Claiming His Prey [fantasy][impreg][werewolf m/f]

(This was written at request by another user.)

Claiming his Prey

The moon hung full and bright against a starless sky.

He stalked through the forest on light feet, gliding through the wood in a big grey blur. Man-scent hung heavy in the air, a smell too strong for his nose to ignore. How long he had been in these woods, he could not say. Too long, he thought. Too long without a pack or a mate.

He leapt into the tall evergreens, scanning the forest. His night-sight was as sharp as ever; he observed every living, breathing thing with a far-seeing eye. Creatures of all kinds roamed about his domain. Deer, rabbits, foxes, his four-legged brethren. Yet the human escaped his gaze.

The scent remained in his nostrils, the scent of sweat and fear and…perfume? He leapt down from his branch, kicking up leaves and dirt as he bounded further into the wood. The scent carried far, growing bolder as he grew closer to the source. He tasted it now, the man-scent. Sharp and acrid, salty and sweet all at once. His mouth watered, his hunger stirred. She was close.

Somewhere far off in the wood, four-legs howled at the moon. He longed to shed his human-skin and join their song but she was close. He did not wish to lose her trail. With a great leap, he landed in a clearing, mere meters from his prey. At last.

A tattered black dress clung to her lithe frame, giving him full view of her pale, slender legs. Her feet, bare and pink, were slick with mud and dirt. Mousy brown hair fell down her shoulder, tangled and unkempt. Her eyes, blue eyes followed him, wide with terror. Even in human form, he cut an imposing figure of rippling, hairy muscle and inhuman height. Yet he could not tell whether she was afraid of him or unnerved by his nudity. The smell of fear made no such distinctions as that of the mind.

She fell against the trunk of an old oak tree, tripped up by its wide, ancient roots. She scrabbled away from him as a roach escapes the boot. It was hopeless.

He laid down on her, smothering her with his wide chest. She cried out, beat her fists against him. Fighting to the last as all prey does. And yet, with all her fear, she went still as the grave when he traced a calloused thumb across her cheek.

He shivered. For far too long he had gone without the caress of a woman. Too long had he gone without a mate. His heart ached for her even as his cock stiffened against her thigh. He nipped at her neck, ran his face down her chest, breathed her in. And when his hand found her sex she was wet. Wet for him.

He looked into the depths of her eyes, her dilated pupils. She whispered a word, the word he needed to hear. "Yes."

With a loud rip, her dress tore in two, exposing her pale freckled body to the midnight air. Her nipples stood erect like two soldiers on watch. He entered her with a thrust, lovingly slow. A moan and a sigh escaped her lips all at once. His cock swelled inside her walls and a low growl rumbled in his throat. Yes…yes, yes, yes.

The moon, the stars and the wood melted away around them. In that moment they became one. One body, one mind. And when they reached the end of their love, they climaxed together, crying out with the wolves to the wide white moon that hung low in the starless sky.


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