John and Hailey [Mf]

Author's Note: This is an excerpted sex scene from a novel I'm working on, so the details of the characters' descriptions aren't mentioned much in this passage, in particular the guy's appearance.

For your imagination: John is 28 years old, average height, and lean and lanky. He's got short brown hair, and brown eyes, and usually wears glasses. He's average looking actually. At the time of this scene, his left arm is broken.

Hailey is 22, really skinny, and totally flat-chested, like less than A-cups, if that's possible. She's got brown hair in a pixie cut, with green eyes.

Just a warning, this is the last sex scene in the story, so its very long winded and it takes a while for things to get going. Feedback is much appreciated.

The two of them watched TV in silence for a few minutes before John spoke up, “Hey, listen, I know you must’ve heard this from every one of my friends, but, um… I never really got a chance to thank you myself, Hailey… For everything you’ve done for me. I mean, after what I did to you…” He scoffed, and shook his head. “… To myself. All you’ve done for me; it was more than called for.”

John and Tawny [MF]

Author's Note: This is an excerpted sex scene from a novel I'm working on, so the details of the characters' descriptions aren't mentioned much in this passage, in particular the guy's appearance.

For your imagination: John is 23 years old, average height, and lean and lanky. He's got short brown hair, and brown eyes, and usually wears glasses. He's average looking actually. Tawny is 22, is very skinny (maybe too skinny) and has small-ish B-cup breasts. She's got freckles, dark red hair, and green eyes. She's totally out of John's league but through the magic of "twoo wuv," they've gotten married.

Feedback is much appreciated.

John tipped the limousine driver, and watched him drive off. He was knocked nearly off his feet when Tawny jumped onto his back.

“Carry me across the threshold!” Tawny cried playfully, wrapping her arms around his neck.

John laughed, snaking his hands underneath her legs to insure she didn’t slide off, thankful Tawny chose a simple wedding dress with a knee-length skirt. “This isn’t exactly the way I pictured doing it…”

“I’m not letting you knock my head against the door frame again,” Tawny said with a laugh.

Kristie and Arthur, Pt 2 [mf/oral]

Author's Note: This is an excerpted sex scene from a novel I'm working on, so the details of the characters' descriptions aren't mentioned much in this passage.

For your imagination: Kristie is 23 years old, has long blonde hair and hazel eyes. She is average height, has a trim and fit hourglass figure, with long legs, and DD/E-cup breasts. Arthur is 26 years old, has short red hair and blue eyes. He's a bit on the short side, but keeps himself in good lean shape.

Feedback is much appreciated.

“We got the rest of the night to ourselves,” Kristie said as she and Arthur walked out the pub’s door.

“Are you sure it’s okay with Hailey and Glenda?” Arthur asked, watching Glenda lock up the pub.

“Relax. Glenda offered,” Kristie said. “She gave us her blessing.”

“Blessing?” Arthur said incredulously. “She’s gone out of her way to keep us apart for the last three days.”

“It was just a test to see if we can still work together; and we passed.”

Arthur smirked and took a deep breath through his nose. “Nearly failed half a dozen times. I can’t keep my eyes and my mind off you.”

Kristie and Arthur, Pt 1 [mf/oral]

Author's Note: This is an excerpted sex scene from a novel I'm working on, so the details of the characters' descriptions aren't mentioned much in this passage.

For your imagination: Kristie is 23 years old, has long blonde hair and hazel eyes. She is average height, has a trim and fit hourglass figure, with long legs, and DD/E-cup breasts. Arthur is 26 years old, has short red hair and blue eyes. He's a bit on the short side, but keeps himself in good lean shape.

Feedback is much appreciated.

Arthur was more nervous than ever. With Hailey gone, he was now alone with Kristie, in a dark room, on a couch.

During the movie, Kristie had progressively made herself more comfortable, going so far as to rest her head on his lap. She had asked him if it was okay, and he had of course said yes, but all the Red Stag and beer he had drank was doing nothing to calm his nerves. He had been sporting a semi since the second she had first laid her head on his lap.