Kristie and Arthur, Pt 1 [mf/oral]

Author's Note: This is an excerpted sex scene from a novel I'm working on, so the details of the characters' descriptions aren't mentioned much in this passage.

For your imagination: Kristie is 23 years old, has long blonde hair and hazel eyes. She is average height, has a trim and fit hourglass figure, with long legs, and DD/E-cup breasts. Arthur is 26 years old, has short red hair and blue eyes. He's a bit on the short side, but keeps himself in good lean shape.

Feedback is much appreciated.

Arthur was more nervous than ever. With Hailey gone, he was now alone with Kristie, in a dark room, on a couch.

During the movie, Kristie had progressively made herself more comfortable, going so far as to rest her head on his lap. She had asked him if it was okay, and he had of course said yes, but all the Red Stag and beer he had drank was doing nothing to calm his nerves. He had been sporting a semi since the second she had first laid her head on his lap.

From how the two of them were sitting, Arthur had an over-the-shoulder view of Kristie’s ample cleavage as it peaked out the deeply scooped collar of her shirt. Laying on her side only served to squeeze her breasts together and make them all the more enticing.

The movie became impossible to watch. Knowing that she couldn’t see him looking, Arthur couldn’t keep his eyes off of her breasts. His mind kept flashing back to her strip tease earlier at the bar, how she jiggled her fat tit for all to see, how she had come so close to baring it all. He couldn’t count how many times he had fantasized about her luscious creamy orbs of flesh, couldn’t count how many times he imagined what her nipples looked like, and how they would respond to his touch…

Thinking about it all was making him hard. The semi-chub in his pants had swelled to the point that it could easily be seen. Thankfully, his swollen penis had snaked down the leg of his pants away from Kristie’s head. From the angle she was laying down, he knew she couldn’t see it or feel it, but just knowing that his boner was throbbing so close to her face without her knowing was only fueling the fire in his loins.

Every once in a while, Kristie would say something about the movie, shifting her head while she talked, coming so close to seeing the tent in his pants, but Arthur was thankful she never actually did.

The movie had come to a sexy scene. Jennifer Lawrence’s character was straddling Max Thieriot’s on a sofa, and they were making out passionately.

“Oh, man,” Kristie said, “That’s so hot.” She squirmed around a bit.

In doing so, the top of her head finally came in contact with Arthur’s swelling hard-on. It was now his turn to squirm. “Yeah, really sexy,” Arthur gulped, hoping she hadn’t noticed.

The kissing scene came and went, but Kristie wouldn’t stop squirming around, and it caused her juicy breasts to bounce about attractively. Numerous times now, her head came in contact with just the edge of Arthur’s erection.

Does she know? Arthur wondered. She still hadn’t turned around to look at it, so how could she know what it was if all she did was brush against it with the top of her head every few minutes?

They were quiet for several minutes, just watching the movie, no commentary.

After a while, in a soft voice, Kristie spoke up and said, “Y’know, I never properly thanked you today.”

“Thanked me for what?” Arthur asked. The tip? He vaguely recalled her saying thanks after taking it. That wasn’t a proper thank you?

“For the tip earlier, and for the ride home,” Kristie said. “And for putting up with me talking during this movie.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble,” Arthur said. “I actually like talking during movies, and I like hearing what you have to say. Not many people are like that.”

“Hailey hates it,” Kristie said.

“Really? It looked like she didn’t mind.”

“Well, either way, thank goodness she’s not here now.”

“So we can talk more?”

“So we can have privacy,” Kristie said, sitting up slightly and turning to face him.

Arthur immediately grabbed the nearest pillow and placed it in his lap. He cringed. The gesture was too obvious.

“You really thought you could hide this from me?” Kristie said, smirk on her face.

“Hide what?” Arthur tried pathetically.

Kristie didn’t say a word and just took the cushion away from him and tossed it aside. Slowly, softly, she slid her hand across his lap and placed it on the obvious erection bulging against the leg of his jeans.

Arthur’s heart had leapt into his throat. There was no hiding nor denying it, Kristie Harold was staring straight at the tent in his pants and, furthermore, touching it. “Sorry,” Arthur apologized, “I couldn’t help it.”

“No, don’t worry about it,” Kristie said. “It’s totally normal. It’ll go away soon.”

Arthur sincerely doubted that it would go away on its own anytime soon, what with the way Kristie was now caressing the bulge, steadily pressing harder and harder.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Arthur gulped. Was this really happening?

“Saying thank you,” Kristie said, reaching for the button to his jeans.

It was happening. But Arthur hesitated.

“No, wait,” Arthur said, grabbing her hand. “We’re drunk. This isn’t a good idea. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

“So you were joking all those times you were flirting with me?”

“No, not really, at first… but after a while, I knew you weren’t taking me seriously.”

She looked into his eyes. “I’m taking you seriously now,” Kristie said. She undid the button of his pants.

The zipper came next and Arthur didn’t stop her this time. She reached into his briefs and slowly and softly wrapped her fingers around his engorged penis. A jolt of pleasure shot up from his crotch straight into his diaphragm, causing him to moan involuntarily.

“Mm,” Kristie said, looking at his cock, “is this all for me?”

Arthur knew where this was going, he’d be insane to back out now. He lifted his ass off the couch and pulled his jeans and underwear down to his knees, exposing himself entirely to her.

“Oh, such a beautiful cock,” Kristie said, eyeing his length up and down. “You’ve been hiding this from me this whole time?”

Arthur couldn’t answer because Kristie chose that moment to tighten her grip and give his cock a good long stroke. Arthur moaned loudly despite himself again. His cock went from simply swollen and engorged to straight-up rigid and rock hard, pointing directly at the ceiling despite Kristie’s firm grip attempting to point it in her direction.

“Do I make you hard, Arthur?” Kristie whispered, stroking slowly once more.

“Yes, so hard.”

“Does my ass make you hard?” Stroke.


“Do my big tits make you hard?” Stroke.

“Oh, my god, yes,” Arthur moaned, in agony over Kristie’s deliberately slow strokes.

Not letting go his cock, Kristie reached behind her back with her other hand and undid the clasp of her bra. Her generous DD-cup breasts jiggled freely inside her shirt, but were still encased by the cups of the bra.

“Play with my tits, Arthur, while I play with your cock.”

Arthur reached under Kristie and slid his hand into her shirt, under her bra, and placed it on one of her big breasts.

He was in heaven now that Kristie’s heavy tit was cradled in his hand. It was so soft, yet fibrous and perky. Her supple flesh gave into his fingers at first, only to resist the harder he squeezed. He felt her nipple wrinkle and harden under his touch, poking into his palm. He drew his hand back slightly and took the tiny bud between his fingers and pinched it.

“Play with my nipple, Arthur, don’t stop,” Kristie encouraged, as she properly began to wank his cock. She moved her hand up and down the length of his penis, varying the tightness of her grip and the speed of her strokes.

Arthur could hardly take it, or so he thought. Without warning, Kristie placed the head of his cock into her mouth. His hips involuntarily bucked off the couch, driving it in deeper.

Kristie locked her lips around his girth, and started swirling her tongue around his cock’s head. She stroked hard, enticing droplets of pre-cum out of his penis. “Mm, you taste so good,” she said, taking his dick out of her mouth only momentarily to say so.

“Don’t stop,” Arthur groaned, no longer in control of himself. “Keep going.” He used his free hand to grab a handful of her hair. He forced her mouth back onto his penis.

“Mm!” Kristie grunted with surprise as his dick forced its way back into her mouth. She involuntarily pushed her head back against his hand.

“Sorry!” Arthur said.

Kristie smiled, and said, “No, do that again. Fuck yourself with my mouth.”

Arthur needed no encouragement. He removed his hand from her breast, and used it to grab another handful of her hair. With both his hands, he guided her head back towards his cock. She wrapped her lips around his girth, and he proceeded to bob her head up and down his length, controlling the pace himself. All Kristie could do was let out muffled moans and grunts because her mouth was full of cock.

Arthur could not believe what was happening. He was getting a blowjob from Kristie Harold, the hottest chick he knew, the girl he’d been fantasizing about daily and nightly for over a year. The minute she walked into that bar, he knew immediately she was the sexiest, most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Never in his wildest dreams did he think it was possible that she would come on to him, then let him literally fuck her face.

He couldn’t take it, he was about to come. He eased up and let go of her hair. “Oh, god,” Arthur groaned, “I’m going to come!” He respectfully tried to guide Kristie's head away from his cock, so she could just finish him off with a handjob.

Kristie had no such expectations. “I want your cum in my mouth. You taste so good,” she said. She took his cock in her hand and guided it back into her mouth, swirling her tongue around its head and stroking the length left outside faster than ever, coaxing him further to the edge.

“Oh man, oh man…” Arthur moaned, shifting and squirming around because of Kristie’s skilled technique.

Kristie took her free hand and guided Arthur’s hand back to her breast. Her hand over his, she made him squeeze the supple tit flesh, hard. She looked up at him and told him with her wide hazel eyes that she loved how he touched her. Squeeze harder, her eyes said, feed me your cum.

That was it. Arthur could take no more. With a long groan, he arched his back, driving his cock deeper into Kristie’s mouth. His eyes rolled into the back of his head…

… And then he exploded. Semen erupted from the end of his penis, directly into Kristie’s hot, wet, waiting mouth. His cock pulsated with each squirt, in perfect unison with Kristie’s skilled strokes. Arthur felt gush after gush of cum escape his penis, each individual ejaculation sending quakes throughout his body. He had never had such a strong orgasm in his whole life.

Kristie hungrily swallowed every squirt and drop that left Arthur’s cock, determined not to let any cum escape her mouth. As he finally came down from his orgasm, she squeezed his now overly sensitive and deflating cock, making sure every last drop of semen was drained from his body so that it was then inside hers.

Arthur lay back, sweating and completely out of breath. “Oh my god.”

Kristie licked her lips and smiled. “Now that was a proper thank you.”

Arthur just sat there dumbfounded for a second, before recalling what she meant. “You’re welcome,” he said breathlessly.

They stayed that way for a moment, Arthur sitting on the couch with his pants around his ankles, his wet and deflating dick out in the open; Kristie laying on her stomach, her breasts half out of her shirt, her head resting on his lap, smiling and looking up at him, seeming quite satisfied with herself.

His lust now satiated, Arthur felt a different sort of arousal, one triggered by her smile and bright hazel eyes; a warmth of arousal located not in his groin, but in his chest. His heart began racing, he could hear it pounding inside his ears. He suspected what that feeling was, but pushed it away, chalking up to post-coital hormones.

Kristie finally sat up. She unbuttoned her jeans, and slid them off with her panties in one smooth burlesque motion. Arthur ogled the perfect shape and curvature of her bare ass, trying to catch a glimpse of her pussy, but the angle she stood in didn’t allow him to. He wondered what she was doing. He was obviously too spent to go again so soon.

But Kristie grabbed her panties, and placed them into Arthur’s hand. They were soaked.

“A souvenir,” she said, and leant forward to kiss him.

That kiss was the single greatest thing that happened to him that night, Arthur thought. The feel of her full and savory lips against his own made the recent earth-shattering blowjob pale in comparison.

Kristie opened her mouth and snaked her tongue into his only momentarily before she abruptly pulled away and walked into her bedroom, leaving Arthur shocked senseless.

It took him minutes to recover. He wished the kiss had lasted longer, he wished they could’ve kept going.

Finally, Arthur recovered from his pleasure overload enough to turn off the TV. He pulled up his pants, laid back on the couch, and brought Kristie’s wet panties up to his nose. He fell asleep, lost in her scent.
