Anew [MF][Rape fantasy][And not so much fantasy][Powerplay][Alone in the woods][Run away little girl]

“Are you ready?” Then a harsh tug on Amy's blindfold.

She blinked, dazed by the light, and took a moment to breath as she looked at the trees. The woods were beautiful. Serene, empty and silent, not even broken by the faint sound of a driving far away.

Amy kicked the earth to realize that there wasn't even a dirt path. They were nowhere. She didn't even know the time from the sun in the sky and would have to wait for it to move in order to its direction.

Not that it would help. She knew nothing of the area. She was helpless and, for a brief moment, considered giving up. Something in her face must have betrayed her–because he laughed. “Oh no, little girl. Too much for you? Scared of the big bad woods?”

Amy turned to him, but he hardly acknowledged her. Instead he pulled out his phone, twirled it around and unlocked it. He shifted his tall, lean frame against the jeep and pressed a few buttons. His tee tight-fitting under a large flannel shirt and it made her aware how ill-prepared she was in shorts and a tank top–even with her running shoes.

Self [MF][Domination][Abuse][Black Swan level weird]

There was a time I'd laughingly used you to free the monster in me–to soothe the anger, fear and doubt. Then I'd unleash it, let it run over your body and over the hills of your curves like wild territory only to wake up the next day to find you covered in bruises and marks. Indentations that told the story of teeth and nails and toys and tools. A tapestry, in growing order, of what I had done to you the night before when I had lost my mind and allowed the beast to take control.

Why did you allow it? Love for me? Adoration? Pleasure enough wasn't worth it, I know, not for the things I've done to you. The beautiful, lovely creature that I've draped over my shoulder and dragged into the darkness. The only woman that I could look in the eyes the next day and say that I truly loved. The one I'd allow the weakness and intimacy of pushing my face into her skin and letting her stroke my hair before I tried to kiss and soothe the pain away.

Over time we've become something else. You've made me less of a monster and more of a man.

Categorized as sexystories


I stop pressing my thumb into your throat.

As you look me in the eyes, yours now covered in tears, I tell you I love you before pressing again. You make a small noise, a little bit like a choke but mostly a moan.

Sometimes it takes all I have to keep my eyes on your face. I want to look over your body; your tensing stomach and trembling hands. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met, and you will always be. I hate the power you have over me because of it. I try so hard not to put you on a pedestal. That's why we have nights like this. Without them you'd be my only reason for living.

You inhale as I release the strangling grip, though my hand remains where it is. My thumb is gently stroking the red mark, the imprint, that I left as you shake. "I want you to say it," I offer in a low tone.

"No," is all you say and all I can do is nod.

Bask [MF][Oral][Blowjob][Light domination]

You must worship this cock tonight.

When you kneel before it, when it is shoved in your throat, it must become your world. I did not spend so much time making you mine, training you from nothing, to have you struggle with this. You give excellent head, but that is not what this about. But since you seem to be struggling with the distinction between a wonderful, deep experience and getting some guy off—you're going to have to be taught.

My cock is a gift and you are lucky to receive it. To feel my hands on your shoulders, guiding you down with a gentle push. Look me in the eyes–always in the eyes–unless I tell you not to. I want to see them sparkle, shutter and tear up. I want you to use your eyes to tell me everything I need to know while having this power over you. When two people know each other as well as we do, a look will say everything that needs to be said.

Skin [MF, domination, romance, exhibition]

There is no comparing you, this place we've built together, to anything else. A place made out of bed sheets and comforters that turn into caves to explore until we could find each others skin again. So that we could kiss and hold each other in a way the movies can never show. We are close, skin on skin, and the seamless press of our bodies to another is the best part of every day.

I have put ten thousand bruises on your skin here. Mostly with the tips of my fingers when I grabbed you too hard and held you as close as I could. But also when I slapped your ass with the whole of my palm or gripped your hips to pull you into me so I could slide into you as deep as I am allowed. The small marks of my teeth after they held your tender skin between them. And sometimes marks that seemed to come from nowhere at all after nights of tussled hair and sweat-soaked laughter.

Making you mine has is the greatest achievement of my life.

Gone [MF][Domination][Oral][Romance]

So let's make one thing clear: When I touch you, when you give me permission to own every part of you, that includes your mind as much as your heart. You, the whole girl, all of her, belongs to every and any part of me.

I know that when we're together that you can't turn your mind off. You worry about a thousand things from the time I see you until we're finished. The way you can't let go shines as concern in your eyes when I look you over. Comes out as your muscles flex at every touch. It calls out to me as I fuck you that you're worried if I'm disappointed.

And I've let this go on long enough.

When you invited me into your life you gave me permission to do whatever I wanted with you. To turn you into a toy for my pleasure. And how can you serve me if you can't stop your mind from running through a dozen thoughts each time I touch you?

Piano Girl, Chapter 4 [Mf][Domination, use, fucking]

She's a pleasant date and, when she's not being probed and pushed, quite good company. Free-spirited and easy going. Over dinner she tells me of what she wants to do and what comes next in her life. Instead of falling and fumbling every time she misspeaks, she gets right back on the horse. She laughs at herself. She's not taking herself seriously at all and it is wonderful to see this side of her.

My little piano girl is wonderful. At least, right up until the point that we get back to her place. The moment she opens the door she becomes shy, demure and uncertain. Her voice falls half an octave and her gaze goes from mine to the ground.

I tell her to stand where she is and am pleased to find her staying put as I close the door and pour a glass of water. I drink it as I look her up and down and catch only the occasional flick of her eyes as she tries to see what I'm going out of her field of vision.

Piano Girl, Chapter 3 [Mf][Fucking]

“Strip for me.” There is much more slack in my voice than I am used to. I am much more asking than telling as I sit on her bed, legs crossed and forcing my eyes to stay open instead of narrow.

She nods but doesn't move, seemingly petrified. “Look at me,” I tell her. She does and we hold each others eyes for a full, terrifying minute of silence. “You knew this was coming. And we have to get you to fight your shyness somehow. This isn't going to be a cure, and there isn't some magical moment where you suddenly realize how amazing you are and all the bashfulness goes away. All we can do is get you to obey, to get you to be naked and as comfortable as possible.”

Trembling, blushing, little shudders kick in. Then she takes the left strap of her nightgown and moves it off her shoulder. She hesitates at with the right. She looks to me and begs without words.

Piano Girl, Chapter Two [Mf]

I bind her hands behind her head with the scarf. It is a lose knot and soft fabric and entirely ceremonial but I imagine it will hold her. I think she will not even let it bite her wrists at all. I tug it to show her it's functional before I move in front of her with the blindfold in hand. “I don't understand the point of all this,” she said. “Can't you just fuck me or aren't you supposed to tell me I'm a whore or something like that?” “I could. Is that what you'd want to hear? Was that you fantasy?” “It's what I expected…”

She is very good at dodging questions.

The blindfold falls over her eyes and somehow makes her that much more alluring, despite covering up one of her best features. Only after it's on do I allow myself to smile. The knot I use here is considerably tighter than on her wrists so that it will stay firmly in place. “We could do that,” I say as I test it for integrity. “Humiliation and degradation, I mean. I'm going to warn you now that I'm simply not very good at it.” “You don't believe in it?” She asks as she shifts her weight from foot to foot. “Don't we already humiliate ourselves enough? No I don't believe in it for a very selfish reason.” I move to a wall and turn back to her. “If you submit to me, and think you're worth nothing, then what kind of gift are you really offering? Come here.”

Piano Girl, Chapter One [Mf]

I was hers from the moment she sang.

Something deep within her came through from the moment she shuffled up to the microphone, back from break, that said she was drunk, nervous and incredibly gifted. As soon as she sang the first note my head turned and I was transported from my sauce to another place. She started singing about love lost, the time being more of a window than a door. And I listened to it all, drink growing warm in my hand without me even noticing.

When she finished her set I looked around to see if anyone had witnessed the event. It didn't seem so from the polite claps and small cheers, save for a pair of girls who screamed like the end of the world. When she went over to sit next to them it was clear they were friends. And yet, I was still jealous. I wanted to catch her eye and I hadn't even managed that.

I finished my second-rate drink and eavesdropped. I wanted to know anything about her I could find but the alcohol, the ambient noise and the three girls' heavy English accents were too much—I couldn't glean a thing. So I ordered another drink and decided to give up on the only interesting girl in a month.