The shy, quiet Uni girl, Part 2 [M/F]

A few wanted a second part, so here we go.

About a week after we first had sex, I decided I wanted to take her on a trip away somewhere, not like out of the state but just away from Uni and all that shit, because she stresses so much about it because she's scared her family will disown her if she doesn't do well.

So, I find a nice log cabin type deal out on a lake about 150 miles away, perfect. I book it and everything but don't tell her we're going. A day later I knock on her door, and tell her to pack enough clothes for a week, and maybe something for a fancy type of occasion.

"But, what about the work and, our, our professor said we nee-"

I cut her off by basically saying I want her to chill out for a little bit and if she did it'd make me really happy to not see her so stressed. She finally gives in and agrees.

I load up my truck and we set off, its pretty early in the morning and because my truck has one long seat in the front, Yaara lays her head into my lap/leg and snoozes off. I put on some quiet radio and I could not be happier, life is pretty much perfect.

After a couple hours we arrive, and its a nice secluded cabin on the shore. Exactly what I hoped it to be, about 30 minutes from civilization and a poor internet connection. I tell her that it's her week and whatever she wants to do we can do, whether it be go and walk for hours or just lay and chill.

She decides she wants to see the town, so we head off out. We eat a bit of lunch and find an arcade, I swear I put at least 20 bucks into a racing game because she couldn't accept me winning. It was really cute when she was mad like that. It was getting later on in the day and so we head back to the cabin because I have a reservation for us at a fancy restaurant.

I found out early on she is ridiculously into food, and she can tell what's shit and what isn't. Apparently burgers can taste different, I just thought a burger was a burger, but anywhoo I love taking her to these fancy places because I get to see her try things she's always wanted to and enjoy it. I put on a shirt and some navy trousers with a red tie. She comes down the stairs of the cabin in a slim fitting red dress. Plain, nothing sparkly or anything, just well fitting, with her hair done up and a light touch of makeup. I wish I had taken a picture because right then and there I knew I needed her to be my girlfriend (which I'm still working on.)

We go out to eat and she loves it – she orders all sorts of different starters and basically forces me to get one main so she can have another but then try mine too – I wasn't bothered because she was happy, and chilled out. I'd never seen her so relaxed. I'm a little buzzed on wine so at the end I don't drive and a Taxi wait was like 2 hours, so we walk the half an hour road back. It gets chilly so I give her my jacket and we laugh and joke about all the stupid things in life, how insignificant they are when you look up at the sky and see the vast amount of planets, how we shouldn't worry. Some real deep stuff.

Now, I've always been told I have rhythm, and can dance well. And I really want to dance with Yaara. Our favorite film to watch together is Mr & Mrs Smith, I don't know why but we both love it so much.

So, when we get back, we sit out on the decking for a while looking at the lake. I had brought my speaker with me and put on some songs, we were dancing and laughing and not really being too intimate, until I put on Mondo Bongo. When I did she looks at me with a huge grin – anyone who has seen the film will know why.

She begins swaying her hips and moving with the music, so seductively I didn't know what to do. This girl was finally coming out of her shell and I couldn't have been happier. I got up and put my hands around her waist, hers around my neck.

We moved with the song, getting close and grinding on each other, kissing each other, and me kissing her neck, perfection.

As the song began to end, I picked her up and took her into the cabin. We started to undress each other and when we were down to nothing she dropped to her knees and went to work on my cock. This was our second time being together like this and she had never sucked dick, so I guided her through it.

Before long she's going down low and swirling her tongue around my head, sending me crazy. I was about to cum so I stand her up and kiss her hard, pushing her onto the bed. I start eating her pussy – so wet and so sweet. I send her over the edge and she comes like she did the first time, convulsing. Such a beautiful thing to watch.

Then, I get up and fetch my tie. I turn her onto her stomach and bring her ass up to me, then take her arms behind her back. "Do you trust me?" "Of course I do."

I tie her hands behind her back and start playing with her ass. She begins to moan and quiver, so I know she was enjoying it. I ask her if she's ok, which she is, and I get to work.

I put on a condom and begin fucking her with intensity, not rough but there was true passion when I did so. She's loving it, moving with me, and I'm again ready to cum. I untie her and turn her over, fucking her like I had the first time, holding onto her hands, looking into her eyes, kissing her and playing with her nipples, sucking and biting on them. I eventually finish with authority inside her, and we both collapse into each other.

We get into bed and fall asleep, kissing and cuddling. She tells me thankyou again for everything as we drift off.

We drive home a few days later, but no sex happened anymore in the week because she never initiated and I don't think she really wanted to, she got a little upset over the next couple days about Uni and family life but we had a lot of fun. She said she'd really love to go back.

I'm sure i'll have a lot more stories for you guys in the future with Yaara, I am planning to meet her tomorrow so who knows what could happen.



  1. >I wish I had taken a picture because right then and there I knew I needed her to be my girlfriend (which I’m still working on.) Dude, from what I’ve heard I think she already is. You’ve been going on dates and having sex with her for weeks, and now you have gone on a holiday with her. You said that she barely talked to anyone before you, I think you’re dating.

  2. A week long trip is pretty exhausting even with a large group of friends to spend time with, at least for an introverted person like myself. Even if I’m really into someone I still need time by myself to recharge. Surprising someone like her with a week long trip might have been too much, then again, she was fine with bondage on her second time…so…I’ll just let you keep writing.

  3. I agree. She thinks it or at the very least hopes it but from what you’ve told us she would never have the balls to ask.. And the longer you hold off confirming it for her, the more it’s going to torture *both* of you!

  4. That could have been it and it could have tripped that switch faster. I think it adds to believability, who has perfect getaways on the first attempt?

  5. like I said, she got upset for a couple days and wanted to be left alone for some of those days, so I did leave her alone. I was surprised too, but I did ask her if I was ok to do it and she said yeah, I wouldn’t have done it if she didn’t want to.

  6. Say dude, you say you asked if she trusts you and her reply was "of course I do." I think she’s in love with you. I think you should ask to be officially exclusive and ask how she feels.

  7. I saw her a couple days through a week and am fixing to meet up with her soon. I should have another story for you guys by the end of tonight.

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