Maintenance [Gangbang] [F20, M20, M23, M21, M22] [Fantasy] [Robot Girl] [Little Bit of Everything] [HEAVY dialogue]

     Her hand slowly strokes the cock in her hand while she looks at a computer screen displaying various graphs and charts. It’s maintenance day for the troops, but Dee is grievously behind on her other duties. She needs to place orders for new vehicle parts, design a countermeasure for the latest enemy technology, and meet with the Commander about the state of the troops. 

    The gears and wires in her joints rhythmically shift up and down while the moaning man in her hand begins to breathe quickly and stutters out something or another about being close. She quickens her pace and before long the work is done. She hasn’t actually stopped to take in what he looks like, swamped as she is with actual work. Maintenance day is such a nuisance! She hastily activates the hatch in her palm that opens to dispense soap and water and cleans the dripping cum from the oozing dick. 

Windows [M/F] [Non-Con, Male Victim] [Stalking] [Sleeping BJ]

     She lurks outside the house, crouching behind one of the many shrubberies surrounding the residence. The rainy night renders her nigh-invisible, droplets pattering against the hood of her black raincoat. Her boots, black to match, sink slightly into the muddy earth. She doesn’t seem to notice. Her gaze is fixed upon the many windows of the house, with a particular focus on the farthest left one on the second floor. 

     She knows exactly where he sleeps. She knows where every member of his family sleeps, and can mostly predict when each of their lights will go out. He is right there in that far left window. His sister is the next one on the right, separated by a connected bathroom that has no windows at all. His mother and father sleep in different rooms on account of his father’s unbearable snoring. They’re on the first floor, each occupying a different corner room with different corner windows. 

     All of this information is important. She tracks each light and mentally marks each sleeping person. She anxiously fiddles with the crowbar in her hands as she concentrates. She applies a bending motion to it, and then a reverse flexing motion, though it does not bend. There. The last light, his insomniac sister’s, has gone out. 

Peeping Edel [F18, F???, M30] [Watching, Slow and Sensual, Fandom]

     A glance around the corner of a dark wooden hall affirms its vacancy. Knowing the punishment for being out after curfew, and knowing that even her status as heir to the throne couldn’t stop it, Edelgard Von Hresvelg quickly darts down the shadowy passage. Her years at the monastery have taught her which floorboards creak and which doors guard the lightest sleepers. She moves through the teacher’s dormitories like a shadow, gripping a textbook tightly in her arms as she nervously surveys each new area before dashing through it. 

     She is not out for trouble tonight. There is no plot to meet with any cute boy (or girl, for that matter) or to rendezvous with shady figures in trenchcoats. She does not intend to bear witness to the sight waiting for her. 

    No, she simply means to request her professor’s assistance with a particularly thorny homework assignment. She’s a senior at the monastery, having just come of age, but even she needs the occasional tutoring. She knows her professor, the expressionless mercenary-turned-teacher, won’t bother questioning why the hour is so late. All she has to do is make it there. 

Tribute [Femdom] [Monster Girl] [Fantasy]

     A creaking in the thick woods. Barren branches snapping underfoot. A dim lamp struggling against the oppressive dark of the forest. He can see so little and hear so much, each new bird cry and wolf howl paralyzing him for a brief moment. He is not wanted here, and the ground beneath him knows it as well as the looming canopy above. 

     He shakily grasps a scrap-iron short sword. The cheaply forged blade is of little practical use, save the slight bit of courage it affords him, but he holds it like a mighty weapon. He slashes through endless foliage, cutting away thorny appendages that slap back as their tension is released. He bleeds, but does not dare to stumble or cry. It is not just predatory plants that guard this place. 

    A terrible legend haunts him, a towny fable to dissuade wandering children from exploring beyond the bounds of the village. A great beast that pounces from the treeline to devour the lost and trap their souls within an endless leafy purgatory. He is not superstitious, but none can deny the terrible screeches that come from the forest, especially after the village sees off an ambitious traveller into that impermeable darkness.