Black Mail Merri

Making sure she wasn't followed, was part of the game. It wasn't like anyone knows, or if anyone did that they would even care, but Merri casually looked over her shoulder for the 7th time. Making sure she was not followed to the Library. The morning crowd of the quad didn't change. No one leaping behind light poles, or diving into trashcans to avoid direction. The humiliation that would destroy her if anyone knew what she had done, or what she was doing now. She laughed nervously. It was laugh or turn around and chicken out. If she chickened out she would run. And if she ran she would drop her gift. Nothing could be worse than if she broke it. Merri turned back and swallowed hard. Walking with renewed purpose, she never looked back.

Merri steps inside the library. She sucks in a short breath in through her teeth. The pervy janitor who control's the library's air conditioner keeps it set at just above "meat locker". Everyone knows this. Merri feels her confidence melt against the warm shame blossoming in her cheeks. She isn't wearing a bra. Her pale nipples begin to perk up. Then stiffening to the point of aching. They cut through the thin cotton of her shirt.

My friend Betty Chase just started publishing queer erotica and it’s GOOD. In honor of PRIDE, she’s made it free to download for 5 days! Now through June 18, “Bondage Becca” is all yours! [ff][les][lgbt][bdsm][bondage]

Here is the opening page of Bondage Becca (posted with her permission), and it really steams up from there! Please download it and feel free to leave a review! This is the second in her Taboo Alphabet series. Look for more soon! thanks! and I hope you love it! DOWNLOAD HERE!

“I’m going to tie her up and whip her butch little ass,” I said to myself with a smile, already feeling smug and slightly vindicated.

After a long day at work and having to deal with salacious looks from my sleazy bosses, all I wanted to do was go home and have a quiet night with my girl. But oh no. Instead, Devon came home late and in a terrible mood. What’s worse, she picked a fight with me before she even kissed me hello.

And all for what? Because the breakfast bar on the kitchen island was, apparently, filthy.

“Seriously, Becca! This place is a fucking mess!” Devon had criticized the second she walked in the door.

Ex-boyfriend paid me to do things [mmmf]

About two years after I broke up with my first boyfriend (we broke up when I was 17, so I was 19 at the time) he called me and told me he wanted to see me. He was a few years older than me and had moved out of town, so I hadn't seen him for years and said I'd see him, but only if he took me out to eat. I had been pretty broke since moving out of my parents' house, so any free food I could get was a good deal to me. Turns out he knew I was broke…

We had dinner and talked about what we were up to. He soon started talking about dirty things, asking me if I had fooled around with anyone since him. I admitted I had been around a little, but he kept pressing me for details. I eventually admitted I had had sex with two guys in those two years, and that I had blown at least four.

Ravishment in an Elevator

It’s an anonymous Monday. You’re running late for work. You grab an umbrella and your briefcase, take a second to check out your clothes in the mirror (conservative, professional attire) and you step out the door of your apartment.

When the elevator arrives, you step on, you're so preoccupied with outstanding bills and a meeting with your boss, that you barely notice the tall, dark man standing in the corner of the elevator.

The elevator descends past the 8th floor, the 7th, the 6th… then a screech and a jarring sensation as the elevator comes to a sudden halt…

You look over at the man you're sharing the elevator with. Did he just hit the "Emergency Stop" button?

You have a second to register the slightly predatory smile on his face before the lights go out. It’s pitch dark and silent, except for the sound of your breathing… in and out.

"Where were you when the lights went out?" you ask the stranger awkwardly.

There is no reply, but you hear heavy breathing behind you in the dark A set of large hands grasp your hip-bones and pull you backwards against a solid, muscular body. You start to protest, but something about the darkness and anonymity of the situation stops you. No one ever needs to find out about it, after all.

Categorized as Erotica

Please check out my naughty stories, you can read a short one about me and my old landlord right here :)

Hi All! I have started a blog ( to share my naughty activities. Here is a recent post:

I really needed A/C… When I was about 23 I was living alone in Florida and barely making enough money to cover rent. My apartment was in a rundown part of town, but it was clean and comfortable, except in the summer.

I rented the place at the end of September, so it was already cool enough outside that the place was perfect with windows open and the ceiling fan on. Unfortunately, I forgot to take into account how hot it would get in the summer.

May and June of the next year were almost unbearable, and I took to wearing next to nothing around the apartment to stay cool. During one of the hotter weeks, my ceiling fan broke. Luckily, the fan was included with the rent, so the landlord came over and installed a new one. I had forgotten he was coming over, so when I opened the door I was wearing short shorts and a tank top. Nothing too risqué, but a little naughtier than I would have chosen to let him see had I thought about it.

Categorized as Erotica

Beyond Good and Evil [MF]

"What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil."

Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 153

Everyone hated him. That's why he was forced to pay so much. Arrogant, alcoholic, often sadistic, always misogynistic – never a good mix in anyone's books. The easy cash in hand nature of the work was often the sole reason she stayed, and the simple disposable income always came in handy.

Mr. James, the man of the house, was not what you'd exactly call obscenely wealthy, but he owned much of the arable land in the area, the only few businesses in the middle of the small township and consequently had a very good stable income. As a result, he could afford to keep Jocelynn as his maid, though she often felt more like a babysitter at times. Not that the James' had any kids – just that Mr. James often needed a lot of looking after when he started drinking, often after his bored wife hit the town every second night or so.

Wild Threesome By the Pool [MFM][Cuckold]

I love the smell of sunscreen. It reminds me of going away on vacation, of being hundreds of miles away from the responsibilities of your personal and professional life. Of course, I had to remind myself as I applied the sunscreen to my legs on that August afternoon, this wasn't a vacation. We were merely going across the street to hang out at our neighbors' pool for the afternoon. Well, we weren't really hanging out the neighbors.

We had moved onto our street the month before, and at 31 years old we were by far the youngest couple on the block. Our neighbors across the street were a nice couple in their mid-to-late 50s with grown children. When we moved in and met them, my husband Mark mentioned that he was looking to re-finish the deck on our front porch. Our neighbor Phil suggested that his recent college graduate son could come by and do it for us for cheap. He was moving down to New York in September to start his first real job, but in the meantime he was looking for anything that would get him a couple bucks during his last few weeks home.

The Taking of Ms M

I've been working at your office for 3 weeks as an Intern. You are my direct supervisor. I really need this job, and you know it. For the past week, when no one can back up my claims, you call me "Limp Dick" because you found a prescription for Viagra in my desk. You think this is hilarious because I am so young.

It is late Friday night and you've taken particular pleasure in picking an intern and making them stay late on Fridays working on your "personal" projects. Finishing the grunt work you couldn't give a fuck about.

You've been expecting me to deliver finished the necessary paperwork for an important account for the last hour.

Annoyed, bordering on infuriated you have spent the last 15 minutes searching for me – when you find me in the break room. I've taken my tie off, undone my shirt buttons and have almost opened one of your special coffees from the break room fridge.

You are completely livid rushing to within an inch of my face you begin your famous screaming rampage.

Bellman makes threesome fantasy come true! MFM

It's January, my husband and I have been anticipating our much over due trip to Las Vegas. Normally we go 3 times a year but the last year work and kids have really been to busy to leave. We finally land and the limo takes us on our short ride to the Hotel. We have been talking dirty to each other the entire flight and we are needing to get out some toys and kick off some clothes. We are one hour to early to check in and now leaving our bags with the bell desk and headed for a drink. Before we get to the bar my husbands hone rings and they have a room early. "Yes we want it" score, upgrade to a suite! We get the key (card) and off to the room. They will send the bags in about an hour because of all the check ins. Off we go to release!

[Short Story] The Gender Bender Mystery Vol. 1 (Gender Transformation Erotica) free book in comment

Thx for taking a look. Here's a link to the torrent.

Sonny, a 25 year old out-of-work web designer, wakes up one morning to find a mysterious woman in his bed, but if he thought the surprise ended there he was in for a shocker when his body suddenly transformed into that of a female.

Left with no explanation, he becomes forced to live as a woman until he can find a way to transform back. There’s just some problems with that plan. The people around him become unexpectedly aroused for no reason, and there seems to be a strange power associated with his transformation.

The question is, will Sonny figure it out the mystery surrounding his transformation before he ruins his life, or will he be doomed into becoming a sex slave for the people pulling the strings?

Categorized as Erotica