Hotel bar meeting

This is a story i wrote for my gf, any feedback appreciated. Thanks for reading

It was a mild night in downtown Greenville as Sam stepped into the hotel bar. He was wearing a crisp white shirt along with grey pants, his hair tied up in a bun. He scanned the room, everyone was dressed nice and looking great, a couple of good looking girls here and there. But what really caught his eye was the most beautiful girl there. She sat at the bar in a tight black dress, something that had sexy written all over it. As she looked her over shoulder they locked eyes and he smiled. She smiled back with the most magnificent smile he had ever seen. He strolled over, a little nervous as he wanted to impress such a stunning young lady. Lucky for him the chair next to her was empty. "Do you mind if i take a seat?" "No not at all" she replied. It was music to his ears. Not only did she look drop dead gorgeous but she smelled like roses, he wanted to kiss her right then but he knew he would have to wait. In fact he wanted to do a lot of things.

The barman came over, "two angry orchids please barkeep" Sam said as he offered his hand to the young lady. "Hi, I'm Sam. I couldn't help but notice that beautiful smile and i had to come introduce myself". The girl was flattered and a little shocked as he spoke with an Australian accent, not exactly something you hear around these parts. "I'm Sierra, nice to meet you and thank you". Although she had heard that compliment a million times she was more than happy to hear it once more, especially from someone that seemed so genuine. The barman returned with the drinks. "Hope you like cider" Sam said as he raised his glass to meet hers. She smiled, he had somehow read her well " Cheers" they said locking eyes once more and smiling.

As they sat and talked Sam constantly ran his eyes up and down Sierra, it was hard not to. Her smile was complimented by her beautiful skin tone, a colour similar to chocolate; he imagined it tasted even sweeter. Then as his eyes rolled farther down her chest he was met with the perfect amount of cleavage that highlighted a beautiful set of boobs. It was hard to keep his eyes off but Sam was a gentleman after all and did his best to maintain eye contact, which was easy considering how beautiful her face was.

Soon enough they were onto their second round, the drinks were flowing as easy as the conversation. They both felt very comfortable in each others presence. Sam managed to keep Sierras attention, even laughing at his questionable jokes. He would occasionally touch her lightly on the arm, she grazing his leg every now and then. This small motion was enough to get Sam aroused, especially as his mind raced. He only hoped Sierra felt the same, he could feel the sexual tension between the two growing as the flirting intensified.

Before long round 3 and 4 had passed and the laughing continued. Both were feeling a little tipsy by now, but neither was sure as to weather it was the alcohol or the excitement of what more the night had to offer. Soon enough they were the only two left in the bar and the bartender looked ready to leave. "i hope you're enjoying tonight as much as i am" Sam said as Sierra smiled in response, a smile that made him want her even more. "Well maybe we can continue this conversation upstairs". "I'd like that" Sierra responded. He offered her his hand as they walked to the elevator. They got of at the 4th floor and walked to room 420, Sam's room.

Sam paused with the key in his hand " Before we enter, there's something i need to do". Sierra was slightly confused, why would he stop before they were getting to his room. He stared into her eyes and leaned forward, butterflies in his stomach. As he closed his eyes his lips met hers, soft big and beautiful, it was like kissing marshmallows. Never had he kissed such sweet lips. He wanted it to last forever but pulled away, to be greeted by a big cheesy grin from Sierra. He grabbed her hand as he opened the door and welcomed her in.

Sierra hadn't been to this hotel before, she was impressed. Sam was staying in a suite with a king size bed, but what really caught her eye was the shower. As she looked back at sam he smiled and leaned in towards her, kissing her again. This time a little firmer, pushing her lightly against the wall. This is exactly like the movies Sierra thought as sam kissed her cheeks and neck a little before pulling back and smiling at her again. Both Sam and Sierra were grinning from ear to ear. They continued to kiss , becoming more and more passionate as they found themselves now in the bathroom. Sierra kicked off her high heels as Sam kicked off his shoes. He grabbed her ass, it was just another awesome asset Sierra had to offer. As she kissed him she could feel Sam was excited, the bulge in his pants was more than obvious. It turned her on to know how excited he was, she could feel herself getting a little wet if she wasn't already.

As Sam kissed her on the neck, she unbuttoned his shirt, touching his stomach. While he didn't quite have a 6 pack, or a 4 pack she could feel the muscles, turning her on even more. Sam then moved to stand behind Sierra, sliding down her dress zipper. She turned and slid it off, revealing a set of two perky boobs Sam's eyes lit up "Amazing" is all he could muster but thought oh so much more. He leant down and kissed her nipples, flicking his tongue and swirling around them as he squeezed them. She stood there only in her black and white lace panties. they complimented her body perfectly.

"Your turn now" Sierra said to Sam. He smiled and she unbuckled his belt, undoing his top button and zipper his pants fell to the bathroom floor. He was now standing in only his black bonds, she could see the outline of his hard cock. She reached over and grabbed it, Sam couldn't believe how lucky he was. "These need to go too" Sierra said referring to his bonds. He slipped them off as she continued to touch him, grabbing his ass. Sam leant down, freeing Sierras hands. He kissed her lips again, rolling his tongue down her neck. She shivered a little as she felt herself getting wetter and wetter. As he continue to kiss her neck moving his mouth up to her ear, his hand slid over her boobs, and down her stomach. He found himself gently playing with the lace at the top of her panties.

Sierra was in ecstasy, Sam slid his hand inside feeling her wet pussy. Sierra leaned back and let out a moan when he slipped in two fingers. He held her close to her and helped her out of her underswear. He slid his fingers out and ran the shower. He pulled Sierra in under the water and kissed her, grabbing her sweet ass in his hands, she could feel his hard dick against her. She wouldn't wait for it to be inside her. Sam pushed her against the wall, it was cold but it was a nice balance with the warm water. Sam once again kissed her before taking a boob in each hand, smiling and admiring. "so fucking sexy" he exclaimed.

He kissed her nippled as his hand once again slid down to her thigh, slowly he lowered his head, continuing to kiss her, down her stomach to her legs. By now he was on his knees staring directly at Sierra's beautiful pussy. He leaned forward and kissed just above, on her landing strip before moving farther down and kissing her directly, he swirled his tongue as he tasted her, she was sweet as expected. He continued to do so as Sierra bucked a little, this turned Sam on immensely. He massaged her ass as he continued to lick her, getting his tongue as deep as possible. Nothing satisfied him more. When he felt that she was ready he moved his left hand up her thigh before sliding two fingers inside her. She let out a moan that told Sam all he needed to know. He slowed down his tongue movements and focused more on his fingers. He curved them upwards, stroking her g spot, The moans and lip biting from Sierra signified a job well done.

Sam stayed on his knees passionately kissing Sierra's pussy, while fondling her ass. After several minutes he could hear Sierra's breathing clearly, it was deeper and he could tell she was getting close to coming. He continued to work his fingers and tongue steadily, he couldn't wait for her to scream… He continued to touch her g spot and then it happened, Sierra let out a moan and her body bucked, her knees became weak. It was an intense orgasm and by the end Sam looked up and smiled, it was so sexy to hear her come like that. He slid out his fingers and hugged her. They continued to shower together, touching and kissing each other.

After a few minutes of showering, Sam turned off the water and handed Sierra a towel, not before checking out her beautiful body. They dried themselves off, hugging and kissing. The whole night was wonderful so far, meeting her at the bar and then the shower. Sam was excited to see what the next instalment had to offer, he took Sierra's hand and kissed it before leading her into the bedroom….
