Please check out my naughty stories, you can read a short one about me and my old landlord right here :)

Hi All! I have started a blog ( to share my naughty activities. Here is a recent post:

I really needed A/C… When I was about 23 I was living alone in Florida and barely making enough money to cover rent. My apartment was in a rundown part of town, but it was clean and comfortable, except in the summer.

I rented the place at the end of September, so it was already cool enough outside that the place was perfect with windows open and the ceiling fan on. Unfortunately, I forgot to take into account how hot it would get in the summer.

May and June of the next year were almost unbearable, and I took to wearing next to nothing around the apartment to stay cool. During one of the hotter weeks, my ceiling fan broke. Luckily, the fan was included with the rent, so the landlord came over and installed a new one. I had forgotten he was coming over, so when I opened the door I was wearing short shorts and a tank top. Nothing too risqué, but a little naughtier than I would have chosen to let him see had I thought about it.

My landlord was about 60 and a bit of a pervert. He kept staring at my body, and it felt like he could see right through my clothes. It didn't help that my hamper was clearly visible and he was able to see a collection of thongs right on top.

After he put up the fan, he "accidentally" brushed against my boobs when coming into the kitchen. I gasped, but it also felt good getting this old man so riled up. What happened next was totally unexpected.

"You sure could use an air conditioner in here." He said. "I wish, I can barely afford the electricity to run my fan!" I laughed.

He looked me up and down again and I think he could tell I was desperate, and it was clear he was horny since his hardon was pointing out through his thin shorts.

"You would probably be a lot cooler in your birthday suit. In fact, I bet if you got into your birthday suit right now, you might even end up with an air conditioner installed tomorrow." He said.

I didn't know how to begin to respond. At first I was ready to slap him and call the cops, but as the seconds ticked by and the heat continued to rise, I simply stepped back and pulled off my top.

"An air conditioner? You promise?" I asked him as I pulled off my shorts. I stood there in a tiny pair of panties, just a foot away from him as he stared at my flesh.

"Get naked and I'll get you that AC. Get on your knees and you can keep your rent money this month to pay for all that electricity for your new AC." He smirked.

I was young, alone and broke. I needed air conditioning, and he was right, I couldn't even afford to use it unless I had some extra cash.

I averted my eyes and kneeled down. He pulled me back up and grabbed my panties.

"I said naked. Show me that pussy." He said as he stripped them off. He manhandled me and lifted my small frame to the counter and placed my pussy almost at eye level. Although I never agreed to it, he pulled my legs wide and played around with my pussy for a bit. It was obvious my pleasure wasn't his concern, as he pinched and prodded my pink slit just to watch it open and redden as I got moist. Instead of fingering me, he slipped his screwdriver handle inside me and told me to get ready.

With the screwdriver sticking out my abused pussy, he made me kneel and suck his gnarled old cock. It tasted dirty and sweaty, and it filled my whole mouth. Luckily, he was really turned on and it only took a few licks and a deep thrust or two to make him cum. Again he disregarded what I wanted and kept his shaft deep in my throat as he came.

With that he wiped his cock on my panties, said goodbye and left without another word. I rushed to the bathroom and threw up long strongly globs of his load, tasting it again and again as it stuck to my teeth and tongue.

My new air conditioner was installed the next day, along with an envelope with a refund of my rent money. Despite what I went through, that air conditioner was worth it! I never would have survived the Florida heat but for that.

I was able to get a refund of my rent a few times after that…
