Today, I crave…

I wrote this yesterday under a different account. Decided to re-release it under the proper account.

Today, I crave.

I crave

…to have her laying on a bed, giving me that smile that lights up the world.

…to catch the small hints of perfume as she moves and pulls back the sheets.

…to feel the warmth of her body as I slide into the bed next to her.

…to feel her move toward me, because she craves me as much as I crave her.

I want

…to feel her long brunette hair slide over my face, shoulder, and chest as she moves closer to kiss me.

…to feel her breath cascade over my skin as her lips get closer to mine.

…I want to feel her warm, soft lips slide over mine as my fingers caress the warm, soft curves of her body.

…to feel the lace panties against her skin, and her breasts against my chest.

…to purposely slide my hand down her legs as I take off her panties because I love to touch her warm, soft skin.

Categorized as Erotica

The Trip Home – [MF][Passionate] Tamera and Tony are stranded on a mountain road in a snowstorm and they try to stay warm the only way they know how.

Journal #32

Sunday, December 15th

I can’t believe I’ve written 31 journals already. With all the stresses and anxieties of life in college, it has been a good release to get all of my stress and anxieties out of my mind and onto paper. I hate to admit it, but mom was right. Writing everything down has really helped me to keep my bearings this year. I find I am much calmer and I am much, much more organized. I now take the time to think things through and I’ve resolved many problems just by writing things down clearly and then reflecting on them.

Starting college last year, Bobby being deployed, and hearing about my parents divorce…it was all too much and I needed to have an outlet. Sigh. I miss the days when I would smoke a bowl…or five, and do absolutely nothing all day, but in the big picture, weed was just making it all worse. I was getting further away from my goals, not closer to them.

Now I feel like I have much more balance in my life. I’m really starting to work through frustrating situations and I have more peace of mind. I hate to admit it, and I won’t admit it to her but it has really helped.

The Realtor


As you know, Danny and I have been looking for a new house. I know I have already sent you a million questions, but this time I really need your advice. Something happened today and I don’t know what to do about it. Since you are a realtor, I need your professional opinion on something.

I wish you still lived here as it would have made this whole process much easier…and today wouldn’t have happened. Although I haven’t yet figured out if that is good or bad.

Danny wanted to use one of his friends to be our realtor but the guy hasn’t passed all his tests yet and I didn’t like the idea of using him anyway. The friend he had in mind is not a responsible person and doesn’t pay attention to details. Instead, I did what you suggested and I asked a few coworkers who they would recommended. I received ten different names and I called them all.

My sixth call was to a very interesting agent who had an amazing French accent. Danny spoke to him as well and didn’t really like him. I did some research on all ten and the man who spoke French was the highest rated and had the most successful out of all of them so I insisted on using him.

Categorized as Erotica

Quick Flash – I may need to get another job… Part 3 [MF][Interracial]

Quick Flash – I may need to get another job… Part 2


I’m going crazy! I’ve had to wait all day and it is making me an unproductive lunatic!

Jamal wasn’t in the office when I arrived this morning so I kept my eye on his new assistant. I have no idea what her name is, because I honestly don’t care. She is just a temp who is working with him until his assistant returns from maternity leave. I suppose I should learn her name as she could be useful. Anyway, as soon she went to the lunchroom for coffee, I followed her. After I poured my coffee I tried to nonchalantly ask when Jamal was coming in. I made up some lame excuse about having some reports I wanted to discuss with him.

I think that smart little bitch is catching on. She told me that his plane was delayed and then gave me a wink. Although she did say she would let me know when he arrived. It is so hard to get information out of her without blurting out, “Can you please tell me when that amazing, handsome, intelligent man with the big cock returns?” I hope she is an ally and not an enemy, or I will definitely be looking for another job.

Quick Flash – I may need to get another job…Part 2 [Interracial][Oral]Masturbation]

I may need to get another job – Part 1


Last night was so frustrating! Jamal finished his last meeting and I waited around for him as he met with all the department heads. As he would pass by on his way to each department heads office, he would look at me and pout as if to say, “Please get me away from these guys!”

It was almost 7:30 and I couldn’t fake anymore work. You know how strict they have become about working overtime. I sent him a message that I had to leave and I gave him my number.

I ran home and cleaned my apartment as fast as I could and ordered in some food. At 9:00 pm, he finally sent me a text that he was going to be leaving the office soon, but then at 9:20 he sent me another text that he had a flat tire. At 9:45 he said he couldn’t get the tire off of his car, and he was calling a tow truck. And then at 11:15 he sent another text and told me he was still waiting for the tow truck.

Quick Flash – I May Need to Get Another Job…[MF][Interracial][Masturbation]

In this weeks Quick Flash, Jaime may have to find another job after she has a private meeting with her team leader…in the stairwell.

As always, all three blogs have identical content. The WORK and COLLEGE blogs are "vanilla" and appropriate to read in each location.


Euphoria & Lust – Quick Flash – I May Need to Get Another Job…


Be a Value to Your Employer – Friday Team Building – When Possible, Take The Stairs


Student Hive – Friday Fun – Fire Drill Safety

The Pool

This weeks Quick Flash isn't very quick, even though I wrote it as I normally would. Also at 7,100 words, it is almost twice as long as my other stories, so I will just call it a short story, not a Quick Flash. It just spilled from my soul so I went with it.

A beautiful lifeguard saves a man…outside of the pool.

I'm curious to know what you think of it. Please leave a comment here or on the blog. Thank you.


As always, all three blogs have identical content. The WORK and COLLEGE blogs are "vanilla" and appropriate to read in each location.


Euphoria & Lust – The Pool


Be a Value to Your Employer – Free CPR Classes For Your Office


Student Hive – Lifeguard Classes Now Available

Categorized as Erotica

Quick Flash – His Fourth of July Explosions [MF][Rough][Outside]

I hope your Fourth of July was also fun and…explosive!

Please let me know if you have been enjoying the Quick Flash series. If you have an suggestions or comments, I would be happy to hear them.

As always, all three blogs have identical content. The WORK and COLLEGE blogs are "vanilla" and appropriate to read in each location.


Euphoria & Lust – Quick Flash – His Fourth of July Explosions


Be a Value to Your Employer – Friday Team Building – Tossing Aside Bad Ideas


Student Hive – Friday Fun – Volunteers To Clean The Campus

Categorized as Erotica

Quick Flash – My Boyfriend Hasn’t Stopped Smiling…

To my Canadian readers, Happy Canada Day!

For this weeks Quick Flash, two couples get together to go out to dinner, but they get a little more in their mouths than they expected…

As always, all three blogs have identical content. The WORK and COLLEGE blogs are "vanilla" and appropriate to read in each location.


Euphoria & Lust – Quick Flash – My Boyfriend Hasn't Stopped Smiling…


Be a Value to Your Employer – Friday Team Building – Branching Out With Your Contacts


Student Hive – Friday Fun – Working Together In Groups

Categorized as Erotica

Quick Flash – The Spirit in the Forest

A few weeks ago, I saw this post. It intrigued me so I contacted OP and asked him/her a few more questions, and then I offered to write something for them.

It is quite different from what I would normally write, but I still hope you enjoy it!

[Female spirit overtakes a man, makes him more feminine][Masturbation]

As always, all three blogs are identical. The HOME and COLLEGE blogs are "vanilla", and are appropriate to read in each location.


Euphoria & Lust – Quick Flash – The Spirit in the Forest


Be a Value To Your Employer – Friday Team Building – Business Boot Camp


Student Hive – Friday Fun – Science in the Forest!