Quick Flash – I may need to get another job… Part 3 [MF][Interracial]

Quick Flash – I may need to get another job… Part 2


I’m going crazy! I’ve had to wait all day and it is making me an unproductive lunatic!

Jamal wasn’t in the office when I arrived this morning so I kept my eye on his new assistant. I have no idea what her name is, because I honestly don’t care. She is just a temp who is working with him until his assistant returns from maternity leave. I suppose I should learn her name as she could be useful. Anyway, as soon she went to the lunchroom for coffee, I followed her. After I poured my coffee I tried to nonchalantly ask when Jamal was coming in. I made up some lame excuse about having some reports I wanted to discuss with him.

I think that smart little bitch is catching on. She told me that his plane was delayed and then gave me a wink. Although she did say she would let me know when he arrived. It is so hard to get information out of her without blurting out, “Can you please tell me when that amazing, handsome, intelligent man with the big cock returns?” I hope she is an ally and not an enemy, or I will definitely be looking for another job.

When I sat back down at my desk I thought, No problem. He’ll return and I’ll invite him out to dinner, take him back to my place, and then I can finally get the relief that I so badly need!

Well, that was my thinking until I received this text this morning – “Stuck on the runway. Won’t be back at the office 4 pm. Have to fly out again at 7:00 pm. Frustrating.”

I nearly screamed. So, I’ve been sitting here waiting, knowing he will only be in the office for maybe an hour, and I will once again have to wait for several days when we can finally go out on a date and I can devour…I mean…enjoy his company.

Unfortunately, waiting for him to arrive has been rather distracting. I’ve done one…one thing all day. I can’t concentrate on anything at all. I did the same analysis three times on the exact same report this morning. I’m such a dolt.

I just can’t stop thinking about him. I’ve never been attracted to any of my co-workers before so I’ve never dealt with all of these feelings. I feel like such a stalker when I look over at his desk 200 times a day even when I know he isn’t here. It’s like I’m obsessed! You know me, I don’t obsess over any guy ever. Ever!

Honestly, I haven’t felt like this since high school when I had that crush on Tommy Freedman. Remember how I would sit in class and just stare at him? Going to class every day was so conflicting. I wanted to see him and drool over him, and at the same time I had butterflies every day before walking into that room.

I’m almost 30 years old and when I pulled open the big glass doors in the lobby and walked in this morning, I got those same butterflies. I don’t know if this is lust, or a crush, or something more meaningful, but it is fun and it feels awesome!

I keep staring at the clock wishing it would go faster and faster. Since I can’t think anyway, I figured I’d update you. Jamal should arrive within the next thirty minutes, so if this email suddenly cuts off, it means he walked in and I clicked Send!

UGH! I forgot to tell you yesterday that Mr. Asshole came over to get the rest of his things on Saturday. I have no idea what I was thinking when I agreed to let him move in with me. Last week, when I thought Jamal was going to come over, I took all of Mr. Asshole’s things and I shoved them into my closets, so I spent all day Saturday pulling all of his shit back out and boxing it up.

So he comes over yesterday and after he put everything in his car he comes back into my apartment, looks around and says, “Well, that should be everything. Hey, you look good. Can I have a goodbye fuck?” Seriously? I nearly threw up in my mouth! I couldn’t wait to get him and his shit out!

Thankfully, ten minutes after he left I received a text from Jamal. “Your paperwork is incomplete. You will need to be disciplined.” It made me giddy to hear from him. I understood what he meant because all weekend long I would receive cryptic texts like: “I found a long error in your report. I know it is hard. Please see me when I return.” “I think we can File Under Charles Keating. Monday, Everyone Needs Overatures Withdrawn.”

I put the bold in there for you. I stared at that last message for an hour before I could see what he was trying to tell me! On Sunday, I went out and bought a personal phone. While it is a fun game to try and figure out what he is trying to tell me, it is also annoying. I just want to be able to communicate with Jamal without having all the corporate restrictions and eyes on us. When he gets back I’ll suggest he get one as well.

That is, if he ever gets back! It is now 4:02! At least writing to you keeps my mind busy. The last thirty minutes seemed to fly by compared to the rest of the day. I swear the seconds were taking hours to pass.

Last night after work I went shopping to get something new so I could really catch Jamal’s eye today. I went to six different stores and I ended up buying this pretty blue wrap dress.

I like the way it fits but it does end up showing off my leg a little. I know because that creepy guy in Accounting has been sending me inter-office chat messages telling me he can see my inner thigh as I walk in this dress, which apparently gives him the right to ask if he can lick my inner thigh.

How is it the creeps are allowed to be creeps but the sexy, intelligent guys always have to be good? Can’t the good guys be naughty once in a while too?

Tick, tock, tick, tock. 4:11. Katie, no matter what happens…do NOT let me go full stalker on Jamal! LOL. It feels like I am becoming one. I was just looking up apps to track smartphones. At least then I wouldn’t have to sit here and stare at the clock. I would know when he was going to arrive. LOL. Okay, I’m officially insane.

4:20. I stopped writing so I could tidy up my desk. That took a whopping nine minutes. Now what do I do? Oh I can hear you saying it now, “Well you could work you crazy bitch!” I know, but I can’t concentrate on anything today! I’m also starving. I didn’t want to have to rush back to my desk so I told the girls I was going to take a late lunch today. I really want to have my normal-

Oh shit! He just walked in. Talk to you later!

I’m back!

Oh shit!



To read what happened in the stairwell: Quick Flash – I may need to get another job… Part 3

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1kw5ph/quick_flash_i_may_need_to_get_another_job_part_3


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