Three Trials for the Huntress excerpt [M/F, Fdom, fantasy]

Here's a sex scene from my new ebook, Three Trials for the Huntress

Kalexia strode into her tent, her mind already focused on the first Trial Beast. She would head west from the Amazon’s kastra out into the tall grass until she found mantigore herd tracks, then follow them and claim her first victory of the Trial. She peeled off her clothes, making a mental inventory of the few supplies she’d need.

“Mistress?” a male voice rumbled from the dark of the tent. Andro stepped forward into the dim candlelight, six foot of ivory muscle shining in the darkness.

Her war party had captured him and his brother earlier in the season during a raid on a trading caravan crossing the Grass Sea. After she and her sisters had slain the caravan guards from afar with bows, they closed in to claim their prize at spear-point. They found the two brothers chained to the back of a gorak wagon, packed in with the wine and bolts of fabric – sex slaves bound for the Madarii bazaars. As leader of the successful war party, Kalexia was entitled to “first prick,” and claimed Andro as her tent slave. His brother went to Silverhair, the fleet scout who had first spotted the caravan. After the usual week of conditioning when she established her dominance and trained him in the ways of a camp slave, Andro had served her loyally in the months since. She needed no sex witch to break her males.

She licked her lips, entranced by Andro’s pale skin, beefy physique, and total lack of hair. To emulate Dianya, Amazons had long waxed their body hair using the gel from the udus plant, but Andro seemingly had no hair to begin with, which she found exotic and titillating.

“How may this male be of service?” he asked, as he was trained.

“Slave, I am departing on a quest. Prepare a satchel with three days’ provisions.”

“Yes, mistress,” Andro said. His eyes roamed over her naked body for a moment, lingering on her bare chest, and then he set to work fulfilling her orders.

“What is it, slave?”

“Does mistress require bathing before she departs?” He had a suggestive tone in his voice.

She looked at her tent slave’s tight ass as he leaned down to place strips of dried meat and khavas biscuits in her satchel. Globes of muscle flexed and moved under his unnaturally pale skin, and Kalexia suddenly longed to dig her fingernails into that ass as he slammed into her with his thick ivory cock.

“I require bathing and more, Andro. The satchel can wait. Turn to face your mistress.”

Andro complied, turning to present himself. He looked like one of the statues of the Sun God she had seen in Port Karth; a fantastically well-proportioned man with broad shoulders that tapered down to slender hips and a beautiful long shaft that hung to his mid-thigh even when flaccid. Warmth kindled between Kalexia’s legs as she beheld her pet in all his glory.

Well, not quite all his glory; not yet. As she looked at him with undisguised hunger, Andro’s cock stirred, thickening before her eyes. She bit her lip, watching as the ivory shaft slowly rose from between his legs, awakening. A drop of milky fluid seeped from the tip, sparkling in the candlelight.

“Your body… pleases me,” she breathed. Her nipples were hard pebbles on her aching breasts, and the warmth in her core had ignited into a fiery need.

He smiled. “Let me service you, mistress. This slave wishes only to give you joy.”

“Come, Andro,” she whispered. “Touch me here.” Her fingers vanished between her legs.

Without a word, Andro took her into his arms, pressing Kalexia hard against his chest. She gasped as her hard nipples rubbed against the wide plane of his chest, sending sweet currents of sensation through her body. One of Andro’s hands squeezed her ass while he pressed her pelvis against his. His big cock rubbed against her flat belly and the top of her mound, making her moan. His other hand slipped between the crack of her ass cheeks and stroked her dripping wet lips from the rear.

“Is that better, mistress?” Andro said with a grin that held a shade of insolence.

“It’s a –ohh! – a start,” she managed.

“May I suckle your tits, mistress?”

She arched her back against Andro’s taut chest, offering her breasts to him as she rubbed her pelvis against him. Kalexia was renowned even among the buxom Amazons for her full breasts, which sat proud and high on her muscular torso, capped with pearls of rosy flesh. With deliberate slowness, the slave lapped at her nipples with his tongue, drawing a feminine moan from his Amazon mistress. When he took one swollen bud into his mouth, Andro also slid a pair of fingers into her wet warmth and began to probe.

“Goddess, you have talent, slave,” she said as he turned his attention to her other nipple.

Her clit was already pulsing urgently; if he kept this up she was going to come before he even entered her. Panting for air, shaking her head, she pulled away from Andro.

“N-no… not yet.”

“I want you, mistress,” Andro said. His glorious chest was heaving with lust, and his rigid cock was dripping with pre-cum.

“Take me, then,” she dared him.

Hesitation flickered in his eyes. As a slave, he was fearful of overstepping his bounds. He’d seen the whip scars on breeding males who had been taught their place. There were no alpha males among the Amazons, only broken prisoners who were used at the whim of the tribe.

“You fear me,” Kalexia said, with a trace of disappointment. “As it always has been, and as it should be. But you were a man before you were a slave. A man with needs.”

“I am a slave now, mistress. I exist for your needs only.”

She felt a rush of anger and frustration. Andro was right; he could never take command of her body and dominate her the way she needed. She had trained him too well for that. Nobody could force her to truly submit to them, not even her sister Amazons. Kalexia was always on top, always in control. Always alpha.

“Very well,” she said. “I shall take my pleasure as I wish.”

She shoved Andro roughly in the chest, down on to her bed of furs. He didn’t resist as she straddled his naked body with her own, pinning his arms down while she squatted on his crotch. His erection fit neatly alongside her silky folds.

“Mistress, you feel so…” Andro began, then trailed off in a groan.

“Hold still, slave,” she snapped.

With slow, deliberate motions Kalexia began to rotate her hips, grinding her sex against Andro’s ivory cock. The juice of her arousal made him slippery, and soon she was fiercely humping him, sliding back and forth along the slick beam of his cock. Moaning and panting, she rubbed herself even harder against him, lost in her need to satisfy the hot, pulsing desire that burned in her core.

“Such a lovely slave,” Kalexia cooed. She released his arms and squeezed her heaving breasts, showing off for him. “Does the sight of my body fill you with yearning? Do you want to fuck me?”

Andro grabbed two handfuls of Kalexia’s ass and angled her hips, bringing her clit in contact with his ivory-hard cock. She hissed with pleasure at the exquisite pressure.

Then with a quick upward thrust, Andro slipped his cock inside the Amazon who straddled him. She cried out in surprise, then groaned as he pulled her down on top of him, until he had sheathed himself entirely in her velvet warmth.

She shuddered for a moment, lost in the sensation, then began rocking up and down, fucking him.

Kalexia closed her eyes as she rode her slave’s hardness, imagining the Trial Beasts that stood between her and leadership of the tribe. Would an orc submit to her power and let her mount him like this? Would the minotaur offer his fabled penis at the command of a lovely Amazon? Or would the beasts defeat her and slake their hunger on her captive body? The thought of the Trial Beasts fucking her drove her to the edge. A font of molten ecstasy built in her core. She pumped Andro’s cock frantically, but in her mind she was mating with the minotaur, using her body to coax an orgasm from the beast’s huge phallus.

“Goddess, yes!” Kalexia shouted as the burning pressure within her exploded, washing her in orgasmic heat. She collapsed on Andro’s chest, trembling and gasping. As the roaring in her ears and tingling in her legs subsided, she sleepily explored the creamy white ridges of his abdomen and the hard slabs of his pectorals. His nipples budded under her touch.

As Kalexia licked and sucked on her slave’s nipples, she let him finish inside her with a few more thrusts.

Satisfied, Kalexia lay atop her captive lover’s naked body, catching her breath. She did enjoy the perks of camp life, such as Andro and the other breeding males the tribe caught on raids. It was always more satisfying to fuck the males she’d personally captured; it made her conquest in bed all the sweeter. How much more satisfying would it be to tame the three Trial Beasts, carnal weapons made by the Gods themselves?

She would risk everything to know the answer…


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