Dave. [true story, m/f]

When I first met Dave, I was about 21 and he was probably going on 43, though you still couldn't tell. He carries himself with youthful vigour. He asked me my name, and immediately knew who my dad was. "Tonto", they called him. It seems that everyone I have met that knew my dad knew that name, and felt it necessary to tell me a few wild stories. I have grown impartial to the stories. I think Dave could tell, because he only bothered to tell me one. I was working with my common-law husband, drywalling, and at the time Dave was running his dad's company cleaning out basements and shit for insurance jobs (after floods and that kind of thing). Every morning, the c-l and I would drop our daughter off at daycare, drive to Dave's, and have a cup of coffee. He drank his coffee like tar, I swear you could nearly stand a spoon up in it. Maybe that's where he got all the hair from, fuck he was a man beast, and it made me crazy. He likely noticed my eyeing him up over coffee, sitting next to c-l. I would fiddle with my spoon, bite on it, make "eyes" and grin at him while he told his stories, and often let my eyes wander over him.

We would go to jobs, and occasionally I would ride with him in his truck, while c-l caught rides with the other workers, leaving our car behind to save gas, of course Dave's helpful motive. I enjoyed riding with Dave. While there was that electrifying sexual tension, it was also fun. He was thrilled to hear my taste in music, he was always so energetic, his voice was something like I had never heard, I just wanted him so bad. But I played cool, because you know, he was close friends with the c-l, and the biker's code was something they all "stood by". I didn't want to get myself into trouble.

So we did many jobs, and followed this routine, over and over again. We went to the job, cleared out the mess, often took home "write off's" because if we claimed it was damaged, the owner got a new one, and we got a "slightly damaged whathaveyou". It was a score all around. Once the places were cleaned out, Dave and his crew began repairs and reconstruction, while c-l and I started boarding and sometimes mudding on a good day, but usually this process took a few days. I'm sure you know the roundabout of insurance claims, sewer backups, all that junk. One day we had a call out on an acreage. It was only 20 minutes out of town, so we took it. The drive there, I was nearly wet through my panties, flirting offhandedly with Dave. I wanted him to pull over so desperately. But again, it was played cool. We were just "buds" having "fun". When we got there, we began work right away, and I imagine the sexual frustration fuelled some pretty hard work, because we ended up a little ahead of schedule that day. C-l had started boarding, and at some point, someone realized a particular tool had been forgotten at the shop, back in town, on the outskirts. I had never been to the shop, so I excitedly offered to come with, so I could see it. Dave said he would drive, he was the one who needed the tool, and everyone else had something to do. And c-l was none the wiser, as far as I know.

We drove the 20 minutes to town, he made me giggle the entire way, even touched my leg and shoulder a few times. It was like fire to ice, I was enjoying his touches far too much. We had a couple smokes, talked about some "deep life shit" as he called it, and eventually had come through town, and to the shop. The dirty industrial area was relatively vacant, except for his guard dog, who just happened to be a big softie. I am guessing this was because Dave was there. It was apparent his family had also used the shop and fenced in area to store things, there were a few campers, old vehicles… just junk. It was fascinating. We went into the shop, a large sheet metal type building, and he slid the huge door shut behind us. The smell of vehicle oil, gasoline, it makes me drunk. I was in heaven. After our eyes had adjusted to the dusty darkness, we turned to find a few things we had decided on the trip we should pick up while there. I don't clearly remember what I had said, some sexist joke I am sure, but while approaching the towering wall of tool drawers and hanging cords, wires, he swatted my ass. My heart began to pump a little harder. I had to have some of him. God he was so primal. He smelled of man sweat, cheap cologne, cars and coffee. I wanted to run my tongue all over him, I could feel my mind going a little crooked.

At some point, while nonchalantly digging through a lower drawer, I caught him standing behind me, eyes a little glazed. Of course, I was bent over, not kneeling, on purpose. I continued to dig, pretending I hadn't noticed, and wiggled my butt in the air a little, just to be a bit of a tease. He must have snapped out of it, because he began to shuffle around a bit. I had assumed he was looking for a few more things. I had a couple of screw drivers in my back pocket, and come to think of it, I was probably just grabbing shit to keep myself looking innocent in intent, because as I recall, we only needed several bigger tools. The sawzall, and some sanders, I think. Anyways, we were a little off track, distracted I guess. The drawer I was digging in was in front of an old car, parked for years. Being so concerned inside my mind with Dave's body and how badly I wanted him, I hadn't noticed him slide between me and the car. He was leaning back against it, just "chillin". Watching my ass wiggle as I dug around, drawer to drawer. When I finally came up, satisfied I had found the electrical tape, I was a bit wobbly from the head rush. I swayed backward a bit and felt him behind me. Startled, I swayed more, and he grabbed my hips.

He told me to be careful, and very gently pulled me back toward him, letting my ass graze his clearly hard cock. I knew what I was feeling through my jeans, and gently pushed back further. Whether or not I was going to fuck him, I was going to make him crazy. I heard him groan a little, his grip on my hips tightened for a second and his hands ran up my waist. My back arched, I love the feel of strong hands, and wearing only a wife-beater, they felt so good against my nearly naked skin. I let out a sigh, just a simple signal to let him knew he had me. He pulled me back further so I was leaning against him. He let a breath of hot air hit my ear, my neck, my collarbone, before setting his lips and teeth against my skin. Oh my god. I was on fire. Trembling at the knees.

I dropped the electrical tape, set my hands on his legs and tilted my head, I wanted him to have full access to my neck. It was so relieving when he took full advantage of it. For some reason, every single step of the way, I was terrified he was going to stop (biker code), and eventually say something to c-l about it. The fear of knowing how wrong this was, how bad I was, I think it fuelled some serious adrenaline. My heart was racing. My pussy was throbbing. I instinctively parted my legs a bit and ran my hands backward, up his legs, and gently massaged his thighs. His teeth were sinking into my neck, just lightly, between kisses and licks. His hands wandered over my breasts, down to my hips, and back up beneath my shirt. They slid under my bra and pinched my nipples, I pressed my butt against him again, feeling how hard he was. I remember thinking, fuck, this better be worth it. He better fuck me hard.

He slid his hands back down, gripping my skin here and there, and slid them over my belt. I let out little moans and twisted my neck as best I could, he leaned his head forward and kissed me. It was hot. His kiss was strong, forceful, and while he was opening my belt, his arms squeezed me tight. The pressure against my body was intoxicating. Everything about him was intoxicating. Always has been, always will be. I ran my hands from his thighs to his pants and undid them, keeping things fair. He slid his hand down my pants and lightly ran his fingers up and down my slit, toying with my lips, teasing me. His hands felt amazing, big, strong, textured. I brought one of my hands forward and pressed it against his through my jeans, pressing his hand hard against my clit, grinding it for just a second. I heard his breath catch, and took the opportunity to grip his shaft lightly, slide my hand up and down a few times before he slid two fingertips inside me. Maybe it was the angle, and the fact that he couldn't thrust them in all the way, but he hit my g-spot almost instantly. He flicked his fingers back and forth, I shuddered, my mouth gaped, my grip on him tightened. He groaned again, and I stroked him a bit more deliberately. I tilted my hips toward his hand, determined to get him to come back to my clit. I used my free hand to tug at his muscular arm a little bit, and gripped it tight when it was in the perfect position. Needless to say, he got the hint. His fingers were slippery by now, and he circled and stroked my clit, my knees shuddered more, I gasped, he bit my lip, chin, jaw line, licked and kissed my neck. I was on my toes, flexing in ecstasy. Then he stopped. He pulled his hand out of my pants, and I had a mini-heart attack, thinking he must have realized what he was doing, and I was in major shit. He gripped the back of my pants and tugged them down, smacked my ass and backed my hips against him, I could feel his hard shaft, it slid between my butt-cheeks a couple times, tickling, before he took a hand, lined up, and had his tip right against my entrance. I tilted my hips back and forth, so as to rub my pussy lips against his head, and for a moment he took this abuse before gripping my hips and thrusting in hard, deep, suddenly. I gasped aloud, leaned forward and placed a hand against the tool chest for stability. He pushed and pulled me, back and forth, and again, suddenly stopped. Deep inside me, he gripped my waist and pulled me back against him, I could feel the rise and fall of his chest against my back. Clearly he was enjoying this as much as I was. He, with one hand, turned my face and kissed me again, with the other slid down my front and began rubbing my clit again. I am getting wet just remembering.

He held me tight, kissed me deep, rubbed me swiftly, and I came so hard, I don't think I had ever had an orgasm quite like it before this. I was pulsing my hips back and forth just a tiny bit, just enough to feel the friction of his cock inside me while he rubbed steadily. He continued to kiss me as I came around him, grunting as my pussy tightened and convulsed around his shaft. I whimpered a little through my nose, wrapped my hands behind his neck to save myself from falling, and enjoyed the high for a moment. He continued to rub my slick lips a little bit longer, clearly enjoying my jumpiness and twitching. And again, he stopped. I could tell, this time, he wasn't finished. He stood up behind me, stepped out of his boot and pants, spun us around so I was laying back against the car, briskly tore my shoes, pants and panties off of me and leaned above me. He kissed my neck, pressed his hips against mine, slid his cock into my wet lips, and I watched him explore me a little. His hands pushed up my top, his fingers clawed down the front of my bra, he rolled my nipples between his thumbs and fingers while his mouth made its way down. His hot, wet lips engulfed my tits, his tongue circled my nipples, he covered them one kiss and one lick at at time. He began thrusting deeply into me, slamming hard against me. The brute force, I loved it. He slid his hands beneath my arms, up over the back of my shoulders, using them to pull me toward him. I watched him still, flexing, thrusting, watching me back. I watched his cock slide in and out of me shamelessly. As he came closer to orgasm, he leaned down against me, and again, that pressure, his weight, I loved it. He was obviously densely built, very muscular. I gripped his shirt behind him, ran my hands over his biceps, felt him as much as I could. He slid a hand beneath my ass and gripped it hard, I bit down on his shoulder and could feel he was getting close. I was desperate to hear that primal noise again, and as he came, I broke the near-silence asked him to make a noise for me. He came right then, flexing above me, pressing against me, and I got to hear the most masculine groan, the sexiest grunt, the most primal noise, full of ecstasy and desire, of my life.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/21ex4w/dave_true_story_mf


  1. I loved this… So much detail… Made me hard. Please read mine and give me feedback, it was my first go, so nowhere near this quality, but I’d still like some input. Thank you.

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