Tribute of Flesh, Part 2 [mf][interracial, submission]

We left Paris at the Platte in separate cars. I followed Kylie to the two bedroom apartment she shared with her classmate on the other side of downtown. I must have gained the roommate’s approval, judging by expressions of shock and inaudible words of praise she covertly mouthed behind my back while I pretended not to look. It surprises me that women actually think we don’t see that. The swank little apartment was obviously too expensive for college students working on music degrees, implying that the girls were still getting help from their parents. The framed art deco pictures above the flat screen TV seemed at odds with the Hello Kitty poster hanging from Kylie’s bedroom door. Just enough innocence to convince mommy and daddy she was still their little girl; not so bold as to warrant rich girl shaming from fellow students.

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Fantasy Is More than Black and White (M/F – preview)

Here's the first part of my new story! I'd love to know what you think.

Fantasy is More than Black and White A Wedding Fantasia

Most straight guys would have considered dating a hot bisexual girl a fantasy — even if it only lasted a week and she never did get around to inviting one of her girlfriends in for the porn-requisite threesome.

Unlike most straight guys, it hadn’t ever occurred to Trey to fantasize about any of that. Besides, it had been years ago.

But when that hot bisexual ended up marrying Trey’s sister Dianne… Well, that wasn’t the stuff of fantasy at all.

Trey didn’t mind that his sister was marrying a woman. He was happy to serve as her best man. Ecstatic.


What was throwing Trey for a loop through the whole ceremony wasn’t that Dianne, who’d come out to him when she was twelve, was marrying another woman. It was that she was marrying Lara. Lara Jefferson. Who had slept with everything that moved during college, and after. Including — for one very, very weird week — Trey.

[m/f] Classroom

She was the kind of girl I would never fall for. Ever. Infact, she was quite the opposite of "my sort of girl"; Too thin for my liking but with an admirable hour-glass figure, a perfect ass which would get highlighted well enough for a second look whenever she wore denims and her boobs which though were admirably big and full for her body frame seemed to sag more often than not- probably more to do with her choice of bra then anything else. Her skin tone was dusky brown which I actually liked. Her face presented a good case of, at the risk of sounding very shallow, "cover the face, fuck the base". And her hair did not help her either; too thin and of a shade of brown which made them always look dirty. All this along with the fact that she lacked the basic manners and was generally foolish made her a huge no for me. Yet, there was something about her which made me want her.

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Dave. [true story, m/f]

When I first met Dave, I was about 21 and he was probably going on 43, though you still couldn't tell. He carries himself with youthful vigour. He asked me my name, and immediately knew who my dad was. "Tonto", they called him. It seems that everyone I have met that knew my dad knew that name, and felt it necessary to tell me a few wild stories. I have grown impartial to the stories. I think Dave could tell, because he only bothered to tell me one. I was working with my common-law husband, drywalling, and at the time Dave was running his dad's company cleaning out basements and shit for insurance jobs (after floods and that kind of thing). Every morning, the c-l and I would drop our daughter off at daycare, drive to Dave's, and have a cup of coffee. He drank his coffee like tar, I swear you could nearly stand a spoon up in it. Maybe that's where he got all the hair from, fuck he was a man beast, and it made me crazy. He likely noticed my eyeing him up over coffee, sitting next to c-l. I would fiddle with my spoon, bite on it, make "eyes" and grin at him while he told his stories, and often let my eyes wander over him.

Beginning scene of a fantasy erotica series I’ve been working on, would love feedback! [m/f]

Getin leaned his broom against the wooden barn wall and wiped the sweat from his brow. His messy brown hair was dripping wet and damp patches were quickly forming on the waist of his tan trousers. In the middle of the day the barn felt more like an oven and the sickly sweet smell of hay was overpowering. Though he tried to get all his indoor work done in the early morning, he found himself stuck sweeping up the mess left by the king’s guards once again.

He grabbed his threadbare shirt off the gate and wiped down his naturally muscular body. Working as a stable boy for most of his life never allowed for much accumulation of fat. Even though he’d had his left arm amputated above the elbow when he was young, Getin’s body had only ever known the hardships of manual labour. He felt a light breeze on his cooling skin and turned to check on the animals grazing in the fields beyond. The cattle were all snoozing quietly under the shade of a few trees and all seemed well. He turned his gaze to the town beyond and tried to make out individual buildings through the haze of the day. He was concentrating so much he didn’t hear the approach of two people behind him.

Tribute of Flesh, Part 1 [mf][interracial]

We chose Paris on the Platte as our meeting place. The modern bohemian cafe on the Upper West Side of downtown Denver was filled with patrons. At 11 am on Sunday morning, the coffee shop served as a point of fusion for hummus-eating hipsters and artistic emo goths. I entered through the front door to find myself awash in vivid hues emanating from canvas along the walls. Expressionist paintings and copper metalwork – pieces for sale by local art students – accented an otherwise drab brick-n-mortar interior. I was an outsider in what could be called yet another mecca for the younger members of Denver’s counter culture.

Of course, I wasn't here to make friends. After a weekend death spiral of night clubs and online chats, I had found someone to sate my desire for a warm body. She had posted on Craig’s List for companionship: SWF, student, 21, looking for “friends, and maybe more…”. The open call wreaked of the naivety and desperation of a little girl with few friends, far from the large, bustling family she left behind for college not too long ago.

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Dad and daughter – 1st attempt at writing.

Me met Sally when Sally's daughter was 11. Delilah never had a father figure so she took to me almost instantly. Sally raised Delilah in a very loving and affectionate household; hugs and kisses before bed, snuggling, and I love yous. Soon Sally and I got married and Delilah started calling Me dad. I didn't know if she more excited about having a me move in or that she could tell her friends about her mom AND dad.

As Delilah grew into young lady, I started noticing that the goodnight kisses moved from from my cheek to my lips. I didn't think much of it as I had raised her for the last 3 years. I caught her spying on me from the closet while I showered; I covered myself immediately and confronted her. She claimed that she was looking for some clothes that must have got mixed in with moms when they did laundry. That's when I started paying more attention to Delilah's observations of me.

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Morning at Monica’s – In Full [mf] [cougar]

To promote my new collection, Encounters, you can now read story #1 in full, right here!

If you like it, consider viewing my other samples or purchasing the collection through (Bear in mind, the story is available with proper formatting there!)

Soft white carpet greeted Monica's toes as she padded silently out of the bedroom. The young man on her leather sofa snored softly into the cushions, and the warm glow of morning sunlight crept in through the blinds. The city hadn't yet woken up, save for a flock of birds gliding past the floor-to-ceiling windows. She made her way over to the kitchenette, which sat neatly in the corner of the penthouse apartment's wide living-room. The hem of her long white dressing-gown whispered as she moved from carpet to cold linoleum. She stifled a yelp at the sudden chill, as she did every morning. Hurrying over to the kettle, she flicked the beloved coffee-switch and hopped onto one of the tall bar-stools at the kitchen counter. She leant an elbow on the countertop and gazed out the window, waiting for the water to boil. A smile curled her lips – still stained cherry red – as she let memories of the previous night wash over her.

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Hotel bar meeting

This is a story i wrote for my gf, any feedback appreciated. Thanks for reading

It was a mild night in downtown Greenville as Sam stepped into the hotel bar. He was wearing a crisp white shirt along with grey pants, his hair tied up in a bun. He scanned the room, everyone was dressed nice and looking great, a couple of good looking girls here and there. But what really caught his eye was the most beautiful girl there. She sat at the bar in a tight black dress, something that had sexy written all over it. As she looked her over shoulder they locked eyes and he smiled. She smiled back with the most magnificent smile he had ever seen. He strolled over, a little nervous as he wanted to impress such a stunning young lady. Lucky for him the chair next to her was empty. "Do you mind if i take a seat?" "No not at all" she replied. It was music to his ears. Not only did she look drop dead gorgeous but she smelled like roses, he wanted to kiss her right then but he knew he would have to wait. In fact he wanted to do a lot of things.

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Mindsc@pe [mf] [bdsm] [petplay] [cake] [tentacles]

I have been working on this story for a while, it's up to chapter ten but I'm still going (47k words). It started as a piece for a friend, but has kinda grown since then.

The premise is a young man suffers trauma which causes him the ability to cross into another person's mind. What he finds is that when people are given a circumstance where there are no ramifications to their actions, their horny side tends to come out to play.

Posting all of the parts to has taken a long time, but they're finally all up there; the website only approves one submission per author per day and it took a couple of days for them to start. That said, I have requested an address change on all chapters due to them replacing the @ with a in the automatic web address naming thing.

This is where you can find chapter one Go here if the above link doesn't work I am waiting for the addresses to all update before linking the next part at the bottom of each chapter, but you should be able to find the next chapters in the sidebar.

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