A first date of passion that ends in oral satisfaction

Here I am, sitting alone anxiously waiting for my date to arrive. I am working on my second dark beer, the cold glass touching gently to my lip as I let the thick dark heady resin roll over my tongue and into my throat. It eases my anxiety a bit, but not entirely – of course the feel of this hard wooden chair beneath my ass might have something to do with it to. I adjust a few times feeling the contours of the seat against my body, only feeding the sensations that I hope to distract me from my nervous thoughts. This is only my second real date since my 12 year marriage ended about a year ago – you could say I was concerned about being a little rusty.

I met her online, one of those dating sites – a ravenous beauty from her photos, the physical embodiment of perfection – dark luscious curls that ebb about her soft smooth features – her high cheek bones that accent her intoxicating hazel eyes. Needless to say, I was already lured in just by her physical prowess. Now, tack on that our conversations via email and text to this point have been great – I sensed even a little naughty in her.

As I take in my last few drops on my dark porter, I turn my head towards the door – in she walks and I am sure I stopped breathing. She is wearing knee high dark high heel boots, sculpting her perfect petite legs – I can see the soft caress of her ankles as they gently elongate into her long legs. Her skirt, just above knee height with dark hose, allowing me just a glimpse of her – my imagination was already sliding my hand up her inner thigh. A long dark coat that framed her beautiful face – what a vision she was. I hadn’t thought how obvious my tour of her body was, but once our eyes meet I knew that she was not shy about my quick visual feast of her – in fact a small glint said she rather enjoyed it.

She walked towards me with grace that only a woman of her class could – elegant and revealed with seductive overtones the way she moved her legs and softly swayed her body. She sat across from me, only then did she slowly peal off her large dark coat to reveal the rest of her self to me – I wanted her already and we hadn’t barely even introduced. She was dark and sultry, perfectly petite, soft features and legs that I could suck kiss from ankle to thigh. I of course contained this and stayed in control, doing my best not to let on of my interest – I wanted her.

We enjoyed some pleasantries, talking as most people do on a first date. My eyes with every stolen moment tracing a new part of her body, thinking about how she must taste and feel – mentally running my hands across her body touching her in ways that would send tingles down her spine. It only grew more intense as the food arrived, taking the appetizer in my hands and slowly bringing it to my lips – sucking on it and biting it feeling the juices run into my mouth and across my tongue – the saltiness of it increasing the intensity. However, our meal is almost ruined when the Gnocchi came – it was their first time preparing this dish at the restaurant and it was not good. Luckily our conversation had been great and she was open to other ideas – she mentioned her favorite place for Gnocchi and so I quickly got us out of there.

As we walked out, she asked to ride with me – I welcomed her trust in me. I helped her into my old VW Vanagon, as she eased up into the seat I watched as her dark curls fell across her face and she emerged through them sharing a warm smile for me. Her beautiful red lips that she carefully kept decorated with dark red lip stick, how they easily slid across her perfect white teeth and eased up towards her cheeks. A perfect smile for what is turning out to be a perfect evening.

At the restaurant we find out they have just decided to close early, I could see the disappointment in her eyes even if she wasn’t voicing it. Everything in me said this can’t end like this, so I ask her if she mind waiting in the van and I would be right back. I walked into the restaurant and told to them that even though I can explain why, I feel that this woman and this night is the most important thing to happen to me in a very long time – I sensed something awaken in me when she is around. As I spoke to the waitress, my verbal influence seemed to weave some magic as the things I said carried some potent eroticism that caused her to bend to my will. She immediately had the cooks prepare a plate of Gnocchi for us as I went to retrieve this delicate sensuous creature that was patiently waiting in my van.

We enjoyed a wonderful meal, her delight in my abilities to procure her a favorite treat against insurmountable odds I think endeared her to me. At that moment sitting across from me I could see her eyes starting to glisten and caressing my body, her mind thinking about what potential was sitting so close that she could feel my body heat from under the table. I know she sensed my desire, I could literally taste hers in the air – like an animal my senses peaked and I felt her arousal growing. With every shift of her legs, slight movements in her chair – my soft touches and easy penetrating words – she was feeling it too.

After dinner I escorted her back to the van, we where off to play a game of pool at one of her more favorite spots. Sitting in the van you could feel the sexual tension – drawing and pulling us closer. She coyly asked about my previous attempts at an ice breaker I made – it was a take off of truth or dare – a way to get to know each other. I explained it a bit, helping to take the heat off the moment or so I thought – then I could feel everything around me melt when she asked me more about the dares I intended. At that moment, something inside me took over – my inner seductive beast. My eyes went dark blue and my gaze intensified, I began detailing one of the dares and while I did I slowly enacted it. I told her that we would have to draw near to each other, see how close we could come without actually touching – as I moved towards her she mirrored me – our lips so close that I could breath her in. The sweet taste of her danced on my tongue and it was too much, I drew her into me taking her mouth fully onto mine – pushing my tongue past her dark red lips penetrating her mouth and tasting what I had desired all night. I breathed her in deep, devouring every second our lips touched. Soft and tight, the fit perfect on mine – I traced my tongue along hers, feeling her mouth, touching her with my tongue in ways that I would hope to do elsewhere on her body. Not wanting us to completely loose ourselves yet, I took control and got us back on track – I want this to last, to tease us all night, I want the desire to be unrivaled between us.

I drive us to the pool hall across town, its an upscale place – but it is closed. We sit outside in my van, the rain pouring – my desire so intense for her that I can’t help but to have her in my hands and my mouth again. I move her to my back seat where I proceed to devour her with my intensity, making each kiss like a small prelude to an orgasm – sucking her ear lobes and sliding my tongue in with phallic innuendos. Each breath into her ear a hot delight of promised pleasure, coursing through her body causing her hips to respond. I can smell her sweet scent and know she is wanting – needing. I slowly slide my self down her – she sitting in front of me as I carefully kneel. Placing my hands on her knees I look into her eyes intently as I apply a small amount of pressure to push them apart. Her breath drawing deeper, knowing what I intend – she moves her legs apart as her skirt slowly rides up her legs towards her waist.

At this moment the rain begins to intensify as if drumming us towards the event horizon – helping this libidinous night to flow. I move my gaze from her eyes down to her legs, I see that she is wearing thigh highs – my mouth drops open and my cock gains new girth. So tempting so sweet, provocative and naughty. I slide my hands along her inner thigh, feeling the intensity of her heat as I draw near – moving across the threshold of her panty hose to her bare skin. I am drawn to taste her and touch her inside – to know her. I begin by kissing just to the inside of her knee, my hands still resting and touching just on the inner side of her thighs close to her pussy. I work my way closer, tasting each sweet inch of her, moving her skirt up, playfully peaking up at her watching her tilt her head back and push her body into me. Soon I am tasting her bare skin, touching it with my lips – sucking and nibbling it as I run my tongue in playful patterns.

Pealing back her panties I feel her wet and so hot – my tongue is cool in comparison to the passion that I am about to taste. I dive in with a carnal intensity – driving my tongue deep into her pussy, sucking and pulling her lips into my mouth. Tasting her sweet juice, running my tongue up her lips – hardening it and pushing into her clit then sucking the clit into my mouth and teasing it with my tongue. I continue this barrage of cunnilingus until she gives in – she melts into my mouth – I continue to draw her in, sampling my reward.

She then without hesitation returns the favor, placing me in the seat, submitting and kneeling before me – something in the back of my mind enjoying my role in this position – me not know what that is I settle into the pleasure she is providing. I watch intently as the tip of my cock slowly breaches those perfect red lips, pushing into her mouth – her big beautiful hazel eyes staring up at me in pleasure. I smile and run my fingers through her dark curls, enjoying as she pushes me deep into her mouth and begins carefully massaging my balls. It is not long before I release into her, giving her all my passion to savor.

Creating a night for us both to remember, we leave it at that – leaving us both wanting more. I take her back to her car – she teases me a bit before leaving and from there we enjoy many more stories together.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/34bvej/a_first_date_of_passion_that_ends_in_oral

1 comment

  1. Cracks me up, all the prosaic prose, but the too-common misuse of lose/loose turns up like a loud fart in a quiet church.

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