their class let out, Lucy approached Ali and discreetly asked her about the farm. Ali glanced around the two of them and pulled Lucy aside by the forearm. "We can't talk about it here, but if you're serious, meet me in the parking lot outside of the theater building tonight at six."

Push [MF][BDSM]

I brush the back of my hand over her left cheek to make sure she's no longer trembling. Then I lay it over her lips and wait for her to kiss it before moving two fingers down the side of her neck, to pet her, stroke her—comfort her. I lean down and kiss her on the lips, her right cheek and the cloth the covers each eyelid, my hands sliding down her shoulders to her hips, touching everything in between.

“Are you ready?” I ask it as neutrally as I can, trying to stop any hint of concern or excitement from entering my voice. I imagine I fail.

She just nods, her lips pursed together, being a brave little soldier.

“Alright, but you can say stop any time. I won't be angry. It won't change anything. Okay?”

She nods again, her lips pressed together even more tightly.

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Koneko (OC)

God, she stretched like a cat in the morning. Or a dog, I suppose. Downward dog, they say. Anyway, what she was doing was everything she could to accentuate the dimples above her ass, swelling a supercell in the back of my brain. Hormones, hormones, hormones- The Apollo to my brain’s Olympus. I really wish I was in control sometimes.

She was leaving, picking up her white panties from the ground and giving me a hell of a view in the process. Her tits were just right so that when she was bent, they swung slightly, but maintained a firm point at her constantly-erect nipples (she had some as-yet-unidentified eastern blood, maybe cantonese?). I was horny, but figured it was best to just let her go. My mouth tasted like stale Belmont, and sour breath was one of the few things in this world that can kill my mood. We’d had our fun, anyways.


She texted him. "Tonight. 9.30 pm. The Ritz". As she reclined on her chair, sipping a warm, deliciously rich coffee, she felt shivers of pleasure down her spine…

The phone vibrated. He was busy at work, and glanced at his phone. A message from her! He read it. He felt his organ growing under his well ironed trousers, and his ears turning a shade of scarlet at the thought of what she must have planned for him…

The day progressed, and so did their eagerness to meet. No sooner did the clock strike 9, did he switch off his laptop. He raced down the stairs, not waiting for the lift to arrive. He revved up the gear on his BMW, and drove at a speed he wouldn't usually drive at. But then, it wasn't going to be a usual night…

She was waiting in the lobby, elegantly perched upon a high backed chair, her legs crossed. A fitted black skirt, skimming her knees, sheer black stockings, a deep grey shirt, the buttons straining across her bosom, and deep red lips. Just how he liked them.

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My keys stabbed into my back with every pump. The car was cramped, fogged, echoing moans and breath. Our clothes were still half on, her skirt was hiked and my jeans low, just enough to reach each other. My right hand was on her breast, her nipple rest between my middle and ring finger. They got hard when I would tell her how tight and satisfying she was, or when I spanked her through her skirt. I grabbed her ass with both hands, one of my fingers landed on the outside of her asshole. She loved the tease, and would bring her hips back on her downstroke to encourage me to move closer. I gave her another spank before reclining my seat and pulled her towards me. She smelled like patchouli incense, her olive skin was rippled with goosebumps. I could hit her sweetest spots like this, fast. I had her long ebony hair gripped and pulled so her neck bent and she faced upwards, her mouth blissfully hanging open. The most beautiful sounds came from the back of her throat, and I felt her torso pressing into mine like it always does before she comes. My biggest problem in bed is that the sound and feeling of her oncoming orgasm is what sets me off, and I have to fight to reach my own apex during of after hers. I grabbed her shoulder with the hand that was not wrapped in her hair, gripped, and pulled her body down, as deep as I could, before my body became it’s sentient self and forced my head back. My shoulders flex, my hands pulled her hair harder and gripped her body. Her nails dug into my neck and shoulders, and the chirps she let escape into my ear were even more satiating than my own pulsing muscles. I didn’t even notice the officers lights in the window.

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Catnip (OC short)

Nipple rings. I’ve been obsessed with them lately. The desire to impale something so sensitive tells of some beautiful neural highways I would love to drive. The vines on her dark skin crawled up the side of her breast, and from my position behind her, it tangled with my fingers, through her rings, and helped squeeze the way she liked it. I loosened my grip so that her breasts sat in my hand, and the sway from each thrust made her nipples brush my calloused palms, and they stiffened.

Because it was Her, I was in heaven. I wished I could slip my middle fingers through her rings and keep her captive. My face would land in her neck and my hip bones would lock into the dimples on her back. I would walk for both of us, carry her anywhere, and it would be worth it. White.

Categorized as Erotica