Peeping Edel [F18, F???, M30] [Watching, Slow and Sensual, Fandom]

     A glance around the corner of a dark wooden hall affirms its vacancy. Knowing the punishment for being out after curfew, and knowing that even her status as heir to the throne couldn’t stop it, Edelgard Von Hresvelg quickly darts down the shadowy passage. Her years at the monastery have taught her which floorboards creak and which doors guard the lightest sleepers. She moves through the teacher’s dormitories like a shadow, gripping a textbook tightly in her arms as she nervously surveys each new area before dashing through it. 

     She is not out for trouble tonight. There is no plot to meet with any cute boy (or girl, for that matter) or to rendezvous with shady figures in trenchcoats. She does not intend to bear witness to the sight waiting for her. 

    No, she simply means to request her professor’s assistance with a particularly thorny homework assignment. She’s a senior at the monastery, having just come of age, but even she needs the occasional tutoring. She knows her professor, the expressionless mercenary-turned-teacher, won’t bother questioning why the hour is so late. All she has to do is make it there. 

     On the way, her thoughts drift away from the task at hand and to her professor, Byleth. He is tall and handsome and utterly inscrutable. It is only natural that she developed an instantaneous crush on him. Part of her teenage heart flutters at the concept of meeting him so late, when all the other faculty was asleep. Fantasies run rampant through her head, overwhelming her with the mental images of his calloused hands, his soft lips, his…

     Enough. That’s enough, she thinks. Homework. You’re there for help with the homework. 

     Her thoughts lead her to his door now, and she hesitates to knock. Suddenly it seems that the door is an impenetrable fortress, a titan of wooden invulnerability. This was stupid. She should’ve just waited until morning. Defeated, she turns away and begins the silent journey back to her dorm. 

     A wet sound from within. A voice…no, two voices. One is indisputably Byleth’s. More wet noises, like the popping of salivated lips against a sweet treat. She turns slowly back to the door and leans her ear up against it. A deep blush runs across her face as the noises continue and what sounds like the Professor grunting joins them. 

     No. What the Professor does in his spare time is his business. Who is she to intrude? Who is she if she doesn’t take at least a peak? Don’t do it. You’re gonna regret it. Here she goes…

    The door creaks open, much to her horror, but nobody inside notices. No, they are much too busy to hear that. It takes all her might to restrain a squeak as she takes in the sight before her. 

    The Archbishop, Lady Rhea herself, on her knees. Her mossy green hair, the symbol of divine blood, flows down her smooth shoulders and reaches the small of her back. Her dress, white and nearly sheer, is in the process of falling down her shoulders, the straps fighting valiantly but slipping regardless. Edelgard’s eyes follow them down to her cleavage, huge and supple pillows barely restrained by a tan bra that clasps in the back. Her skin glistens in the soft candlelight that illuminates the room. She is divinity, but it is what she worships now that shocks Edelgard the most. 

     Her soft pink lips are pressed gently but firmly against the throbbing tip of a huge cock. The head pulses beneath her kiss, pronounced and leaking precum in dribbles that the Lady gracefully licks away. The veiny shaft bobs gently, the man connected to it none other than the Professor. 

     His hands cup her face gently, sliding fingers through the trails of hair around her ears and clearing her face of it. Her kisses are slow and sensual. Her lips close over his tip for some time before detaching and finding a new spot on the sizable head of his cock. He groans occasionally, massaging her cheeks from his standing position. 

    Edelgard cannot look away. There is no bloody battle or terrible revelation that could shake her so thoroughly. Worse, she feels the unmistakable heat of arousal in her own groin. She needs to leave, to close the door before one of them opens their eyes and notices. She stays. 

     Slowly, the Professor begins to shift his hips forward. His fingers run deeper into her hair, eliciting a soft moan from her as he gently takes hold of the back of her head. She opens her eyes and Edelgard is certain that she is doomed. There is no furious cry of indignity, though. The Lady has eyes only for the Professor, sea blue gazing into his wooden brown. She lets go of his tip for a moment. 

     “Professor…I never expected you to be so…well endowed~ nor to taste so good…”

     The words send electricity up Edelgard’s spine. Rhea’s voice is like warm chocolate running down the back of her throat. Edelgard has a vendetta against the church, but even she cannot deny the ethereal beauty of the Lady. It is shameful to admit, but she fantasizes about having Rhea’s motherly body to herself just as much as she does about Byleth. 

     The Professor responds in a husky tone, causing Edelgard to bury her face in her hands to hold back her girlish squeals. 

      “I always expected you to be so beautiful, Lady Rhea. Your mouth is heaven~.” 

    When did the Professor start talking like that? She could not have imagined in a thousand years the stoic teacher wooing any woman, much less the Archbishop. His words are more than effective. Rhea giggles, velvety music to Edelgard’s ears, and closes her lips fully over his tip. 

     Her tongue swirls in circles around his head, causing the Professor to grunt and moan aloud. His grip on her hair tightens, though he is careful not to pull painfully. He closes his eyes and tilts his head back while the Lady watches his reactions hungrily. Edelgard sees the wet spot forming on the Lady’s white panties, clearly visible through the sheen of her skirt. It matches her own growing wetness. 

     The urge to touch herself is nigh-irresistible. Her knees press together under the weight of arousal, and her hand slips beneath her black waistband to feel her panties. This is wrong, she thinks. She doesn’t care. She presses the cloth against her throbbing clit, stifling her own moans as those of the Professor grow slightly louder. 

     The Lady takes the base of his cock in her left hand, pressing the right against his thigh for stability, and begins slowly traveling down the shaft. With each new inch, the Professor drifts further from reality and deeper into pleasure. Rhea drinks his moans in hungrily, wetly slurping on his cock to elicit those delicious grunts of ecstasy. She uses a single finger to finish off the sagging straps of her dress, pulling at the vertex of her cleavage line to reveal her bra in entirety. Hard nipples poke through soft fabric. Edelgard imagines what they must feel like against the tongue, biting her lip and slipping a finger inside while she thumbs her clit. 

     “Ngh. Lady Rhea….fuck…take me deeper~”

     Again Edelgard’s face lights up in a brand new shade of red. How she wishes it were her he would issue commands to. Instead, the Lady gets to reach all the way to his thick base. Her nose buries itself in his waist, his trimmed bush tickling her nostrils as he moans loudly now. She holds the position for far longer than Edelgard expects,  smiling through a full mouth up at the Professor. When she finally let’s go, a thick concoction of precum and saliva trails from his tip to her panting lips. 

     “What do you think, Professor? Are you ready to teach me a lesson?” 

     “I think you’re going to be an excellent student. Come here~.” 

     The Professor growls his reply to her coy words, placing hands under the kneeling Lady’s armpits and hoisting her entire weight with ease. She yelps and laughs wildly, excitement and lust radiating from her smile. He places her roughly onto the bed. In a single fluid motion, he tears the bra from her chest and her boobs spring out from their restraints. Her pink nipples stand fully erect, and the Professor wastes no time wrapping his lips around one and sucking. The Lady moans and squirms under his weight, but he only intensifies her pleasure by rolling the other nipple in his rough fingers. 

     Edelgard moves faster on herself, fingering herself desperately while she pulls down her shirt to free her own breasts. She’s not even half the size of Rhea, but she may be even more sensitive. She fondles herself in time with the Professor’s motions, closing her eyes and imagining herself in the Lady’s place. Unable to resist, she softly moans as her clit swells and she drives more fingers inside herself.

    “O-oh my! Professor, you’re being too rough! Ah! Ah! Fuck, Byleth!” 

     Not content to stagnate, the Professor let’s go of her nipples only to gently bite back down it with bared teeth. The Lady nearly shrieks in pleasure, throwing her head back into the mattress and gripping the sheets tightly. He slides his hand down her torso, tracing her soft belly until he finds her pulsing clit. She gasps as he brushes against it, still alternating between gentle bites and rough sucking on her breasts. He begins circling his thumb on her clit, coaxing moans from the Lady that Edelgard could not conjure in her dirtiest fantasies. 

    “What do you think, Rhea? Are you picking up on the lesson?”

    “F-fuck yes! Oh god don’t stop Byleth! Ngh! F-finger me please! ”

     A silent obeying of orders. Byleth, still rotating his thumb on her swollen clit, slips his middle and ring finger into her wet folds. His cock stands at agonizing attention, practically pouring precum as he begins to finger fuck the Lady. Edelgard can’t decide where to look. His throbbing cock, her ecstatic face, the fingering between them. She moans slightly louder, covering her mouth to muffle the sound as she comes close to climax. 

    She feels the heat between her legs rising to unimaginable levels as she watches Byleth mercilessly pleasure the Lady, but stops herself right as she reaches the apex of pleasure. If she cums it’ll be a disaster. She could never stop the intense sounds she would make. She lets herself cool down, her pussy begging to be stimulated but being staunchly refused. 

     “I-I can’t take anymore Byleth! Fuck me! Fuck! Put it in me you animal!” 

    The Lady suddenly erupts from the bed, grabbing hold of Byleth’s collar and dragging him down on top of her. She kisses him hard, grabbing his face with both hands and smearing lipstick and saliva across his mouth. Byleth makes a noise of surprise, and then more noises of pleasure as he slowly lines his tip up to her entrance. He pushes her head into the bed with a response of forceful kissing and slowly slides into her. The Lady’s moans grow high pitched and needy, like an animal in heat. Her legs wrap around his waist and pull him deeper in until his whole length is in her. 

     Edelgard reaches her limit, finally going back to touching herself as she watches her two biggest fantasies fuck like wild beasts. She returns quickly to the edge, constantly having to deprive herself of the tremendous orgasm building between her legs. 

    Rhea moans loudly into Byleth’s mouth, and he does the same in return. Their kisses are only broken by bouts of breathless gasps before they lock lips again. Byleth thrusts desperately into her, pressing against her most sensitive spots while her walls grip him tightly. Her supple thighs ripple and her tits bounce wildly between them. There is a steady increase in speed, both in thrusts and in Edelgard’s needy masturbation. She softly whispers Byleth’s name again and again as she yet again reaches the tantalizing edge of climax. 

     The lovers are in much the same situation. Reaching the acme of his speed, Byleth savagely pounds the Lady’s pussy before a great stillness comes over the both of them. Byleth grunts loudly and Rhea practically screams as his thick cock unloads impossible amounts of cum into her womb. Her back arches and her eyes roll back, her moans becoming totally incoherent as a rolling orgasm rocks her body. 

    The sight is too much for Edelgard. She rapidly reaches and then pushes beyond the edge, crying out before quickly biting into her own hand to stifle her moans. She spasms against the wall outside the door, the orgasm literally shaking her world as her vision blurs and her mind goes blank. When she comes to, she hears the wet noise of Byleth pulling slowly out of a breathless Rhea. His cum coats his own cock and leaks in droves out of her twitching pussy. She makes no motion to move, just lies panting and gasping and leaking among a castle of pillows. 

     All at once, the reality of her situation dawns on Edelgard. She just watched the Professor fuck the mouthpiece of the Goddess, and she masturbated to the whole thing. It’s a miracle they didn’t hear her cries of pleasure outside, muffled though they were. She has to get out of here yesterday. She stays. 

    Byleth slowly crawls up the bed, kissing up Rhea’s heaving stomach and traveling between her breasts. He gently locks lips with her, a slow and passionate kiss, while he reaches for a stash of towels near the bed. He wipes her down and then himself, tossing the spent rag to the side 

     “Class is early tomorrow. I should shower and be gone. We can meet again tomorrow night?”

     Theres the Professor she knows. Comically stoic, even as he looks upon the most beautiful woman in the world still dripping from within with his cum.

     “That…that sounds excellent, Professor. I’ll be eagerly waiting for your daily report tomorrow evening.” 

     And with that, the Professor pulls on his old clothes and leaves with an armful of fresh ones for the shower. Right in Edelgard’s directions. She scrambles and stumbles backwards, pulling her pants back up and barely fixing her shirt in time for the Professor to step out of the door. There is no surprise on his face, there never is, and he addresses her without any real concern. 

    “Oh, hello Edelgard. I believe you’re meant to be in your dorm at this hour. Is something the matter?”

   “Uhhh no no! I-I…I just wanted to ask you a question about the homework?” 

