Piano Girl, Chapter Two [Mf]

I bind her hands behind her head with the scarf. It is a lose knot and soft fabric and entirely ceremonial but I imagine it will hold her. I think she will not even let it bite her wrists at all. I tug it to show her it's functional before I move in front of her with the blindfold in hand. “I don't understand the point of all this,” she said. “Can't you just fuck me or aren't you supposed to tell me I'm a whore or something like that?” “I could. Is that what you'd want to hear? Was that you fantasy?” “It's what I expected…”

She is very good at dodging questions.

The blindfold falls over her eyes and somehow makes her that much more alluring, despite covering up one of her best features. Only after it's on do I allow myself to smile. The knot I use here is considerably tighter than on her wrists so that it will stay firmly in place. “We could do that,” I say as I test it for integrity. “Humiliation and degradation, I mean. I'm going to warn you now that I'm simply not very good at it.” “You don't believe in it?” She asks as she shifts her weight from foot to foot. “Don't we already humiliate ourselves enough? No I don't believe in it for a very selfish reason.” I move to a wall and turn back to her. “If you submit to me, and think you're worth nothing, then what kind of gift are you really offering? Come here.”

She trots over, comfortable enough with being blind and ordered now to not fight it. When in reach I move her to the wall, about a foot and a half from it. “Do you remember the pose I taught you to look up?” “Arms above my head and legs spread.” She nods. “I want you to get into that pose as best you can.”

She opens her mouth to fight me and I'm ready for it, but then surprises me. She spreads her legs and leans forward inch by inch until her head is against the wall. I am impressed and for once, I am lucky I'm with someone so soft. “That's very good. Now I want you to keep in mind next time I ask you to do this you will be naked and I expect no push back.”

There's nodding, but neither of us believe it.

I run my finger tips across her neck, her shoulder, her back. I feel up and down the exposed skin and through that clothed by the skimpy fabric of her house dress. It's like swimming—my hands just find another place to grasp draw me. They float down to her ankles and back up her inner thighs. They touch every part of her and I learn in this exercise where she's vain about that touch instead of feeling the pleasure she should. The standard issue complexes—she tenses when I feel her stomach, above her hips and thighs.

“You're very beautiful,” I say as I touch her as much as possible. “I'm not. I'm just a– “That's enough talking for tonight, don't you think?” I grasp her thigh when I ask. I start digging into her skin with my finger tips. “No, it isn't up for debate. I need you trust me and part of that means trusting what I say. That I'm not here to stroke your ego or say the right thing at the right time to get what I want from you.” I take her hair in such a way that I can drive her face against the wall gently so I can move my frame behind hers and encase her. “You've already given yourself to me. You've already allowed me to do what I want with you and you will do it again without any other prompting. I'm saying it because it's important for me to say it.”

I don't believe she'll drink it in, but I touch her again. I move my form against her and I whisper it in her ear. “I think you're beautiful and I have since the moment I met you. There's no such thing as a perfect looking woman, just a woman who thinks she looks lovely. The moment you think you do? You'll become that much more desirable. That much more of a gift to give someone, or yourself.” She's grown hot beneath my hands, no matter where I touch her. I want to ask her questions but I can't bring myself to lift the request for silence. Instead I pull her back to me by her hips. I grab her by her neck to turn her head and I kiss her.

It's a hungry, needy kiss from her end. It wants me to fill her and keep giving.

And, I suspect, it also wants me to stop calling her beautiful and to please shut up for a moment.

I stroke the side of her breasts as my lips touch her neck. I brush them over her skin before kissing it as my hands slide around the side and under each breast, doing my best to avoid her nipples. I draw her flesh into my mouth to suck and nibble on as I tweak her, caress her. I rub the whole of her chest as I dine on her skin. I feel her growing slack, leaning fully against the wall while she presses her ass against me. I detach myself from her with a kiss to her ear.

The scarf easily leads her away from the wall and back to the bed when I push her into it with a thrust. She has given up any resistance and simply lies with legs closed, panting and flush, as she breaths–waiting. And in that moment I have to remind myself yet again, she's not ready for the full force even though she could easily handle it. She needs love and guidance. She needs to feel adored.

“I want to fuck you very badly,” I say as I draw her body over my lap. “And I know that if I asked you that you'd say you wanted it, too. But you did say that you wanted to take it slow. One sin at a time. And even if we both say we want to move through them as quickly as possible? I don't think we'd mean it.” My hand strokes her slightly damp hair, running through it and gently scratching her scalp. “I think—that you are as good for me as I am for you. That you're teaching me to be more patient. And while I want to be intimate with you in every way I know, that maybe it's good to see a 'sin' as a sin. At least for a little while.”

Her lower half is draped easily over my lap and I raise the fabric of her house dress to expose the lovely panties she's decided to wear for me. I admire them a moment before bringing my palm down hard in a single stroke. She inhales like she's been drowning. She inhales like she's been set on fire. “This isn't punishment. This is feeling your body. This is being aware.” I slap the other cheek with the same amount of force. The reaction is no longer equal, her body tensing just before I make contact.

Then long, loving strokes to her ass to make up for the pain. “Feel me,” I say as I do. “Both versions of me. The one that can rip you apart and the one who wants to keep you pristine. Feel them.” I press into her ass again with a very light tap but she reacts as though it was another blow. “You're not feeling yourself at the moment. You're acting in a way that you expect. Stop. Give yourself the power to let go knowing that you can always take it back. Take a deep breath and stop wondering if the next hit will be soft or hard.”

She inhales. I lift my hand and wait for her to tense. She doesn't so I fake as though I'm going to come down only to watch her flex and feel her body stiffen. “Better,” I say and give her a light swat. We repeat the process several times until she is loose and free for me to strike her. I bounce off like she's a pillow and she moans out this time instead of a yelp.

“I'm tempted to say you didn't make any progress so that I can keep going. But, you did very well. You should be proud. I know giving up control isn't easy.” We shift a little each and then I can roll her over to pull her back up to me, sitting in my lap and heavy in my arms. I bend down to kiss her and she is entirely ready. We lock lips and seal them. We kiss for minutes without opening our mouths and when we are finished with that we kiss again.

My fingers dig into her back and shoulder to keep her to me. To try and meld her body into mine just a little bit. But the surprise of the night comes when my hand accidentally shifts too close to the scarf and her hands grasp at mine. She pulls my hand in to hold with both of hers and, once she has it, grasps it with everything she has. She holds it like we're old souls in newer bodies and it makes me smile. I stroke the side of her face and kiss her again. And again.

After we've kissed for what feels like too much of the night, I untie the scarf and rub the small indentations on her wrists. But once again her hands move over mine with every chance. She grasps them and them holds them and, once I finish, brings one to her lips to kiss. She touches her lips over every part of it and sucks a finger into her mouth for just a moment before we resume kissing.

She is tender and sweet in a way I always knew but still, to see it on display, it is something else. I admire her, for being so open at so young an age.

I find myself touching her, stroking her, all over and under her dress. Her legs spread and in a moment I weakness I reach beneath her panties and feel the outside of her lips. She is wet and her eyes clench shut like she's about to be struck. Without taking my eyes off her face I stroke the outside of her pussy to see how comfortable she is. She isn't. Not in any way. She could take me in her throat or stripping her down with greater ease than simply being touched and the center of attention.

Pulling the hand away from her I crane down to plant another kiss. “I want you to tell me honestly how much of your concern is being seen?” She looks at me for a moment before I remember. I laugh and shake my head. “Please, speak.” “A lot. I'm just not used to being so open and I, I, I–”

When I shake my head she stops, a pleasant surprise. I consider things for a moment, what to do and how to proceed with someone so untouched. The blindfold seems like an option until I remember that it was meant for her. So I take up her scarf and hold it out to her. “I want you to tie this around my eyes.” I quash debate by turning my back to her and feel her wrapping around me, pressing her breasts into my back and tying her legs around my torso. She wraps the fabric around my eyes like I'm blind and wounded and it's gauze and I wonder if she's imagining some sort of wounded soldier fantasy.

“This isn't what I thought would be happening tonight,” she said as another layer went around. “The sooner you let go of who you were before we met, the more fun we'll have.”

Slight strands of her hair tap my shoulder in what I hope comes from a nod.

“Are you satisfied,” I ask. “I think so. It's an awful lot of trouble…”

Finally. Something I knew how to react to with certainty. A woman leaving a comment dangling over the edge. I turn and grasp her as best I can by the hip and back. “And you're worth very part of it.” We kiss.

“Now,” I say as I guide her onto her back and lay next to her, “this is new experience for me. I was attempting to learn how to touch you by gauging your reactions largely relying on your facial expressions. But I feel as though that wouldn't work out so well if you were never comfortable.” “So what are you going to do?” “Well,” I say as I pull the panties off her with a series of tugs. “I thought I'd wing it.”

I open her legs with the palm of my hand, pushing the left open, then the right, until she is open a comfortable amount. Then I trace around her knees, over her ankles and up her thighs again. Just when she thinks I'm about to touch her, I swoop up and circle around her navel and back down the other side.

Her intense gaze is still on me, my face and eyes that I cannot see. I can feel it as easily as strong wind. “Try to relax,” I say as I continue to tease her. “Try to get comfortable, to close your eyes knowing that neither of us can see.”

Immediately there is a better response. Her skin moves with mine and soft moans start to escape her lips as I though every part of her front-side but the parts she wants. I switch from fingers to full palm to knuckles to drag, rug and press into her. “Your body is wonderful,” I say more to myself than her. “It's very enjoyable when you allow yourself to enjoy it.”

Without fanfare I push a finger into her and feel that she incredibly wound up and tight. Her body shakes and she cries out, twisting and kicking at the air. I've come in too fast and hard and I know that now. So I wait, just wait, for her panting to subside and her body to accept the finger. But much to my surprise, it does not. It simply stays as tight—an entirely new experience for me.

“You have a lot of trouble getting two fingers in, don't you?” “I don't even try anymore. I have to—I have to use this lube you get at the chemist and I—I'm a freak and I didn't want you to know yet it's why I wanted to keep giving you head until—”

She rambles like she's tilting at windmills. I pull out of her as slow as I can with the urgency at play so I can pull her against me into a spooning position. I hold her as she frets. I wait until she finishes.

“It's the least sexy thing that's every happened to you.” “It doesn't reach the top 100, I'm afraid.” I kiss her cheek, her face, I pull her into me via her stomach. I hold her there until I feel her loosening up again. When she does I ask her if I can try again. I am honored with how quickly she says yes.

We position her onto her back and I move further up until I can kiss her navel. I rub my beard gently against her clit in a sawing motion. When she giggles and breaths heavily I move my face closer to her, I rub all of her pussy with the short hairs on my face. Then I kiss her, just the outside of the lips, then closer and closer to her clit before I suck it gently into my mouth. I am grateful that this part of her is not also hypersensitive and that I am allowed to suck her into my mouth, to depress it with my tongue.

I grab her thighs to keep her spread open as I lick and suck at her, using just the hint of teeth with a quick brush before sucking again. I take as much of her into my mouth that I can and begin to slowly, carefully press my chin against her to see where the limit is. With the other stimulation she is much more accommodating, and I begin to move my neck and shoulders in such a way that I literally fuck her ever-so-slightly with my face.

Something builds within her and I decide to press my luck. I move my hands from her thighs to her ass and grab both cheeks harshly. When she lets out a wail I pick up the speed. I grab her ass with every push of my neck and lash of my tongue and continue to speed up. Licking, pushing and grabbing her is all there is. Trying to keep the speed down. Trying not to go too fast or hard. Then she does it, in a way that only spurs me on. She grabs me by the shoulders. She pushes me. She wants more.

I double down. I throw my shoulders forward, I rise up on my knees. I suck her clit into my mouth again only to rub my face up and down her as quick as I can. And once I do, she responds in every way. She cries out and makes silly noises. She clenches me instead of just holding me and even this small, timid creature starts pushing her body against against mine, bouncing between my hands and my face.

The tell-tale signs that's she's ready to be push over an edge sync up and I give it all I have. I put myself into it until there is nothing left.

She cums and I push my tongue into her, both to feel her heat and wetness, but also to be inside her, the place I want to be more than anywhere else in the world.

We rest a bit like that until I slide out from beneath her. We change positions on the bed to get away from her sweat and cum, and luckily there is enough room for us to do so and for me to hold her.

I stroke her hair, I pet her body, I guard her body with mine as my reptile brain mandates but I like to pretend I'm choosing.

“I've never done that before,” she says like a church mouse.

I remind myself that she's young and it's alright for her to lie about such a small thing. “Oh?”

“Yes. I can't believe you did it.” She nuzzles into me as my brow furrows. “What do you mean by it?” “Gave me oral. Licked me.”

The room drops five degrees as the oxygen rushes out. Then the mask of dominance falls from me entirely and I laugh very, very hard. I know I shouldn't but I can't help myself. “Two boyfriends, long term, a pussy that is very difficult to squeeze into and you never, not once, got head.” I can feel her shrinking in my grasp but I can't help it. It's obscene and absurd. “I'm just so sorry.” “Well, I'm not really comfortable with it.” “Even as we did it?” “I just—I don't want to think about it because when I do…” “Take off the scarf.”

She does, and reveals her eyes, her beautiful face. I smile at her and she gives a weak one back. “Then I suppose,” I say as I touch her again, “that we're going to have to make it so that you don't think. At least not as much.” “Tall order,” she mutters. “Maybe.” I pull her back to me for a kiss. And another and another. I move her hand onto my hip so that she'll touch me. We embrace, we pull each other in and we kiss again.

“The lube you require. Is it hard to get?” She shakes her head and if she wasn't already flush, she'd be red. “Good, because the next time I see you,” I pull her hand to my cock, “I believe we're going to need it.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2sl89w/piano_girl_chapter_two_mf