Kristie and Arthur, Pt 2 [mf/oral]

Author's Note: This is an excerpted sex scene from a novel I'm working on, so the details of the characters' descriptions aren't mentioned much in this passage.

For your imagination: Kristie is 23 years old, has long blonde hair and hazel eyes. She is average height, has a trim and fit hourglass figure, with long legs, and DD/E-cup breasts. Arthur is 26 years old, has short red hair and blue eyes. He's a bit on the short side, but keeps himself in good lean shape.

Feedback is much appreciated.

“We got the rest of the night to ourselves,” Kristie said as she and Arthur walked out the pub’s door.

“Are you sure it’s okay with Hailey and Glenda?” Arthur asked, watching Glenda lock up the pub.

“Relax. Glenda offered,” Kristie said. “She gave us her blessing.”

“Blessing?” Arthur said incredulously. “She’s gone out of her way to keep us apart for the last three days.”

“It was just a test to see if we can still work together; and we passed.”

Arthur smirked and took a deep breath through his nose. “Nearly failed half a dozen times. I can’t keep my eyes and my mind off you.”

“Really?” Kristie said with a smirk.

“Do you know how many times I’ve burned customers’ orders, and almost myself, daydreaming about the naughty, kinky, unspeakable things I want to do to you?”

“Unspeakable things?” Kristie questioned, biting her lip and looking up at him.

“Too kinky for words,” Arthur said, returning her lustful gaze. “Things your mind couldn’t fathom.”

“See you guys later!” Hailey interrupted. She was strapping on a helmet and mounting Glenda’s motorcycle.

“Keep him in one piece, Kris,” Glenda called out to Kristie. “He’s my star chef.”

“Don’t worry,” Kristie called back, waving goodbye. “I’ll take good care of him.”

With a nod from Glenda, and a wave from Hailey, the two of them roared off onto the street, leaving Kristie and Arthur alone in the pub’s parking lot.

“Finally,” Arthur said suddenly.

“What?” She turned, only to have Arthur grab her by the shoulders to pull her close. “Mmm,” she moaned as Arthur’s lips suddenly met her own.

Arthur breathed in her scent, tasted her lips. She smelled of cinnamon. He knew immediately that she had taken at least one shot of Fireball Whisky before leaving the bar, probably more. “I’ve been waiting all day to kiss you,” he told her between breaths.

“Is that all you’ve been waiting for?” Kristie asked. Arthur felt her lips smile against his.

The two of them stumbled across the parking lot towards Kristie’s car, almost losing their balance because they refused to break their embrace. With a low grunt, Arthur pushed her back against her car, grabbing her leg to wrap it around himself.

The wind was knocked out of Kristie, eliciting a sharp grunt that only seemed to encourage Arthur more. Using the car as leverage, he grinded his groin into hers. Kristie felt the unmistakable bulge of his erection rubbing against her vulva, causing a shiver of longing to crawl up her stomach. Her appetite was whet.

“I want your cock. Now,” Kristie said, pushing him back. “Get in the car.”

Arthur almost regretfully disengaged their tight embrace. He scrambled around the car to get into the driver’s seat. The second he closed the door, Kristie reached over his lap to hit the reclining lever of his seat. He dropped back suddenly, now laying almost flat on his back. Kristie wasted no time in unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. His cock, already at full mast, sprang stiffly out of his boxers as Kristie lowered the waistband.

“Mm, I’ll never get over how beautiful your cock is,” Kristie said, looking at his penis hungrily, “and it’s the most delicious I’ve ever tasted.”

“And you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” Arthur said, attempting to pull Kristie up into another kiss, but she was already lowering her head onto his penis. Arthur was a little disappointed, but how could he tell her that he liked kissing her more than getting a blowjob? Arthur wasn’t disappointed for long. Kristie grabbed a tight hold of his cock and guided it into her mouth.

With her soft wet tongue, Kristie licked the head of his dick tenderly, coaxing a long low moan from him. With hard strokes, she wringed some pre-cum out of his cock. She wasn’t lying when she told him he had a delicious cock, his cum truly was the best she had ever tasted. She had always loved giving head, but was never one to swallow… until she met him.

Arthur was in heaven once more. Kristie worked his cock like an expert, like it was her calling, like she was trained by mountain sages of a dying order. It seemed like she could read his mind. He had no idea how, but she stroked him the way he liked it, licked his cockhead in ways that made him just drool pre-cum, played with his balls in a way that made his cock twitch and throb. It was like she knew his dick better than he did.

Kristie was hungry for Arthur’s cum, but the pre-cum seeping out of his cock was not enough to satisfy her. After a while, it seemed like his cock knew this, and it began teasing her. With every stroke of his shaft, less and less pre-cum dripped out. It seemed the harder and faster she wanked his cock, and the deeper she shoved it into her mouth, the more it denied her what she wanted most. The persistent teasing was frustrating her, making her pussy vibrate and tingle with longing. Every drop of pre-cum that was denied to her caused her pussy to drool in compensation. She couldn’t take it any longer, so she reached down and slipped her hand into her pants, underneath her panties. She cupped her misty wet vagina and started furiously rubbing her clit in time with the strokes she was giving Arthur’s cock.

Arthur was lying back in his seat, eyes closed in attempt to concentrate on the electrifying sensations emanating from his dick. He noticed that Kristie’s moans were reaching a fever pitch. He opened his eyes to see her jean covered ass sticking up in the air, with her hand shoved down her pants, frantically rubbing herself.

“Let me help you with that,” he said, reaching underneath her body, shoving her hand out of the way in order replace it with his own.

Kristie removed Arthur’s cock from her mouth to squeak in surprise as his long rough finger parted the folds of her pussy and entered her. He drove his finger in and out of her silky velvet cunt as best as he was able, but her jeans were preventing his larger hand from moving freely.

Kristie used her free hand to unbutton her jeans, allowing Arthur more room to work his magic. She then took her hand and snaked up her shirt, into her bra to cup her own breast. As she pinched and tweaked her own nipple, she used her other hand to continue stroking Arthur. She looked up at him with desperate, pouting eyes. “Make me come, Artie.”

Arthur was only too happy to oblige her. As he fucked her pussy with his finger, he used the inside of his knuckle to rub her clit, and his remaining fingers to caress her folds. Kristie could only stifle her moans by placing his cock back into her mouth.

With her pussy now being thoroughly worked over, Kristie seemed more determined than ever to wring the cum out of Arthur’s dick. It quickly became a race between Kristie and Arthur to see who could make the other come first. The two of them fell into a rhythm, harmoniously giving each other pleasure, their moans and groans resonating within the car.

Finally, Arthur felt a tightness at the base of his cock, his shaft seemed to be vibrating. “I’m going to come soon, Kristie!” he said between labored breaths.

His words encouraged her, giving her a second wind. Faster than before, Kristie wanked and stroked his cock, and diverted the attention of her tongue to the underside of his cockhead in order to bring to him to climax faster. In conjunction with Arthur’s skillful finger-fucking and clit-rubbing, the anticipation of the cum that was about to flood her hungry mouth was causing Kristie to near her own climax. But she was still not quite there.

But then Arthur’s jaw slacked. His head lulled back into the seat. His cock gave a quick twitch inside Kristie’s mouth, followed by an involuntarily buck of his hips. Kristie noticed Arthur’s body quaking… but where was his cum?

All of a sudden her mouth was flooded. Out of nowhere, Arthur’s cock began spasming, pulsating within her hand, squirting semen into her mouth and down her throat. Kristie was taken by surprise and unintentionally let the first few drops of cum escape the edges of her mouth. Determined to compensate, she locked her lips tightly around his girth and sucked.

Arthur never thought he would scream from an orgasm. He thought that was exclusively a girl thing, but as Kristie literally drained his penis of semen, his diaphragm convulsed and spasmed, and he let out a long and very loud grunt, "Uuuunh!"

In the tension of the climax, Arthur’s hand had flexed, causing his fingers to contract tightly. His finger drove into Kristie’s pussy one last time, and the palm of his hand roughly grasped and squeezed her swollen clit. Coupled with the delicious cum now coating the inside of her mouth and her own squeezing of her supple and sensitive tit, Kristie reached her own climax. Her hips bucked and her walls tightened around his fingers. A small wave of girl-cum dribbled out of her pussy, coating his hand and soaking her panties and jeans. She rode the waves of her orgasm with Arthur’s delicious cock throbbing inside her hand and mouth.

Just as quickly as it began, it was all over. Arthur snaked his now soaked hand out of Kristie’s pants, and she let go of his wet deflating dick.

Kristie took the time to lick up the first few drops of semen she had missed. “You’re delicious,” she said, licking her lips.

Arthur brought a wet finger to lips and tasted Kristie’s natural lubrication. “You’re delicious.”

Kristie smiled with satisfaction. “We’re not done yet,” she said, leaning back into her seat and strapping on her seatbelt. “Drive.”

Arthur took a moment to wipe the sweaty mist away from the windshield, then started the car.

/ / / / / / / / /

Arthur pushed Kristie’s little Ford Fiesta as hard as it could go, screeching around turns, running yellow lights, and burning out at greens. Amazingly, there were not stopped by the police. Finally, the Fiesta screeched to a stop in front of Arthur’s apartment, taking up two parking spaces in a way that would have driven Hailey mad had she been there.

Kristie and Arthur practically leapt out of the car and ran for his door. As Arthur fumbled for the keys to the lock, Kristie had already begun unbuttoning his jeans.

They literally fell into his apartment in a flailing jumble of limbs. They lay on the carpet, lips locked, kicking off their shoes. Arthur snaked his hands into Kristie’s long blonde hair, letting loose the scent of her shampoo. It was fruity and smelled of apples, complementing the still cinnamon taste of her breath. Her hair formed a curtain around their faces, closing off the rest of the world as they lay dry humping and making out on the floor.

Something occurred to Kristie. “Is your roommate here?” she paused to ask, breathless.

“No, I told Isaac to get lost for the night; he might be at his mom’s house,” Arthur said, laughing. “I think he didn’t complain cuz you made so much noise the last time you were here.”

Kristie smiled. “It wasn’t my fault. I couldn’t help it with the things you were doing to me.” She grinded her pelvis against his.

“And I can’t wait to do more. Come with me.” Arthur got up and pulled Kristie by the hand across his messy living room, and into his small bedroom, not bothering to shut the door. He pushed her onto the bed as he stripped off his shirt.

Kristie wasted no time in laying kisses on the pale and freckled skin of his lean chest. Arthur was a shorter than normal guy, but he made up for that in muscle tone. She could smell the sweat from a full day’s work on his skin. She didn’t know why, but the rough and musky scent drove her wild.

Arthur pulled her face up to his and kissed her again. He loved Kristie's full and luscious lips, and how they seemed to be molded just for him. He felt like he could kiss her for hours. Her lips were truthfully his favorite part of her body, despite her voluptuous breasts and bodacious ass. Of course he liked them too, but he loved her lips. The way she smiled, and smirked, and bit her lip, did more to stoke his desire than her exposed cleavage ever had.

But the fact that he was in love with her lips the most didn’t mean the rest of her body was ineffective. As they continued their lip-lock, Arthur guided Kristie’s arms up so he could slip her shirt off. When the fabric slipped over her head, he turned his attention to her freshly exposed breasts, ever so inviting in the shelf bra she was wearing. With his teeth, he pulled the cup away from her breast so he could take her nipple into his mouth, all while he reached behind her back and undid the clasp.

Her generous bosom spilled forth, free from confinement. Kristie took in a shuddering breath as Arthur cupped her other breast with his hand. He sucked on one hardened nipple as he pinched and tweaked the other.

Kristie fell back into the bed, Arthur following, his lips never leaving her tit, so tightly was he was latched onto her nipple. She arched her back, forcing her tit more firmly into his mouth. Moaning and groaning, she held his head as he suckled at her sensitive nipple. Goosebumps raised on the skin of her breasts and chest, and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She loved having her breasts played with just as much as guys loved playing with them.

Arthur had attained nirvana. What man wouldn’t be lost in bliss with his face buried in Kristie’s Harold’s gorgeously fat tits? He was lost in the creamy and supple mountains and valleys of her chest, and would not rather be anyplace else. However, in the position he was in, he could feel another part of her body calling out to him. Her pussy was hot and steamy against his stomach, wordlessly calling out to be satisfied.

Arthur finally left Kristie’s breasts alone to trail kisses down her stomach. He stopped momentarily at her bellybutton to tease and toy with her navel piercing, causing her to giggle and shiver at the tickling sensation. Finally, he came to the top of her jeans. He laid a gentle kiss on her flat belly as he unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, and she shuddered with longing. In one swift motion, he removed her jeans, panties, and socks.

Kristie now lay entirely naked in front of him, her wet pussy glistening in the dim light of his bedroom. Her legs were spread apart, the folds of her vagina seemingly winking at him, inviting him forth. Arthur’s mouth watered at the sight. He knew what he had to do.

He grabbed Kristie by the thighs and dragged her body to the end of the bed. Her pussy was now just inches from his face. The first time they had sex, there had barely been any foreplay; only a minute after they were alone, Kristie had jumped him and fucked him cowgirl-style until completion. Though he had gone for seconds the following morning, Arthur now wanted to make sure that tonight would be the best of night of Kristie’s life, and he wanted repay her for all the mind-blowing attention she had given him.

He leaned in and softly dragged his nose across the inside of her thigh, taking in her scent, a scent that grew muskier as he neared her pussy. He placed his lips into her neatly trimmed bush and pulled softly at her pubic hair. It smelled like green apples, same as the hair on her head.

Kristie quivered with anticipation, her pussy was absolutely aching to be touched. Arthur’s teasingly slow pace was driving her crazy. “Eat my pussy, please,” she said to him, placing her foot on his shoulder and attempting to guide him towards it.

Arthur didn’t say a word and shrugged off her foot, he just lowered his head and continued dragging his face across her skin. His lips finally came in contact with her labia and Kristie took in a long shaky breath. He snaked his tongue out and gave her a long lick between her folds, but was careful not to touch her clitoris.

After eliciting a low moan, Kristie involuntarily reached her hand down to rub her clit, but Arthur caught it by the wrist and held it aside. “Please, Arthur,” Kristie moaned as he continued licking everything but her clit. His licking felt good, but not good enough. She tried reaching with her other hand for his head, in order to guide his mouth where she wanted it, but he pulled that hand away, too.

“Ugh!” she grunted in heated and helpless frustration. Her hands were pinned to the bed by Arthur. After a minute or two of relentless teasing torture, Kristie screamed, “Arthur, eat me now!”

Kristie was surprised that it worked; all she had to do was ask. On command, Arthur opened his lips and took her labia entirely within his mouth. His tongue finally found her clit. There was no teasing, he immediately bore down on it with a hard, rough drag.

Kristie squealed loudly, caused by both delight and oversensitivity. It was too much, too fast, too soon, and possibly too good. She couldn’t use her hands to push his head away, so she bucked his against him, but he wouldn’t disengage. It was a wrestling match between her pelvis and his head. The struggle was futile, however, it only served to push her pussy harder against his mouth. His lips rubbed against her vulva, kissed and sucked on her labia, and his tongue licked and dragged across her clit, never breaking contact.

Her orgasm blindsided her. Arthur’s rough and intense manipulations caused it to come so fast that she didn’t see it coming. The muscles in her stomach clenched, and her breath caught in her chest, at first. The lips of her pussy then swelled and vibrated, and her whole body twitched and convulsed. When she was finally able to breathe, the air escaped her lungs in a loud moan. Her breath then came in gasps as her body shook in response to waves and waves of pleasure emanating from her pussy. Her orgasm subsided with a long breathless groan, leaving as quickly as it came.

Kristie struggled against Arthur’s grip and jerked her pelvis away from his lips. She was still abuzz with oversensitivity, only this time it didn’t feel that good. With her squeaks and jerkiness, Arthur seemed to understand her orgasm had come and passed, so finally he let her go and stood up.

He picked up his shirt and wiped Kristie’s girl-cum from his mouth and chin, but not before licking his lips with satisfaction. “Sorry about that. Couldn’t resist.”

Kristie looked up at him from the bed, out of breath but smiling. “Fuck you, Arthur Carson.”

“No, you haven’t yet,” Arthur said, reaching into his pants and pulling out his wallet. He fished out a condom and put it into his mouth in order to remove his jeans.

Kristie stood up from the bed and sauntered up to him. “Here, let me.” She sensually took the wrapped condom out of his mouth with hers, then bent down.

Arthur was rock hard again, having had enough time on the car ride home and during the pussy-eating to recuperate. His cock sprang out and slapped Kristie in the face as she lowered his pants and underwear.

As tempted as Kristie was to take his cock into her mouth and suck him to completion again, she restrained herself. Her vagina now wanted his penis badder than her mouth did.

She unwrapped the condom and slid it onto his stiff cock. She then spat on it and spread the saliva with one quick wank. Arthur grunted in response.

“Now we're ready to fuck,” Kristie said with an excited smile.

She turned around and bent over the edge of the bed, wagging her bottom enticingly at him, baring all. Her leaking wet pussy was primed and ready. "Fuck my cunt, Arthur."

Arthur didn't say a word as he approached her, stroking his cock as he did so. Kristie turned her head away and closed her eyes, waiting for the moment when the head of his cock would part her swollen and wanton lips. She loved being plowed doggy-style.

But that didn't happen. Arthur grabbed her by the waist and flipped her around roughly. He wanted to see her face as he fucked her. Kristie laid on her back now, at the edge of the bed, surprised but excited by how in-control Arthur was. He stood above her and placed his hard dick on top of her vagina. He grinded his balls into her clit, his penis wagging side to side like a metronome as he did so. Kristie could feel the heat radiating from his package, and moaned as her cunt's appetite for his cock was whet further.

Arthur finally drew back to position his penis to enter her. He grabbed himself by the shaft and used his cockhead to part her folds, taking a moment to tease her clit as he did so. Even through the condom, he could feel how wet she was by how easily his penis glided over her slippery folds. Finally, he pushed himself inside.

He sucked in a deep, shuddering breath. It was exquisite. She was so wet from her last orgasm that he slid in easily despite her tightness. He felt the warm velvet walls of her tunnel caress and welcome him. When he was fully inside her, he let out a low groan from the ecstasy.

Kristie drew in quivering breaths as he entered her and got situated. She could feel his hot cock throb inside her as he paused to collect his wits. She was more than ready, so she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him in deeper, signifying that it was time to start fucking.

Arthur easily got the message and started pumping into her. It was slow at first—he wanted his cock to acclimate to sensation of being wrapped in warm silky heaven. He knew that if started thrusting with abandon now, he’d come right away. He didn’t want that. He wanted to savor this, moreover, he wanted her to savor this.

Kristie was grateful that Arthur was taking his time. As horny and wanton as she was, she was still recovering from her last overstimulating orgasm. Her clit was still a little too sensitive, but his slow, yet penetrating thrusts meant it all evened out. She never thought a slow fucking could feel this good.

Arthur looked at Kristie taking his cock below him. She seemed to be content, like she was having a massage, just coasting through the pleasure. Her breathing was slow and deep, and she let out soft and quiet “Mms and ahs.” She closed her eyes and let her head loll back and forth, in time with his thrusts. He was glad it felt good for her, but he didn’t want her to be coasting towards her next orgasm, assuming she could even climax this way. He wanted her riding a rocket, holding on for dear life with white knuckles as she crested a mountain.

He increased the speed of his thrusts and made it a point to drive his cock hilt deep into her cunt. Kristie was taken by surprise by the first time his balls smacked loudly against her ass, crying out a sharp, “Oh!”

She couldn’t help but start grunting at Arthur’s forceful thrusts. Her excitement was growing with the strength and speed of his humping. Her pussy was drooling girl-cum and loosening in order accommodate him. Soon she was gasping and grunting in time with his rhythmic pounding.

Kristie’s big breasts bounced and jiggled with his every thrust, enticing Arthur to grab at them. He took a hold of one of Kristie’s bouncing tits and tweaked her nipple. Kristie responded with quick squeak amidst her moans. Arthur slowed his thrusts a bit so he could snake his arm underneath her, causing her back to arch and her breasts to jut out towards him. He used his hand to squeeze, honk, and tweak her breast, while he leaned his head down towards her other tit to take it within his mouth.

As Arthur fucked her, he groped one breast and sucked on the other. Kristie was going mad. Her quiet moans and gasps soon evolved into screams and grunts. “Oh, Arthur, yes!” she screamed in approval. He was literally attacking all her erogenous zones at once. Her climax was just around the corner.

But he stopped. He disengaged his lips from her nipple and removed his hands for her body. Finally, he withdrew his cock.

Kristie literally felt empty. Not only was she unfulfilled, but her vagina felt like it was missing an integral part of itself. The soaking wet lips of her pussy were suddenly cold in the absence of Arthur’s body to keep them warm. Breathless, she looked up at him in question.

Arthur didn’t say a word, he just leaned in and kissed her. He snaked a hand behind her head and drew her into a deep, tongue-tangling kiss.

Kristie was dazed for a moment by the stunning lip-lock. Her jaw quivered and slacked as he drew away. But it didn’t make her empty, aching, frustrated vagina feel any better for being abandoned. “Why’d you stop?” she finally asked him. Did he come already without her noticing?

Arthur placed his thumb affectionately on her supple, pouting lips. He said, “Shh. Scoot back.”

Kristie did as she was told and scooted back into bed from the edge where they were just fucking, towards the headboard.

As she lay back, Arthur crawled up to her. With his hips he parted her legs, and positioned his still very stiff cock between her folds.

He just wanted to change position? What was wrong with the way we were fucking before? Kristie asked herself. She wasn't much for going through the Kama Sutra during sex. When she found a position she liked with a guy, she tended to stick with it until she came—till they both came. She waited in anticipation for him to enter again.

Arthur looked down at her and smiled. “You’re so beautiful, Kristie.”

Kristie looked at him with a questioning glance, but couldn’t help but feel flushed. Why did those words affect her so? He had called her hot and sexy a dozen times before… but the way he said it now struck an amorous chord within her.

He leaned down and kissed her, passionately once again. It was mostly lips, hardly any tongue, but something about it made her lips seem to vibrate and her jaw turn to jelly. She felt more than sex and lust in that kiss, there was something different…

And with that kiss, Arthur thrusted and entered her once again. In response, Kristie drew in her breath, but Arthur wouldn’t break the kiss, despite the fact that she was sucking the air right out of his lungs. He withdrew and thrust in again, this time stopping when he was hilt deep. He grinded his pelvis against her.

Kristie broke free from what was quite possibly the best kiss of her life, and gasped out a strong moan. She knew why Arthur wanted to change position. This way, he could grind his pelvis against her clit as he fucked her.

Arthur nuzzled into the crook of her neck and started nibbling at her earlobe. It drove Kristie wild. She didn’t know those erogenous zones existed for her.

He plowed into her, stopping every few thrusts to grind against her clit. She wrapped her legs around his back in order give him more access and range of motion, and at the same time allowing his thrusts to penetrate deeper. Coupled with the way he nibbled and kissed and sucked at her neck, Kristie was soon back at the threshold of pleasure she was in before Arthur had stopped to change position. Then, just as quickly, she had ascended to something better. She was on cloud nine.

Her moans were louder than ever. Arthur could hardly take it, just knowing how much she enjoyed the way he made love to her. He thrusts were penetrating deeper and deeper, his entire penis was accounted for with her warm, wet, silky, and tight vagina. He didn’t know how much longer he could last.

It wasn’t like this the last time they fucked. It had been quick and fast, ferocious and mechanical. He had fucked her doggy-style for all of two minutes, and then she had pushed him into the bed to finish him off cowgirl-style, completely in control of her own orgasms, which he had lost count of. When it was his turn to come, she hopped off him, ripped off the condom and jerked him off until he came all over her face. It was like something out of a depraved porno.

But this was something different, Arthur thought, as he thrust into her, missionary-style. This was slow, this was passionate. He wasn’t fucking her this time. He was making love to her.

“Oh, Arthur, I’m going to come!” Kristie called out. She locked her ankles together behind his back and grabbed his shoulders. “Come with me. Come inside me.”

Arthur didn’t let off as he lifted himself up and supported his weight on his arms. He looked down at her face, gasping and grunting and moaning, her mouth contorted into an O as her orgasm neared.

“Fuck me, come inside me!” Kristie moaned. She then closed her eyes and bit her lip, her fingers digging into his skin. “Oh, here it comes, unh!”

Arthur didn’t need her to tell him she was coming. He could tell by the way her face and chest flushed, the way her pussy grew warmer, the way her walls throbbed and tightened. He had been desperately holding his orgasm so they could come together, a task that took all his concentration and had proved nearly impossible, but Kristie was now orgasming around his cock and he could finally let go.

He dropped down to his elbows, and caught her lips with his, then drew back his pelvis to thrust deeply into her one final time. With that thrust he erupted within her. He grinded his pelvis into her clit as his cock throbbed and pulsed and convulsed inside her, as each jet of cum gushed out and filled the condom.

Kristie could feel it all and it extended her own orgasm. Her stomach clenched, and her breathing became stuttered and irregular. She began twitching and shaking and writhing. Her hands left his shoulders and clenched the sheets of his bed, hanging on as she was swept by waves of her pleasure caused by his fevered grinding on her clit as he orgasmed. After two quick and fleeting orgasms that night, her third was lengthy and earth-shattering.

Finally, the most mind-blowing orgasm she’d ever had subsided. With labored breaths, she unclenched her hands from the sheets and unlocked her ankles from behind his back. Arthur’s penis flopped out of her pussy, which was now red, swollen and sopping wet. The two of them laid beside each other, catching their breaths and wiping the sweat from their brows.

“Oh, my god,” was all Kristie could say, the most satisfied smile on her face. Arthur didn’t say a word, and just got up from the bed and went into his bathroom. He tossed Kristie a towel, which she used to clean the sweat off her face and chest, and the girl-cum off her nether regions.

Arthur returned to the bed in a pair of boxers, having removed and disposed of the condom. He slid into the bed, and pulled Kristie by the waist to his side, away from the wet spot they had created.

Kristie welcomed the embrace and snuggled into him, as he pulled the covers up. They spooned together, Arthur burying his face into her hair and using his arm to hold her close.

After a sigh of satisfaction, Kristie said, “Why are you so quiet? We just had the most mind-blowing sex of our lives, and you’re not going to say a word?”

Arthur didn’t reply at first, he just stroked her stomach affectionately. Finally, he brought his lips to her ear and whispered, “I love you, Kristie.”
