The shy, quiet Uni girl, Part 6

Sup guys.

Sorry to not update you in a long time, things hadn't been going so well.

The build-up/backstory is really long cos I feel like I should explain to those who want to read it what happened, but if you don't, CTRL+F 'TL;DR' and you can skip it all.

After the last time of updating, I'd managed to find us an apartment to move into, pretty nice for the price I'm paying, with enough space for me and Yaara. With the help of a few of my buddies, I got us both moved in and we were really happy with the place.

The night of getting everything in there, I get a call from one of my friends who helped saying that I had to go to his, because there was an emergency. I kissed Yaara and rushed out. When I got there it was all of the guys who had helped and even a couple of friends I hadn't seen for a while, all holding beers in there hands with some music pumping. I'd been swindled.

The shy, quiet Uni girl, Part 5

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Hi! Sorry it's been a while, had some stuff I had to deal with but I should be back to updating you guys now.

I guess I'll start by saying over the past month we've been going steady, nothing really major has happened, apart from we're looking at apartments and hoping to get moved in together, and that we're now gym buddies too. Never worked out in my life but she's persuaded me so I thought why not?

Last Saturday I got off work early and we headed down to my parents. She's never met them but I've told them all about her and vice versa, and I was really looking forward to showing her off, I was so proud. She was ridiculously nervous, she thought they'd hate her and then they'd hate me for being with her and she was getting really anxious, so I told her to relax and we headed down there.

The shy, quiet Uni girl, Part 4 [M/F]

Been about a week or so since I last updated you guys, I hadn't seen Yaara for a long time because she stayed with her family for a few days this week.

Through the week we were texting and she was telling me how she couldn't wait to get back to see me, because she had a new boxset she really wanted to watch.

I hadn't jerked off the entire week she was away, and I was beginning to get really horny. I kept fantasizing about Yaara and her gorgeous body, grinding against me and making me hard. The day before she came back, I was considering busting my nut but then I thought I should probably save it for when she gets back, so I just edged for a while.

We had the odd sexting session over the days which did not help my situation, but I knew it would only make me want her more when she got back.

On Thursday I went to pick her up from the Train Station, so excited to see her. When I got there she was in a Short Red Dress, one I'd bought her a while ago. I knew she usually only wore long ones, and so I thought she'd just be nice and accept it and not actually wear it.

The shy, quiet Uni girl, Part 3 (Long) [M/F]

Part 1

Part 2

Ok, so a few new developments since the last time I updated.

I was writing in a kind of weird way by talking about things that happened, whilst overlapping with things that were already happening, if that makes sense? I wrote my last one on Friday, but had been seeing her through the week and didn't speak about that, so this will basically catch up this entire week and I'll be back to the present.

We got back late Sunday night from our time away, and I kissed her goodnight as she went into her dorm. I didn't see her Monday until late in the day, because she wanted to catch up on all of the shit she had missed, which was understandable because she was really stressed about it. I was so proud of her for dropping it all and relaxing for a few days, because I know she finds it hard to do. We met up in the common room and we went to a pizza place just down the road, does an awesome Margarita. We held hands all the way there, and because she's pretty short she fits perfectly under my arm, its so great to be able to hold her close to me.

The shy, quiet Uni girl, Part 2 [M/F]

A few wanted a second part, so here we go.

About a week after we first had sex, I decided I wanted to take her on a trip away somewhere, not like out of the state but just away from Uni and all that shit, because she stresses so much about it because she's scared her family will disown her if she doesn't do well.

So, I find a nice log cabin type deal out on a lake about 150 miles away, perfect. I book it and everything but don't tell her we're going. A day later I knock on her door, and tell her to pack enough clothes for a week, and maybe something for a fancy type of occasion.

"But, what about the work and, our, our professor said we nee-"

I cut her off by basically saying I want her to chill out for a little bit and if she did it'd make me really happy to not see her so stressed. She finally gives in and agrees.

The shy, quiet Uni girl. [M/F]

After Writing Edit: Sorry you guys this is really long. I got carried away with the little details but hopefully you should still enjoy!

Bit of background first: I'm a guy, about 6'1, pretty lean with brown hair and a pretty average dick. I am currently at university studying history. Awfully boring but the night-life is good and it ultimately means I don't have to make a serious decision in my life for a few more years.

I have the odd friend, not too many, I'd probably say my roommate is my best one, but we're like polar opposites, so it's quite weird that it works. Anyway, another person studying History is this girl. I feel quite ashamed that I never noticed her before, but that's how well she blends in.

For the first month of Uni, I didn't know her name, because I didn't dare go and ask her, and because nobody else did, I don't think she had a single friend.

Eventually I see some kind of name list on the professors desk and snoop through it. I know pretty much everyone's name for our lectures, and there's one that stands out. Yaara. It had to be her. I look it up on facebook and sure enough, there she is. One mutual friend. And I had asked the guy if he knew her, he said no.