Eldritch Thoughts [MF][T]

Walking through the abandoned church in a slutty nuns costume. This was supposed to be a quick photo shoot and hot fuck, but I lost you. We were heading to the main room when I accidentally stumbled into another hall. I'm freaked out, stumbling back and forth between rooms. I can hear weird noises. Sometimes whispering. I stopped in front of one door and felt something brush against me. Suddenly I can hear your voice. I follow it down the hall to a large room lit with candles. You're there with your camera out whispering to yourself. The room is huge. Its decorated with tapers, candle stands and decorative ornaments on the walls. A large wooden table sits in the front of the room.

You gesture to it, still mumbling to yourself. I smile and seductively climb onto it. The camera begins to click as I begin to pose and play for it. Once on the table, I begin to play with the strings of the corset. At the head of the table must be a stool, you stand on it and become much taller. I lay down on the table looking up at you.

My body is alert and sensitive. Above me, you keep whispering and begin moving around the table. The camera continues to click repeatedly. A hand travels over my exposed skin. Over my breasts, pinching my nipples through the fabric. Nails raking along my skin. Fingers massaging my clit, getting my pussy very wet. Your hand feels amazing. I don't realize you are still talking. Then you stop. Standing above me again, you pull me to the edge of the table. I watch, with my head hanging over the table, as you remove your clothes.

The soft skin of your cock presses to my lips. You run the tip back and forth, playing with me. My tongue snakes out and licks you. So warm, so good. The taste alone gets me wetter. I want to touch myself, but you haven't given me permission yet. So I take you into my mouth, sucking softly, swirling my tongue around your cock. Reaching up, I begin to play with your balls. I hear you moan and then the familiar click of the camera. Instinct kicks in and I expose myself to you so you can get clear shots of my mouth on your cock. As you begin to fuck my mouth, I loosen the ties of my corset.

When the last string is pulled you push my hands to the side and hold them down on the table. Something cold goes around each wrist. My heart beats faster. You move to my feet and strap my ankles down the same. I'm spread out for you. To touch and do what you want. The camera clicks as you round to the head of the table again.

I take you back into my mouth and you begin to fuck me, getting harder and faster. I can take it. I've done this before. Something cold touches my inner thigh. I don't acknowledge its presence until it grabs the crotch of my panties. Is someone else here? Why wouldn't you tell me? They rip the fabric off me, exposing me to the cool air. You pause to get pictures of my assailant. I jerk away from them, which pushes my mouth farther onto your cock. Pulling at the restraints, I start to struggle. The restraints tighten on my ankles and wrists. The cold, moist object comes up my leg again. It slides over the slickness of my clit. I moan onto you. You begin fucking my mouth again and the camera continues to click.

The thing massages my clit, my body trembles in anticipation. My heart beats fast and I can swear that I has never been this wet or hot so quickly before. It moves down my slit and penetrates my pussy. Its so long, so thick. It seems to flex inside me before moving in and out. My eyes widen when I feel the same cold and moist surround my tits and playing with my nipples. The shock passes as my body is engulfed with pleasure. Something is massaging my clit now as the other continues to fuck my pussy. I get close, so close. You thrust your cock into my mouth and fill my throat and mouth with your cum. The thrusts continue as you unload in my throat. That sends me over the edge. My body spirals as the things relentlessly use my body. This makes my orgasm intense and very drawn out. I tremble uncontrollably until whatever is touching me pauses.

Finally my body calms as everything stills. You pull from me and place your camera to the side. The table creaks as you climb up on it. I look down to you and catch sight of what is around my tits. It looks like large green rubber ropes. But they move, flex. And then I realize what they are. I try to pull from my restraints again, but they are what's around my wrists and ankles too. Tentacles, they are tentacles. They are holding me down, squeezing my breasts, and fucking me. I look up in fear, but you are so calm. You stroke my leg, telling me I will be ok. The tentacle in my pussy pulls out. Instead of relief I feel need. I feel a void that needs to be filled. Without thinking about it, I grind against you. Your softened cock lays on me, but begins to stiffen as you groan. I can't see it, yet I know what's going on. A tentacle has made its way to your tight hole. Your breathing labors as it inserts itself into you. I see your body move when it begins to fuck you.

I cry out when I feel the cold sensation next on my rear hole. I try to move away, but another tendril snakes up and wraps around my waist. It helps the previous tentacle massage my clit. The one penetrating my ass slowly goes in. The void in my pussy aches even more. My tight hole stretches, burns.

I beg you to fuck me.

Even though I am being assaulted, there is relief when your hard cock enters me. After the initial thrust you pause a moment, and adjust to being pegged and having such a tight pussy around your cock. The tentacle inside me is in fully, flexing my narrow passage. The tentacles around my tits pulse and squeeze my nipples. I try to move again. Now another tentacle reaches up and wraps around my throat. That triggers your lust. Pulling back, you begin to thrust into me hard. The tendrils holding my ankles lift up, angling my body for you to get in deeper.

My body doesn't even move as you slam into me. The vigorous pace and having both holes filled brings my body up to a state of arousal. The tentacle begins to move in and out, causing friction. It fills me so much. I mentally explode in pleasure, crashing wave after wave. But neither one stops, my orgasm being strung out over and over again. The persistent assault on me, on my senses. I continue to tremble while you fuck me. Almost to the point of screaming I finally feel you burst inside me. I love the feeling of you coming inside me. My body collapses on the table, even though my pussy still craves more. The restraints don't release. I try to tug free, but I get resistance. You chuckle softly. Looking up at you, I can see the tentacle behind you. I can see your cock harden as it begins to fuck your ass again. You tell me we're not done yet. But I don't think you're including me in that reference. I'm lifted off the table and turned onto my stomach. My waist is held up and legs tucked under. Now my ass is in the air, fully exposed.

Again I squirm, but stop as a hard slap goes across my ass. I gasp. A tentacle takes advantage of my open mouth and inserts itself. It tastes salty, but the flush of pleasure takes control. It plays with my tongue, teasing my throat. Another hard slap goes across my ass. The heat radiates from my skin. I count each slap you deliver. We stop at ten, so you can kiss my flared skin. Then the spankings pick up again, this time counting to twenty. I'm whimpering when you kiss my heated skin again. The tight rear hole is still lubricated from the tentacle. You rub the head of your cock against the opening. I try to pull away, but you slap me again and that stops me. Groaning, you enter me deeply. The tentacle is working your ass as you enter mine. Your cock is thicker than the tentacle. I'm not used to you in me like this. Two tentacles twine together and insert into my pussy. My back arches, tightening on you. Nails rake down my back. There is a tentacle around my throat and one still in my mouth. Grabbing a fist of my hair, you pull on it and push deeper in me. I can feel myself build, but not get any closer. Its frustrating and getting unbearable. One hand reaches around me and you pinch my nipple. I scream around the tentacle. Your thrusts get harder and quicker. My clit begs to be touched.

Another slap on my ass, arching my back even more. I feel every inch of you, every detail of the tentacles inside me. Your hand grips one of my tits, squeezing and pinching it. The other one has a tendril with a death grip. You lower yourself over my back, pressing against me. The thrusts slow to deep, full strokes. Soft kisses along my back. You murmur softly, but I can't make out what you say. Quickly you get up and pull me with you. You slap my tit, flicking the nipple. The tentacle mimics your example. After slapping me a few more times you push me down and grab my hips. Once again you slam into me. The tentacles fuck me vigorously. I feel you begin to pulse, you are going to come again soon. The tentacles release an ooze, coating me, my mouth, and my pussy. My body spasms. The tremors spread throughout my body, and I tighten on you and the tendrils. The rush of warmth inside me tells me you are coming. We ride the waves, fucking each other. It is like it will never end. The constant penetration brings on another and another. The liquid coats and lubricates me all over. You won't stop pounding my ass. I am thrown into a purple haze of pleasure.

The sudden collapse on the table breaks our haze. I look around and realize I'm no longer restrained. There is no sign of the tentacles. Only us in the room, the sound of our hard breathing, and the dance of fire from candles. We slowly get up, cleaned and dressed. I don't say anything, don't know what to say, but I think about what happened. You are silent as well. Our bodies are both still humming, still wanting more. We leave the haunting place. Watching it in the mirror as you turn out onto the road, you make suggestion we should do it again. My answer is a sly smile and a bite on my lip.



Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2t2lto/eldritch_thoughts_mft


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