Piano Girl, Chapter 4 [Mf][Domination, use, fucking]

She's a pleasant date and, when she's not being probed and pushed, quite good company. Free-spirited and easy going. Over dinner she tells me of what she wants to do and what comes next in her life. Instead of falling and fumbling every time she misspeaks, she gets right back on the horse. She laughs at herself. She's not taking herself seriously at all and it is wonderful to see this side of her.

My little piano girl is wonderful. At least, right up until the point that we get back to her place. The moment she opens the door she becomes shy, demure and uncertain. Her voice falls half an octave and her gaze goes from mine to the ground.

I tell her to stand where she is and am pleased to find her staying put as I close the door and pour a glass of water. I drink it as I look her up and down and catch only the occasional flick of her eyes as she tries to see what I'm going out of her field of vision.

In truth, I am sizing her up–circling her slowly. I am thinking about how to get both versions of her to be present at once. Nothing comes to me so, as I have become accustomed to, I must wing it with her. Treat her like the rare creature she is.

I remove her coat and scarf, saving the second and folding the first. Then I remove the heavy, simple dress she had on. I strip off her panties, her bra and fling them aside so that she is only in stockings and shoes. “Walk to the bed,” I demand as I swing the scarf around trying to find the glimmer of the confident girl I had seen moments ago.

When she arrives, I tell her to bend over it, palms pressed into the mattress and she complies. So I use the scarf like a whip and slap her ass. It doesn't leave a mark, and I can't imagine the soft fabric even stings, but she gasps like it does. “And that is what I was hoping would happen. You reacting like you think you should instead of being in the moment.” “It surprised me.” “I want you to be here, now, with me.”

I strangle her lovingly with the scarf and whisper in her ear. “There is no other place I want to be and no other woman I want to be with. I've thought that since I've met you. Remember that. That power you have over me, over any man you choose.” And when she nods I strangle her harder until she makes a noise. I release and, as she goes slack, I push her down into the mattress.

Her ass bounces and I can't resist swatting it.

I envelop her, push my legs together around her, pull her hair in my hand until her head comes as far back as its able before releasing and letting it fall into the cushions. I push my fingers into her neck and shoulder in the roughest massage of her life. I want her to feel me, not just now, but tomorrow when she wakes up. The next day when she turns too suddenly. I want every part of her to have some reminder that I was there.

My patience is wearing thin. I am starting to think of her as an item. A gift that damn well better thank me for unwrapping her every night. I want, in near equal measure, to cast off this notion of being a kind guide and hold on to it. Being with her, digging into her flesh after so long—it makes me a better man. She makes me stronger by waiting.

So I lean down. I kiss the back of her head. Then I whisper in her ear: “I'm going to fucking rip you apart, little girl. I'm going to teach you things you didn't know you needed to learn. And every single time we talk, ever walk we take, every moment your heart beats faster? We are closer to it.” I tug at her hair again as I push my constrained cock against her ass. “And when that time comes you won't be able to hide yourself, shield your body and be modest. You'll either be mine or not. Nothing else. Do you understand?”

Faint tugs at my knuckles as she bobs her head up and down. I release her, let her face fall back into the bed as I grab her shoulders and push my cock against her again. This time I growl and don't hold back. I can feel the roar building as my body shakes from within. The depth of my lungs comes out my throat.

“Do you feel it,” I ask. “How much I need you?”

She murmurs affirmation as I draw lines down her back with soft indentations of my nails. When I reach her stockings I pull them down and slap her ass again, dig my fingers into it and lift apart her cheeks. I bend down, inhale as much of her into my mouth as I can and clamp down with a soft, but building, pressure. I squeeze the other ass cheek as I do. Then I release her, rise and remove her shoes and the stockings entirely.

I grab her by her ankles and pull her to the edge of the bed. There I spread her legs open and undo the button on my jeans. Pulling my cock out, still encased in boxers, I push it against her pussy. I dip only a fraction on an inch in. “I know this is terrifying you. Hurting you, even. And I'm doing it anyway, just for my pleasure. Just because I know that I can. That I can use you and you'll still be there in the morning with stars in your eyes.”

She mutters something but I only push into her further until she stops.

I take a step back and flip her over with ease, then I put my hands on her hips and pull her against me while staring directly into her eyes. When her pussy brushes against my cock she cringes for half a second and then looks to me wide-eyed. She is so innocent. “Do you know who I am?” I ask it as a simple question with the confidence that there can be no right answer.

She says my name.

“No,” I say as I push into her as far as the clothing between us will allow. “I'm the man who needs you tonight. And is going to punish you for making that happen.”

I pull out of her and let her breath, examine me as I strip. As I pull off my shirt and kick off my shoes. I picked up the scarf and tossed it above her head so it could rest on the headboard. “I'm going to punish you because we weren't supposed to end up here. I wasn't supposed to want your company every night. I wasn't supposed to say yes to sleeping over.”

The special lube of hers is cold out of the container, but I conceal how unpleasant it is as I slide it up and down my rigid cock while looking her in the eyes. “This was supposed to be fun and easy and you've gone and messed that up. Just by being quiet. By being serene. And the worst part?” I slide my cock down the entrance to her, just playing around the edge of her pussy. “You probably want me to appreciate you. Tell it like it's a love story instead of what it is. Just something unexpected. Just one of those things.”

We shift. I push in half and inch and she groans. I lean down. “How much would it hurt if I tried to force myself all the way in right now? It wouldn't be pleasant for me but it would be agony for you. But that's not the real pain is it?” I'm inches from her face as I move in just another small jolt into her. “The real pain is the fucking that would come after it. Tomorrow or the day after that you'd give me because you haven't figured out that you're more than a piece of meat yet.”

I take her top lip between my teeth and press into her. I lick her trapped lip. I stare at her with all the fire that's been building inside me and she holds it, afraid, aroused and unable to speak.

After a moment I pull out of her, dip my fingers into the cold lube, and then push my pinkie into her. She shivers, but keeps her eyes open and on my. When I move my thumb to her mouth she sucks it in, licks the tip of it, and as I continue to make her pussy more loose, she tightens around it.

The second finger slides into her with a small scream, but she's sucking on the thumb harder now, bobbing her head and taking more in and out with each bit of suction.

A third finger. She cries out, but she looks to me with the same intensity that I've been giving her. I pull my thumb out of her mouth as I remove the fingers. Then I place my hand over her throat as I aim my cock at the front of her pussy.

I strangle her as I enter her. I don't release until I'm all the way in.

There's a moment where I let her adjust and I question if she is truly ready. If she can handle the full force of me as I use her for my pleasure and in that moment I have doubts, fears and concerns.

It passes–I start to fuck the life out of her.

My hands dig into her hips so that I can pull her into me, against me, any way I need her to be as I move in and out of her. Not slamming, not yet. I still want her open. I want her to feel it. I want her to know that I've plied her apart and know just how dainty she is.

Her legs give little kicks as her head tosses from left to right. She can't keep her eyes open. But I can. I can stare at her as I fuck her. Watch her breasts bounce and her lips tremble. I can see everything that she is and all that I am doing to her.

I fuck her harder. “You're mine,” I growl. I'm hurting her, I know, but just enough. Just the edge of it on an otherwise pleasant ride. I lean forward, I get on the balls of my feet, I tilt in so I can fuck her even faster, throwing all of my hips and back into it as she squeezes my cock.

She doesn't need to practice. Or try. She has the tightest pussy because it can't open up too far. And I know that ever stroke of her comes at a cost.

But she agreed to pay it the moment we met.

Her hands come up so I release her hips and seize them. I pin them to the mattress, pull them away from her face so that she comes closer to me. Her legs fly into the air as I push. They clip me on the shoulder, on my under arm. They flail about wildly.

She starts to scream and I growl with her, picking up my pace until I am going as fast as I can.

We yell at the same time. She cums all over me and pull out just in time to spray her across her stomach, across her chest.

After a few moments of heavy breathing I move, fresh puddles of sweat beneath each aching foot. I sit on the edge of the bed and stare at her face.

“Open your eyes.”

She does, with concern.

“Pick up the scarf.”

She does.

“Wipe my cum off you.”

Her brow furrows. She hesitates.

“Which are you more worried about? Displeasing me or ruining a scarf?”

She dabs at the cum. She cleans it up with long slow swipes. She avoids my gaze. So I reach out, grab her, tilt her face to look at me as she continues to clean herself up.

“You are very, very good girl,” I growl at her.

Then we kiss until we fuck again.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2t42al/piano_girl_chapter_4_mfdomination_use_fucking