No So Innocent… V

Part I –

Part II –

Part III –

Part IV –

February 13th, 2014

It was February 13th, the day before Valentine’s Day and she was coming up to see me for out little V-Day shenanigans. Now, from here on out, it was full out relationship dating. Her coming up to visit me once a week, turned into 2 times a week, turned into 3 times a week, turned into 4 times fucking each other in a week if I went back home for the weekend. We start to get serious at this point. Texting each other 24/7, sexting, sending each other nudes, etc. Not only that but I start to get to know her fiancé better. She tells me everything about him. I now know the ins and outs of their relationship. From this point on, she’s starting to drift away from him and become attached to me.

So its 11 PM February 13th and I’m relaxing in my room at my apartment playing some FIFA on my PS4. I hear someone open the door and sounds like they’re carrying an overnight bag from the noise a restless bag makes. I didn’t think it was her because she always texts me when she is here. I here footsteps coming closer to my room, the shadow outline of someone, and in my doorway is her in this tan pea coat with brown boots, showing that gap of her legs from mid-shin to upper thigh. I greet her while still on “the sticks” (code for playing video games) and yes, no one interrupts my FIFA time. Except for this moment.

She still is standing there while I’m playing my game. I glance over to her and back and forth between my game and her. She starts unbuttoning her coat, and she rips it off. Holy fuck, FIFA time ended immediately because the only thing under coat is a full on black lingerie outfit. OMG, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a full hard on so fast in my life. I paused my game and she grabs the controller out of my hand and sets it on my desk. I’m sitting on the edge of my bed and she straddles me with my hands immediately going to her ass and gripping hand fulls of it. She initiates a sexy kissing session, grinding on my. My hands continue to rub her ass and they not begin to explore her sexy body, from her thighs, to her tummy, to her boobs. Once my hands reach her tits she gently removes them puts them to my side. She gets off and takes off my shirt, rubbing all over my chest, back, and shoulders (Hitting the gym helps). She kisses down my torso, and is rubbing my hard cock through my basketball shorts. She slowly takes off my shorts and boxers and my cock flings up and hits her in the chin, and she gasped. Lol. She immediately starts giving me the wettest, sloppiest blow job she has ever given me.

After a few minutes of blowing me, she slowly gets off her knees in a stripper kind of way and stands me up. She bends over the bad still in her lingerie, and is wiggling her ass at me while all I can do at the moment is stand there and grab it. I turn her over and kiss every inch of her body. Slowly taking off her lingerie since it was very delicate. Her tits sitting nice as ever and these black lace panties that just took the outfit over the top. I do the usual of eating her for a good 10 minutes and then we fuck like rabbits. There was an intimate moment where she was on top riding me so fucking good, and pinning my arms back, teasing me. While she rode me we just stared into each other’s eyes until she made herself come. Afterward bending her over my homework desk and I was ready to explode. For some reason I loved coming on her face, tits, and in her mouth. It just made her much sexier but coming in her was still satisfying as well. After my huge load is sprayed all over her, I clean her up, and we go get some Sonic (Steak and Egg burrito with an Ice Tea for me and Popcorn chicken with a Lemon-Berry slush for her).

We return to my apartment and just lay with each other, fondling, groping, and stroking each other. She told me she loved being in my bed with me holding her, my hands and fingers tracing around her body like a figure skater. It made her feel safe and that nothing could happen to her. Whenever I was with her, my peripherals would fade away and I could only see her. We were falling for each other without a parachute, and I knew the landing would never be in my favor… by the way, Happy Valentine's Day.

(#NP Kendrick Lamar – Alien Girl)
