The shy, quiet Uni girl, Part 4 [M/F]

Been about a week or so since I last updated you guys, I hadn't seen Yaara for a long time because she stayed with her family for a few days this week.

Through the week we were texting and she was telling me how she couldn't wait to get back to see me, because she had a new boxset she really wanted to watch.

I hadn't jerked off the entire week she was away, and I was beginning to get really horny. I kept fantasizing about Yaara and her gorgeous body, grinding against me and making me hard. The day before she came back, I was considering busting my nut but then I thought I should probably save it for when she gets back, so I just edged for a while.

We had the odd sexting session over the days which did not help my situation, but I knew it would only make me want her more when she got back.

On Thursday I went to pick her up from the Train Station, so excited to see her. When I got there she was in a Short Red Dress, one I'd bought her a while ago. I knew she usually only wore long ones, and so I thought she'd just be nice and accept it and not actually wear it.

It was above knee length, flowing out at the bottom but becoming much more fitting around her tits, showing quite a bit of cleavage. Her legs looked awesome too, I think she's getting more confident about herself after she's started working out, not that I thought she ever needed to.

I got out and put her bags in the back, and then walked up to her, put my hands around her waist, and kissed her firmly. She responded like I've never known her to, eventually breaking free. "I've missed you so much." She whispered in my ear. I responded with the same, grabbed her firmly on her ass, moving her towards the truck. I opened her door and got in, bombing it back to Uni as fast as I could.

We got back to the dorm and I immediately began kissing her and running my hands all over her body. I undressed her and then myself, leaving her only in a thong, me completely naked, and rock solid. I thrust myself upon her but she backed away, going to her bag and getting out the boxset. "I really really want to watch this, babe. Please?"

She said it all with a smirk on her face, she knew she was teasing me, but I couldn't say no to her adorable face so we began spooning naked watching the show (TWD, for anyone who cares, I'd seen the first season but no more, as had she)

As we got midway through the second season, I couldn't hold out any longer, and from behind my hands roamed across her stomach, slowly inching my way down to her panties. Her hand grabbed mine and tried to move me away but I was having none of it, so I took my other hand and pinned hers away. She let off her little shriek/giggle that I find adorable, and I moved my way inside her thong.

Before long she was soaking wet as I massaged her clit, watching her squirm and moan. I was for the third time in the day so hard it hurt, but I kept working on her. I slipped in one finger, then two, and moved in with my tongue to bring her to orgasm. Now, as some people in the comments of my last one suggested ( /u/dogdiaries) I shouldn't actually stop as she begins cumming, but carry on to give her an intense orgasm. She started to convulse, which was where I would usually pull away, but;

"Want me to keep going babe?"

"I – I-Oh God, I don't know."

I tested the water and carried on, starting off soft and then working up to me smothering my face in her pussy, making sure to pay attention to her clit. She was really quiet, so I thought it might not be good for her, but when I looked up I realized her eyes were in the back of her head, and she was breathless because of how intense it was. Eventually, her eyes came back and she let out a huge whimper, and said I should always carry on after she starts cumming now. Thanks to /u/dogdiaries for helping me earn a million brownie points.

After she had calmed down, she got up onto the bed on her knees at the edge so she had full leverage to my cock. She began by licking from the bottom to the top, engulfing the head when she got to it, and then reversing back the other way. I was in ecstasy, the whole room was spinning. Within a minute of her going as deep as she could I was ready to cum, so I had to push her off and wait for a minute.

I forgot to mention that we had been talking about sex and she had been reading that it is a lot better for the man when they don't have to wear a condom, and so she was perfectly fine to be on the pill. The fact she went and read up on sex not only told me she is fucking adorable and sweet, but that she wanted to know how to please me the best way possible. Such a huge turn on.

So, gone are the days of me needing condoms. After a minute or two of me regaining my composure, I flipped her into doggy on the bed, and slowly backed her pussy onto my dick. That first touch into her sweet tight pussy without anything covering my dick was heaven. I stopped and savored it for a while, before slowly sliding her as far down as she would go, eventually getting to the base and getting a tiny whimper off of her. I slapped her big ass and grabbed onto it, using it to fuck her deep and with authority.

It may sound weird to some but because she is such a shy and conserved girl, being able to fuck her like this and have her enjoy it turned me on ten times more, because I know that I am her first and she loves me. And I love her.

I thrust deep and slow, and then switched to going fast but shallow, before too long she was getting ready, and so was I.

As I got close I told her, and she said that if I wanted I could do it in her, which I didn't want to do at first but she said she was close too and didn't want to stop and that it was fine by her.

So, within seconds, she and I are both cumming in unison. She started, but when her pussy tightened up around my dick it basically squeezed it out of me, and I shot a huge load inside of her. A weeks worth of edging just got released, and she continues milking every last drop with her tightening pussy, and she convulsed once more and dropped to the bed. Cumming together is one of the best things I've ever experienced. She went and cleaned herself up and then got back into bed.

We 69'd for quite a while, now that I'd finally cum I felt I could carry on and she didn't want to stop, so we did. I was getting ready again so she laid me down and got on top, working her way down my dick and then sitting, grinding her ass on me, moving my dick with her, sending me into frenzy. I took her tits inside my mouth and she ran her fingers through my hair, my hands holding onto her ass firmly. I got ready to cum and so I laid her down on her back and straddled her, taking her hand and milking my cock, cumming again all over her perky tits.

We laid and kissed, eventually falling asleep. Bliss.

Yesterday we had a long lecture, and so afterwards we went and eat some pizza. We were sat on the same side of a booth (she got cold and wanted to get warm, aw) and all of a sudden she squeezed onto my arm hard and got as close as she could to me. I asked her what was wrong and she said she just saw the guy who tried it on with her in her dorm, leaving the pizza place. I asked her if she was sure it was him, and she said she was definite. I immediately got up and started to walk out, her begging me to stop.

I got out and shouted the guy, he turned around and I punched him square in the jaw. He went down, but got straight back up and landed a good few punches on my ribs, forcing me to cover them only for him to smack me straight in the face. I went down to a knee and he booted me, and got on top of me. Yaara at this point was in hysterics, screaming and pleading for us to stop.

I managed to somehow roll over and get onto him, and that's when I really saw red. I laid into him as hard as I could, until my arms got heavy. He eventually let his guard down and so I stopped, getting up out of breath. I brought Yaara over who was still sobbing and knelt down.

"Don't ever go anywhere near her ever again."

He apologized and said he was sorry about what he did, he reckoned he was drunk and just didn't know what was happening and that "It happened really fast."

I told him I didn't care but that we were sorted now, and I didn't want anymore shit from him. He tried to shake my hand, which I accepted, after I had come to my senses a little bit, and he left. Apparently he is actually at our Uni, and partly his excuse was he was drunk because he's so stressed out from all the work. I'd never seen the guy around in my life, and to be honest I hope I don't.

I felt pretty dizzy from getting punted in the face, and I had a couple cuts, so after Yaara had calmed down we went back to our dorm and she cleaned me up.

I apologized and said I was really sorry and that I knew she didn't want me to do it but I was really angry and I couldn't help myself. Watching her scream like that made me feel physically sick, I hated myself for what I'd done. I kept apologizing and eventually she came over to me and gave me a huge hug, kissing me and telling me it was ok, and thanking me for standing up for her, even if I did go too far.

When we got into bed it got a little frisky and it lead to me taking off her PJ's, and sitting her on my face. I'd never done it before but had always wanted to try, and Yaara was game, so she straddled up. It was amazing, her grinding her pussy into my mouth and face, me gasping for air at any chance I could get.

I turned her around so that it was more her ass that was covering my face, so that her pussy was pointing down my body, and it changed the game entirely. I had my hands up, smacking her jiggly ass, hard, getting a little whimper each time. I kept licking her asshole too every so often, which she seemed to enjoy as well.

It got the point of her cumming and as she started I held her in place the best I could and carried on with a tornado around her clit from my tongue. She went silent again, and then let of a huge moan, her juices flowing down my face.

I toweled myself off and got back into bed. She headed for my pants but I told her that was my way of saying sorry for tonight, and that I was taking her out someplace special Sunday (I had to work today) I fell asleep with her holding me tight, after all the sexual heat I think when it calmed back down she was still a little bit spooked, but she knew she was safe and kept on to me tight.

I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, but if anything does go down I'll be sure to let you guys know.



  1. I been following your stories with her, nice of you to fight that guy, I think both outcomes would have sucked. I have memories wishing I would have punched a dude straight in the face.

  2. I actually prefer the romance than the sex between you two. The story of how you met was amazing

  3. These stories remind me a lot of how i met my first love. They brought back a lot of memories. Thanks, man.

  4. Are you British or American? On the one hand you say Uni and in part one you wrote "realise" but on the other, here, you spell words with a z and not an s, plus in the 2nd part you go on a trip that is not reminiscent of the UK. Unless you’re a Brit studying for some reason in the US. But you also said that you’re studying history even though Americans would say major in something. Something smells fishy and I don’t think it’s Yaara’s twat.

  5. Canadians tend to mix UK and American English quite a bit. Not sure if that’s happening here, just a theory

  6. I am American, I just for some strange reason have always spelled words that should have a Z with an S. I’ve never been able to understand why and I always used to get shit off of the teachers for it at school, but for some reason my brain goes straight to S. The only time i’ll change to a Z is if I realize myself, or if the spell checker tells me its wrong. Like it just did right there ^ with ‘realize’

  7. you guys are very lucky to have each other! I love following you two along – fingers crossed that you end up being her first AND last!!

  8. First I just realized am up voting everything you write, you struck gold OP and I am not talking about what she is doing for you sexually, when a girl really like you she will let you do that, she knows you want it and she can give it so she will think of how to maximize that for you without crossing any red lines, at least if she is smart she will. But I was talking about the fact that she is a nice girl who would be a dream for any nice guy. As for that guy he deserves to get punched, even if you knew he wouldn’t do it to anyone else, he deserves it for doing it to her. Also its smart of you know to sometime say no to sex and not just go for it anytime, it didn’t feel like it was the time for it for her, but it shows how much she like you.

  9. Another amazing story as always. I really wish i could have seen a pic of what must have been a MASSIVE load you shot in her pussy. Congrats on your first creampie and hope to hear/see more :)

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