[M] A Couple’s First Time With Another Man

I walked over and shook his hand. He seemed respectful of both of us and we spent a few minutes with the usual sort of chit-chat you’d expect – the weather, the drive over. Then he broke the ice, saying that he was even more into this whole thing now that we’d met and he hoped he’d live up to the fantasy he’s sure we’ve been imagining. Lynn quickly jumped in to say that he fit the bill perfectly so far. He blushed a little, and then so did she. She put her hand on his leg impulsively and he jumped a little – we all laughed. Fortunately we were in the back of the shop, since I am not sure what people would think of what she was doing, having come in with me, but being very forward with another male right next to me. She moved her hand up and down a little and asked him if he was getting excited about what we had planned. He stammered a yes and I could see he was definitely getting excited. Lynn looked at John and said she thought we should get out of the coffee shop and go “somewhere else”.

A Couple’s First Time With Another Man

First off, we’re Lynn and Jack, in our early 40s. Lynn is 5’5” 120lb with a narrow waist and great curves. (I’m fit and a little taller, but otherwise basically an average guy.) We’ve been very vanilla until recently when we decided we need to turn up the heat. We got turned on to the gonewild scene, which led to other reddit adventures, and finally our fantasy of including another male in the mix was born. We posted on /r/hotwiferequest and met John.

The maid really sucks when it comes to her job

“Listen to that noise!” Megan cried, angrily tugging the comb through her freshly washed brown hair. “Don’t you hear it?” she demanded, glaring at her husband across the room.

“Of course I do,” he muttered absently, not looking up from his crossword puzzle.

“It’s almost midnight and she’s down there in her nightgown watching television with the volume full blast! We can’t sleep through that. She has to go, Tom! That damned Latina bitch has got to go!”

“So fire her ass,” Tom said, glancing up, slightly irritated by the interruption.

“Tom,” she whined.

“What?” He sighed, reluctantly putting down the puzzle book.

“I can’t fire her,” Megan said, turning to face him.

“Why the hell not?” he asked in quiet exasperation.

“I just can’t. You do it.”

“No!” He vehemently shook his head. “Megan, I told you when you hired her that managing her was your responsibility. You wanted a maid? Fine. I agreed that you needed help with the house if you were going to go back to work as an accountant. I thought you were talking about a cleaning lady, but you wanted to hire a live-in maid. Fine. I didn’t object. I didn’t say a word. But the deal was that you had to supervise her and manage her yourself. That was the agreement. I’ve got people at work to manage and I’ll be damned if I’m going take on the same duties at home. When I come home I want to relax. We agreed on that in the beginning.”

A first date of passion that ends in oral satisfaction

Here I am, sitting alone anxiously waiting for my date to arrive. I am working on my second dark beer, the cold glass touching gently to my lip as I let the thick dark heady resin roll over my tongue and into my throat. It eases my anxiety a bit, but not entirely – of course the feel of this hard wooden chair beneath my ass might have something to do with it to. I adjust a few times feeling the contours of the seat against my body, only feeding the sensations that I hope to distract me from my nervous thoughts. This is only my second real date since my 12 year marriage ended about a year ago – you could say I was concerned about being a little rusty.

I met her online, one of those dating sites – a ravenous beauty from her photos, the physical embodiment of perfection – dark luscious curls that ebb about her soft smooth features – her high cheek bones that accent her intoxicating hazel eyes. Needless to say, I was already lured in just by her physical prowess. Now, tack on that our conversations via email and text to this point have been great – I sensed even a little naughty in her.