Tribute [Femdom] [Monster Girl] [Fantasy]

     A creaking in the thick woods. Barren branches snapping underfoot. A dim lamp struggling against the oppressive dark of the forest. He can see so little and hear so much, each new bird cry and wolf howl paralyzing him for a brief moment. He is not wanted here, and the ground beneath him knows it as well as the looming canopy above. 

     He shakily grasps a scrap-iron short sword. The cheaply forged blade is of little practical use, save the slight bit of courage it affords him, but he holds it like a mighty weapon. He slashes through endless foliage, cutting away thorny appendages that slap back as their tension is released. He bleeds, but does not dare to stumble or cry. It is not just predatory plants that guard this place. 

    A terrible legend haunts him, a towny fable to dissuade wandering children from exploring beyond the bounds of the village. A great beast that pounces from the treeline to devour the lost and trap their souls within an endless leafy purgatory. He is not superstitious, but none can deny the terrible screeches that come from the forest, especially after the village sees off an ambitious traveller into that impermeable darkness. 

     The snapping of something large, perhaps the bones of past prey or a significant branch, draws his attention. He whirls around, stifling his yelp and leveling the sword in front of him with two hands. Nothing there but more trees. Nothing anywhere but trees. But listen now. Hone your ears like the rabbit, who dies for a lapse in attention. There is a soft breathing, wet and heavy. 


     A predator holds its breath the moment it plans to strike. 

     Instinct. A pure reflex to dive, to roll, to throw himself, to be anywhere but exactly where he is. He eats a mouthful of dirt and rotted leaves, slamming his chin into the rough ground and throwing his hands over his head. At the same moment, a heaving mass sails over his prone body. Piercing teeth protrude from a gaping mouth, retractable claws swiping at air. 

    The beast tumbles and cries out. The sound is guttural and electrifying, every ounce of adrenaline that his body can muster flowing through his veins. He is stronger, faster, braver. Adrenaline cannot return a weapon to his hand. His sword is lost, flung to the ground in his panic. 

     It is recovering in seconds, rising to stand on two human legs. A werewolf? No, something more sinister. 

     Hulking legs support a massive frame, fat and muscle forming sculpted thighs and swinging hips. The beast stands upon furry feet resembling a bird’s in structure, toes ending in sharp claws that dig into the upturned dirt. A twitch of human instinct forces him to notice her bare crotch; a breeding creature. More obvious is the beast’s thick torso, a chubby belly supporting winter’s supply of stored food, followed by exposed breasts. They hang freely in the night air, nipples large enough to feed young and easy to access. 

     He is perturbed by the sight, but it is her face that brings him the most shock. A beautiful pale woman with lidded eyes as brown as the wood around her gazes hungrily at him. Her nose is small, though her sense of smell must be superb. Where soft red lips belong, there instead lies a large split in her face. Her mouth runs from furry black ear to ear, large canines hanging in the front while flatter teeth inhabit the back. An omnivore? No time to wonder when unblinking black eyes with white pupils stare back at him. 

     Large antlers sprout from a thick head of brown hair, pointed down in his direction as she charges towards him. The wolf’s approach did not work; invoke a stronger beast. 

     He is not a fighter. The beast slams into his chest with bowed head, the antlers forming a cage around his sides as he is fully lifted off the ground and swept up into the charge. A thick tree behind him knocks the wind from his lungs while her antlers pierce several inches through the wood. Nothing breaks. He is a fighter now. She rips her head from the bark, spraying splinters behind her and baring her teeth just inches from his face. 

    He realizes with a dawning horror that she is still mostly bent over at the waist, and that she must tower over him by several feet. Then, something unexpected. He is not only not dead, which is odd enough on it’s own, but also is hearing what sounds like English.

“Foolish man! For what cause do you trespass here?”  

     The words come with generous amounts of slimy spit, more viscous than human saliva. The beast growls her words, all of them it seems, but he is too stunned to reply. 

“Speak or be devoured! You are fortunate to be alive at all!” 

     A jolt of clarity, a series of unnerving observations. She is visibly blushing, the faint red across her face unmistakable even in a half-beast. She is also extremely angry; that too is difficult to miss in this scenario. 

    “I-I-I am just a traveler, lost in the forest! I did not m-mean to wander into your home!” 

    “Man should keep to his villages, those who wander are lost.”

     Hot breath against his neck, teeth growing closer. 
     “W-wait! An offering!”

     A pause. 

     “You have come…to pay tribute?”
     The beast closes her mouth, scrutinizing him with skepticism. Thank God, this is no beast at all. A spirit, one who accepts gifts. 

     “Y-you’re a spirit! I-I’ve heard your l-legend a thousand times! I had to s-see for myself.”

    “Nobody has offered tribute to me in many years…your village has returned to its faith?” 

     “Uh, y-yeah! They sent me here to, uh, ask forgiveness!”

     A lie, not even a good one, but he was piecing together the story as she talked. Just keep her talking. Figure out what kind of offering she used to receive. He could survive this. 

     “Luck favors you this day, traveler. The time for offering is upon us this very night. You are fierce enough to have survived my blows- you will make a fine mate.”


     “You are offering tribute, yes? You are to become my mate this night, and bring into the world the next of my kind.” 

     Shit. Go with the flow. She looked human down there, so maybe this will be easy? 

     “Enough talk, traveler, let us begin the ritual.”


    “Man has defiled his own instincts. Turned the sacred act of breeding into a sadistic bid for pleasure. In these woods, our union is bound by the spirits of the forest. It will be sacred again.”

     He twists nervously, still pinned against the tree by her overwhelming presence. She does not waste time showing him what she means. A swift slashing of her claws turns his raggedy pants to ribbons, leaving him exposed to the woods. 

    He is endowed decently enough, his cock springing into the air with an erection that betrayed his arousal despite the conditions. She draws to her full height, standing a full foot above him. Not as bad as he thought. She reaches down with one hand, furred on the back but smooth in the palm, and grips his shaft firmly. 

     “You are sufficient, prepare yourself.” 

     He gasps as she begins to move. She has placed one hand high above his head, leaning on the tree to reach him with the other. Already her slit has become visibly wet, and he stands at eye level with her pillowy breasts. She is marked with scars from years of fierce battle, and she is beautiful. 

     His cock begins to pulse in her hand, veins protruding as he grows even harder in response. He looks up to see her grinning down at him, a sight both frightening and reassuring. She opens her mouth, letting a long pointed tongue hang out. Saliva drips out of her mouth, traveling to land in globs upon his cock. She deftly uses it to lube him, and he groans under the pleasure. She lets her fist open into a clawing motion, slowly and lightly dragging her nails up his shaft before gripping the tip and sliding back down.

     Instinct. A pure reflex to reach, to grab, to do anything but stand there and moan. He takes her breasts in his hands, and her grip tightens on his cock as a guttural noise of animalistic surprise escapes her lips. She is softer than anything he’s ever touched, and his hands cannot even hope to encompass her size. He rolls her nipples in his fingers, listening as she begins to moan and stroke him more quickly. This is something he knows. 

    He hesitantly opens his mouth, letting his tongue hang out as he prods her with it. He traces circles around her areola and flicks at her nipple, beginning to buck into her hand as she focuses attention on his wet tip. 

     “You…ngh…are not inexperienced traveler…” 

    The eerie sounds of the woods begin to fade into the background as he finds his rhythm, closing his lips around her and sucking gently while she begins to moan loudly. He groans into her tits as his cock begins to throb unbearably. He knows it’s coming, but he is terrified of what happens if this ritual ends…prematurely. 

     She can feel it too, and she leans down even farther to whisper in his ear. Her hot wet breath tickles his neck and sends jolts up his spine. 

    “Don’t worry, traveler, we are linked now. You will last, no matter how frustrating that becomes~”

    Was that…teasing? She’s more human than he thought. Too human, in fact, to last much longer with! He struggles to hold back, grunting out a few strained words as he unlatched from her boob.


     A sudden absence. Cold air surrounds his cock as her hand unfolds itself into the air and leaves him throbbing helplessly. 

    “I told you, traveler. You will last…” 

     A deep chuckle, a harsh sound from bestial vocal cords. She looks down with insatiable hunger, ready to descend upon him.

     “F-fuck! God, I’m so close…” 

     His cock slowly begins to calm itself, the lack of stimulation making it impossible to cum. He looks pleadingly back up at her, eyes begging her to come back. 

     “The ritual is far from finished, traveler~ it is simply time for the next step.” 

     She begins to descend, lowering herself to her knees and then onto her elbows in front of him. She commands power over him, totally in control even in a submissive position. She wraps muscular arms around his waist, pulling him away from the tree at his back and eagerly taking the tip of his cock into her wet mouth. 

   First, there is fear. She has many teeth, and he is very squishy. Then, there is the realization that her internal temperature is many degrees higher than any human woman. His cock is enveloped in a sticky furnace, her saliva forming a new coat around his member as he throws his head back in pleasure. 

    “Fuuuuuuck! God, you’re so…so warm!” 

    He cannot help but place his hands on the back of her head, digging his fingers into her luscious hair. She is nature itself, terrifying and gorgeous. She responds warmly to his touch, using her pointed tongue to trace the individual veins of his cock and circle under the sensitive rim of his tip. He bucks and moans, leaking precum in amounts that would normally be his proper load. She does not struggle to take his entire length, even letting her tongue slip out to trail spit along his balls. 

     She looks up at him, white pupils wide with lust as she effortlessly pulls his strings. The eye contact is too much for him, and he is certain this is where he fails. He grips her antlers, the solid bone-like material digging into his hands, and thrusts deeply into her throat. But there is no release. She shakes his grip without trouble, gasping as she releases his cock and lets it again throb hopelessly in the air. 

     “You are brave indeed, traveler.” 

     A sudden shift in demeanor. Not quite fury, but some sort of power that demands to be respected. He is still reeling from the ruthless edging, too lost in desperation to notice the vines slowly lowering from the canopy. A faint green shimmer emanates off of her left hand, commanding the forest itself to aid her in teaching man his place. 

    The vines wrap around his limbs, pulling themselves taut and dragging him back to the tree where he was previously pinned. They hoist his arms high above his head, and spread his legs slightly beyond comfort. His cock stands tall in his lap as he sits against the tree, looking frantically at the beast. She stalks towards him, eyes hooded and pussy dripping down her leg. He knows that look. He is in trouble. 

    She doesn’t speak. She simply turns around and sits, thrusting his cock deep into her vagina and looking back at him. He gasps, shocked by the almost-painful heat of her insides, and the relentless grip of her walls against his cock. She smiles viciously at him, slowly beginning to bounce her supple ass on his pulsating dick. She ripples with every thrust, beginning to moan herself as she enjoys fully controlling him. 

     He desperately thrusts into her, doing his best against the unmoving restraints. She raises her ass, leaving just the tip in, and wiggles her luscious hips. The pleasure is immeasurable, and he thinks that maybe if she kills him after all this then it’ll have been worth it. She speaks through guttural moans, clearly just as lost in the throes of breeding as he is. 

    “Ngh, traveler, you have withstood the might of the, fuck, forest! Complete the ritual now! Cum in me!”

    She doesn’t have to tell him twice. With a mighty cry, he slams against her womb as a great eruption explodes from him. His hips move on their own, his whole body rocking as the intense orgasm shakes him to his core. She tightens around him and raises her head to the sky, screeching at the moon as she cums alongside him. Thick claws dig into his waist where she stabilizes herself, but the pain only enhances the endless pleasure. 

     When it is over, they both sit panting. The vines slacken, falling dead from their perches and sloughing off of his wrists and ankles. His cock slowly deflates, his balls fully drained into her. She stands, cum leaking down her legs and staining the patches of fur that adorn her outer thighs. 

     “You…have done well…hah…traveler…I accept your tribute…”

    She begins to shimmer again, and the trees begin a dizzying dance that feels like a hallucination. While his head swims, she slowly vanishes into the dense treeline. When he finally shakes the sensation off he is alone, and there is a path leading out of the woods waiting patiently for him. The sun is beginning to rise now, and he thinks that he is probably going to want to find some pants soon.
