John and Hailey [Mf]

Author's Note: This is an excerpted sex scene from a novel I'm working on, so the details of the characters' descriptions aren't mentioned much in this passage, in particular the guy's appearance.

For your imagination: John is 28 years old, average height, and lean and lanky. He's got short brown hair, and brown eyes, and usually wears glasses. He's average looking actually. At the time of this scene, his left arm is broken.

Hailey is 22, really skinny, and totally flat-chested, like less than A-cups, if that's possible. She's got brown hair in a pixie cut, with green eyes.

Just a warning, this is the last sex scene in the story, so its very long winded and it takes a while for things to get going. Feedback is much appreciated.

The two of them watched TV in silence for a few minutes before John spoke up, “Hey, listen, I know you must’ve heard this from every one of my friends, but, um… I never really got a chance to thank you myself, Hailey… For everything you’ve done for me. I mean, after what I did to you…” He scoffed, and shook his head. “… To myself. All you’ve done for me; it was more than called for.”

“I…” Hailey began. She wanted to say she would have done it for any one of her friends—for Kristie, for Alice—but she inherently knew that she had helped John because of something more than mere friendship. She just wasn’t sure if she was ready to admit that to him yet. “You’re welcome, John. I’m glad I helped you.”

“I still can’t believe…” John looked up and away, as if trying to dispel doubt and disbelief. “I can’t believe that you saw that side of me, and you didn’t run away screaming.”

“Everyone has their insecurities, skeletons in the closet, demons on their back,” Hailey said, recalling Kristie’s sexual addiction, Arthur’s passion and rage, Glenda’s stripper past, Ben’s commitment issues… and her own issues with self-esteem. “I’ve got some of my own,” she admitted.

“Even still, how can I…” John said, turning to face her. “Saying ‘thank you’ doesn’t seem like enough. How can I ever…”

He left the question hanging, but Hailey knew that John felt like he was in her debt… that he owed her something…

And did he?

Hailey had given up two months of her life pursuing a false image of him only to find something damaged. She had lost her job over him, had literally bled for him, and had to see him nearly die, twice…

No, Hailey thought. All that was given freely. She hadn’t expected anything back from John at the time she had done all those things.

But if John really thought he owed her anything… if she could ask for only one thing, it was…

Hailey faced John and held his eyes for a long moment. Her jaw trembled as she said, “Give us a chance.”

John tilted his head to the side. “What do you mean?”

“Us. Our…” Hailey struggled to find the words. “Whatever we had leading up to last Friday night. There was something there, right? I’m not fooling myself? The way you kissed me…”

Hailey couldn’t read John’s expression. He just stared at her with a set jaw and steady eyes.

“If Tawny had never—” Hailey’s voice caught in her throat when she saw the soreness in John’s eyes. She corrected herself, “If the last seven days had never happened… Where would we be now?”

“I… I don’t know,” John said quietly, still expressionless.

Hailey finally looked away. She covered her face to hide her embarrassment. “I get it. I’m sorry I asked. You don’t owe me that…” She stifled a sniffle that was tickling her nose. “Excuse me, I gotta…” She moved to get off the couch.

“No, Hailey, wait,” John said, reaching out with his good hand to pull her back down. “I meant that I don’t know where we’d be now, but… I’m willing to find out.”

“You are?”

“Yeah, I am. If you are.” John held her hand as he looked at her, showing he meant it.

The moment seemed suspended in time. Hailey sat on the edge of the couch, poised to leave, but John held her there, by the strength of his touch and his gaze.

His eyes drew her in, until Hailey’s lips pressed against his.

It was like she had hoped. The last seven days melted away, and Hailey was drinking in John’s essence once again. His smell, his taste, and the way his lips felt against hers. The ecstasy of the moment made her lightheaded and her knees weak, so she was grateful that she was sitting down.

Long after the kiss was due to end, John reached up with his good hand to remove the cat ears from her head, then caressed her cheek and tilted her head. The angle gave him more access, allowing him to sneak his tongue past her lips to tickle hers.

A shiver of pleasure emanated from Hailey’s jaw and engulfed her whole body, making goose bumps rise on her skin and the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.

This. This was the kiss Hailey had waited two months for, the kiss John had cut short and teased her with last week on their first date. Now, with every caress of his lips and breath of his lungs, he fulfilled that overdue promise.

Hailey couldn’t control herself. She broke the kiss, taking only a second to catch her breath before she removed his glasses and placed her hands on his chest, pushing him into the couch. With John sitting back, Hailey hovered over him and re-engaged the kiss, this time taking charge herself.

John didn’t attempt to fight her, he just sank back into the couch and let Hailey rest herself across his torso. As she attacked his lips with her own, he only fought back by guiding her with soft touches to her chin, cheek and ear. Hailey was flattered by John’s control. He was the perfect gentleman, only paying attention to her lips and face.

They made out this way for a while; breathless and slow, yet constant and passionate. Hailey loved kissing, it was her favorite part of sex. Perhaps it was why she stayed at first base with guys for so long… she wanted to make sure they were good kissers before she let them go any further.

And John was a great kisser, easily the best she’d ever known, although her experience was limited.

As she shifted over John’s torso, careful to avoid his arm sling, Hailey felt something brush against her hip. It wasn’t John’s good hand because it was currently on her shoulder. It was…

Hailey finally broke the lip-lock to look down. There was a tent in John’s pajama bottoms.

“Sorry,” John said awkwardly. “Couldn’t help it.”

Hailey smiled and looked back at his face. “It’s okay.”

John sat up a bit on the couch. “If we’re going too fast, we can stop… If you feel uncomfortable, just…”

“Shhh…” Hailey silenced him with a smiling kiss. “We can keep going if you want.”

“Are you sure?”

Normally, this is where Hailey would put the night on hold, given that she had only been on one date with John… but John stirred something inside her that had laid dormant for almost two years—a need, a void, a yearning—a hunger both physical and emotional that needed to be satisfied. If the way he kissed was any indication, Hailey was confident that John was qualified to address it.

With a confident smile, Hailey said, “I’m sure.”

She placed her hand on John’s erection and saw him squirm at the sensation. The thin fabric of his pajama bottoms did nothing to hide the way his cock twitched at her touch. Hailey’s eyes widened in surprise, and John used the opportunity to take back control. With his lips, he crawled along her jawline, to her ear, where he began to softly massage and nibble at the place where her jaw, earlobe, and neck met.

Hailey moaned in surprise, never having had that erogenous zone triggered before. Her hand, still on the bulge in John’s pants, clenched out of reflex.

John grunted in response, and reached down to hold her hand in his own. He grinded his erection into her palm, and Hailey marveled at its stiffness and warmth. Allowing John to continue his machinations on her neck, she turned her eyes’ attention down towards the fabric-covered bulge she was rubbing with her hand. John was aroused, his cock was swollen and rock hard… Had she really done that? Did she really turn him on?

Hailey had to see it to believe it.

Freeing her hand from John’s own, she brought it to the waist of his pajama bottoms and undid the knot holding them up. John immediately noticed and stopped nibbling at her neck. Without hesitation, Hailey snaked her hand underneath the waistband of his underwear, through his patch of pubic hair, and wrapped her hand around the shaft of his penis.

She squeezed, and John grunted roughly, “Unh!”

Mesmerized by the warm, hard dick in her hand, Hailey ignored John’s vocalization. She brought the shaft around so that the tip of his cock was now poking out of the waistband of his pants.

“Hailey…” John gasped out breathlessly. “Oh!”

Hailey had started stroking the shaft of John’s cock, immediately causing him to buck and moan. But the fabric and angle was too confining. Without taking her eyes off the tent in John’s pants, Hailey told him, “Take them off.” John wasted no time following her instructions, doing it as fast as he could with only one hand.

Hailey relished at the sight. John’s cock was stiff, red, swollen, and pulsating; all for her. Only for her. Because of her. She had done this to him. She, a skinny no-tit nerdy brunette, had coaxed a raging erection out of a man that once had the perfect woman.

Hailey didn’t know what it was, but something swelled in her chest—joy, pride, gratitude, flattery, arousal; she wasn’t sure. After two years of feeling inadequate, plain, flat, and simply unsexy, she now had confirmation that a man could see her as something desirable, attractive. The proof was literally in the palm of her hand and her pussy was drooling at the very thought.

She turned to John and wordlessly thanked him for his flattery with a kiss. He readily welcomed back her lips, and the two began their passionate lip-lock once again, all while Hailey slowly stroked John’s hard cock. She noticed a lack of articulation in his kissing now, and she knew it was because his concentration was diverted. She didn’t mind, she kept stroking and squeezing.

“Oh, man!” John suddenly cried out, and pulled away. He gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut. “Mmmm! Hailey, stop…”

She stopped stroking, but did not let go. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

John was out of breath. He gasped out, “No… just… if you keep wanking me like that, I’m gonna come right here and now.”

Hailey smirked mischievously. “And would that be so bad?” She stroked him once.

John pursed his lips, and took a deep breath through his nose. “No, but…” He placed his hand over hers to stop her from stroking him. “I haven’t gotten to you yet. After everything that’s happened, and what you’ve done for me, I can’t be the one to come first. It wouldn’t be right.”

Hailey chuckled. “John, I don’t care. Does this honestly feel wrong to you?” She wanked him again.

John went cross-eyed for a moment, but then recovered. “That’s it. This can’t go on until I return the favor.”

“What do you mean—oh!” Hailey squealed as he pulled her hand off his cock, and pushed her back into the couch. “John, what are you do—“ But she couldn’t finish because an unexpected shudder erupted throughout her body.

John had placed his hand under Hailey’s dress, on the inside of her bare thigh. His hand was slowing crawling up her leg towards her panties. When the tips of his fingers arrived at their destination, they found the fabric already moist.

“John,” Hailey breathed out quietly.

“Do you want me to stop?” John asked her.

But she hadn’t been trying to stop him. A moan of pleasure simply came out of her lips with his name on her breath. Hailey showed her approval by scooting her hips forward so her vulva was fully cupped by his hand.

John received the message with a smile, and pushed her panties to the side. His fingers finally touched her bare, wet folds, and a jolt of electric ecstasy arched across her body. Hailey released another moan, but found it stifled by John’s mouth on hers.

The way he kissed. It was supernatural. Hailey wondered how he could make it seem like time and gravity had ceased to exist with just his lips; the only thing grounding her was his hand working her folds. Maybe he wasn’t even that great of a kisser. Perhaps it was just because it was him that made it special. Maybe it was a little of both.

After teasing her for only a few moments, John’s fingers zeroed in on Hailey’s clit and starting rubbing. He was attacking both sets of her lips, her mouth and her pussy, and it drove Hailey wild. She squirmed and shook, hardly able to keep still despite being sandwiched between John and the couch. Finding nothing to grab onto for leverage, her hands fumbled around until one of them found John’s cock. Taking a firm hold of it, she starting stroking him again. John backed off to give her more access, but he did not let up his attention on her pussy.

Lips locked and side by side on the couch, Hailey and John worked each other’s genitals with their hands, moaning and writhing against each other. The race was on to see who could make the other come first.

John cheated. After a few minutes of their hand-play, John pulled his injured arm of out the sling and grabbed Hailey’s working hand, pausing the strokes she was giving his cock. Taking advantage of her surprise, John directed his lips to her neck, and proceeded to rub her clit faster and rougher than before.

Hailey didn’t fight it. The first proper orgasm she’d had in almost a year was speeding towards her, and she didn’t want to let it pass her by. She did all she could to facilitate him, using one hand to hold her skirt out of the way, using the other to part her panties—she even spread her legs further apart for him. She didn’t care how unladylike it was, it gave John’s hand full range of motion to smash and rub at her clit and pussy lips with abandon.

And it worked. In no time at all, her orgasm erupted. Waves of pleasure began radiating from her slick and swollen clit, washing over her body, causing her toes to curl, her stomach to tighten, and chest to spasm. Hailey could not stop herself from moaning out, “Uunh!” Her first orgasm in ages literally wrecked her body and razed her senses.

As much as she wanted to, Hailey couldn’t credit John for the intensity of her orgasm, only for bringing it about. It had simply been a long time coming. Even still, as she rode the last few aftershocks within John’s embrace, Hailey was glad she waited.

“Are you okay?” John asked, slowing down his hand. “That looked like it hurt, was I going too hard?”

Hailey opened her eyes, and saw stars. They had been clenched tightly during her climax. Out of breath, she said, “It’s just been a while, that’s all.”

“Has it?” John asked with an arched eyebrow. “Do you mind if I ask how long?”

Hailey searched his eyes. Could she trust him? With certain things—like his own life—no. But here she was, skirt up by her waist, her legs spread, thighs moist, with John’s hand between them. Did she really have anything to hide anymore?

“Two years.”

“Two years… That guy.” John removed his hand. “The one that cheated on you with that Power Girl cosplayer?”

“Yes, him,” Hailey said bitterly, old memories of Trevor being drudged up. She folded down the skirt of her dress.

“It’s really been two years since you’ve slept with someone?” John said with disbelief.

Hailey’s heart skipped a beat at that, wounded, embarrassed. “Is there something wrong with that?” she retorted.

John gasped, realizing he had offended her. “No! No! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say… I just find it hard to believe.”

“Why’s it so hard to believe?”

John brought up his hand and caressed the line of her jaw softly. “You’re so beautiful… guys must throw themselves at you.”

Hailey’s heart skipped a beat, again, but this time not because of insult, but of flattery. No one had ever called her beautiful before. “You think I’m… beautiful?”

John nodded, his eyes not breaking contact with hers. “Since the day we met.”

“The mall, I was wearing the sundress.” Hailey recalled the first time she and John had been introduced. Kristie had convinced her to buy the dress, then Hailey had bumped into John at the bookstore.

“That dress blew my mind, but no, before that. At the bar.”

“In my work clothes?” Hailey shook her head in disbelief. That was before they even knew each other’s names, before they had even looked each other in the eye. “You barely gave me the time of day…”

John pursed his lips and set his brow. “Yeah, I was… in a mood that day… at first. But then you smiled at me.”

“I smiled?”

“When I told you the name of my drink.”

“Dr. Daniel’s?” Hailey recalled.

“Yes,” John said, laying a quick kiss on her lips. “You laughed, and said it was clever. That smile on your lips… the freckles on your nose, the green in your eyes…”

“But you didn’t smile back,” Hailey remembered.

John looked away for a moment. “Yeah, because you floored me. I thought I had seen a ghost.”

“T-Tawny?” Hailey said, suddenly frowning. She backed away. What John had said, about her smile and green eyes, he had said it before, the night they first kissed, then the night he drove the broken bottle into his arm.

Hailey reminded John of Tawny. “Is the only reason you think I’m beautiful because I remind you of her?”

John was silent for a moment, then said, “At first… that’s exactly what I thought… and it drove me to the edge. You saw that yourself. The guilt of it; that I was leading you on, because I thought I couldn’t really care about you because I still cared about her. I thought you were a ghost, sent to remind me of her, to guide me to the end I kept putting off for so long. But I realized last night I was only clinging to those similarities because… they were the bridge I had to cross to get from her to you.”

“From her to me?” Hailey repeated uncertainly.

“So I could move on, Hailey. When I look at you now, I see only you.” John sat up and scooted close to her. “I see Hailey Brant. And she’s beautiful in her own way.”

Tears had come to Hailey’s eyes. “As beautiful as Tawny?” she said as she wiped them away.

“Yes,” John said, and Hailey was surprised that he had no trouble saying it. “But Tawny is gone, and you’re the only woman can I think about now.”

“Really?” Hailey asked, searching his eyes for truth.

John closed the distance between them with a kiss. “I think you’re beautiful, Hailey,” he said against her lips.

Hailey relished in his lips again, to steel her resolve. “Then show me.” She withdrew from the kiss, hesitated for only a quick moment… then lifted her dress over her head, slipping it entirely off.

She sat in front of John, naked, save for her panties.

John’s face flared red and his eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets. He looked down at Hailey’s newly uncovered flesh, and she had to fight the urge to cover her tiny breasts from his gaze.

“Are you sure? John finally asked, for the second time that night. “We can wait if you want to, Hailey.”

“I don’t want to wait anymore, John,” Hailey said, standing up and slipping off her panties. She was now entirely bare in front of him.

Despite his hesitation, John’s cock indicated otherwise. Whatever blood had drained from it during their talk quickly returned, stiffening it and make it point right at Hailey. “I don’t have any condoms here…”

Hailey stepped toward the couch and straddled him. “I’m on the pill.”

John looked up at Hailey, and drank in the view of her fit body. Soft, untanned skin, free of blemishes except for an enticing little mole on her collar bone. Her breasts were almost non-existent, but the areolas around her inverted nipples were wrinkled and tight with arousal. Her stomach was flat and taut, as were the hips and thighs that framed her neatly trimmed bush of dark brown hair. John’s cock was stiff and throbbing just below Hailey’s glistening wet lips, which were eager to engulf it. Hailey could feel the heat radiating off of it.

“I trust you, John. Do you trust me?”

John removed his arm sling and t-shirt, then poised his cock to enter her. “I trust you, Hailey.”

Hailey reached down and grabbed hold of John’s hand, and together they guided his cock into her pussy.

As John’s cock plied her folds apart, Hailey let out a tense shuddering breath. When it was hilt deep, and her clit came in contact with John’s pubic hair, she moaned, “Mmmm.” Through gritted teeth, John replied with a moan of his own. It had been so long since a cock was inside her, Hailey had nearly forgotten how it felt, of feeling so warm, so full.

As Hailey was relishing that still moment, John grabbed a hold of her hips, and lifted her up. Part of his cock slipped out of her, glistening with her wetness, but Hailey quickly sat back down and drove it back inside of herself. A tight gasp was pushed out of her lips.

John grunted in response and squeezed her hips with his fingers. “God damn…”

Hailey brought her hips back up, then down again. And again. Continuously, reveling in the waves of pleasure John’s cock elicited each time it thrust inside her.

“Oh, yes!” Hailey cried out. She leaned forward and buried her forehead in the nape of John’s neck. “Keep going, John, please.”

John needed no instruction, he grabbed a hold of her waist and thrust up into her, causing her to bounce against him. Each thrust elicited a grunt or a moan from Hailey’s lips, sent directly into John’s ear, which she nibbled on when the varying force of his thrusts allowed her.

“Oh, Hailey,” John groaned through gritted teeth, obviously doing everything he could not end their pleasure prematurely. He brought his hands up, both from his good and injured arm, and directed her face back towards his own. They kissed again, and it was so good that John drew his attention away from his cock and her pussy.

But Hailey wouldn’t have that. Lips and tongue still entangled with John’s, she brought her hips down on his cock, thrusting onto him for a change and clenching when she hit bottom.

John let out a low rumble into her lips, and Hailey knew she was driving him to the edge. “Don’t come yet, John. Stay with me.”

“I’m trying, Hailey, but…” John gasped between labored breaths and thrusts, “I can’t… you’re too… ooooh man…”

“Wait for me, John,” Hailey said, pounding her hips down onto him. “Come with me, I’m almost there.”

Hailey could tell he didn’t want to wait. He pushed her away, breaking their embrace, but their genitals stayed in contact. John grabbed a hold of her hips and sank his fingers into her skin. Hailey cried out, equal measures both pain and pleasure.

With his grip, John slammed her down on his cock, and nudged her hips towards his stomach. Part of his cock slipped out of her, but Hailey’s clit dragged against his pubic hair, sending a bolt of ecstasy throughout her body and causing her to cry out in pleasure. With a push away from him, her clit was dragged the other way, and John’s cock plied its way back into her tight pussy.

The sensation drove her wild. Vaginal penetration coupled with proper clitoral stimulation—that was Hailey’s “sweet spot.” With John’s guiding touch, Hailey began to grind her pelvis into his.

“Are you close?” John forced out through a clenched jaw, sweat beading on his brow.

“Yes, so close… almost there… keep going, just like that…”

But John ignored her instructions. His good hand, which had been gripping Hailey’s hip and guiding her grinding, traveled up the skin of her torso, until it landed on her small tit. John pinched her nipple, making Hailey squeal.

Hailey brought her hands up to cover her breasts, but John pushed them out of the way, replacing them with his lips and his hands.

“Oh!” Hailey cried out in both pleasure and surprise.

John wrapped his lips around one of Hailey’s breasts and sucked her inverted nipple into his mouth, tonguing it as he would her clitoris. His hand grabbed a hold of her other breast, and his fingers pinched and tweaked the nipple.

Hailey screamed. Literally. Every mark was hit. Her pussy was being plowed by a hot hard cock, her clit was being ground and worked by John’s course pubic hair, and her long-neglected breasts were being worshipped in ways she had never experienced before. “Oh, John, I’m coming!”

John ceased his machinations on her breasts, and brought his attention back to her face and lips. “Hailey…” He moaned right against her lips.

“John,” she gasped.

After one last thrust from John, Hailey’s pussy detonated. Her previous orgasm paled in comparison to the one that exploded throughout her body now. Her clit seemed to vibrate at an ultrasonic frequency, pushing overdriven waves of ecstasy into every erogenous nerve in her body, especially the ones she once thought were dead and numb from neglect.

John grunted loudly, “Argh!” and slammed his cock into Hailey one final time. Her pussy dribbled and clenched around his convulsing and exploding cock, the bringer of the tempest that weathered her senses.

Hailey’s tight pussy could not contain the hot flood of cum that drenched its walls, so it dribbled back out of her, glazing John’s cock in a coat of their combined juices.

“Oh, my god… Hailey,” John gasped through labored breaths, his cock now drained but still twitching ocassionally.

“Are you alright?” she said, entirely out of breath as well.

“I can’t… believe… did that really just happen? Am I dreaming?”

“The proof is dripping out of me…” Hailey said, leaning down to kiss him.

Despite his recent climax, John surprised her by laying into the kiss, just as passionately as when they started. The two of them toppled over, and laid facing each other on the couch. John’s cock finally slipped out of Hailey’s pussy, followed by the torrent of cum he had released within her.

“Maybe we should have used a condom,” Hailey said, looking down between her legs. “If only just to make clean up easier.”

“I tried to warn you,” John said, grabbing his t-shirt off the backrest of the couch and handing it to her.

Hailey wiped away the fluids from between her legs. “Do you always come this much?”

“No, but… It’s been like… two months since I’ve jerked off…”

Hailey giggled. “About the same for me, too.”

John shook his head. “… and four years since I’ve had actual sex.”

Hailey’s eyes widened. “Four years? You mean…”

“Yeah, not since Tawny,” John said quietly.

It was Hailey’s turn to find react with disbelief. “There have been no other girls between Tawny and me? At all? Four years, and you’ve never even tried?”

“Before you, Hailey, it wasn’t even possible for me to think about another woman. You…” John looked away awkwardly. “You’re the only other woman I’ve ever been with.”

“Since her?”

Other than her,” John corrected.

“Wait, you mean…” Hailey began.

“Tawny was my first and only. Until now.”

“Really?” Hailey asked.

“Really,” John said, kissing her softly again.

Hailey relished in the kiss, and all the implications that came with it. She resolved right then and there that she would be John’s second and last, no matter what it took.

When they finally broke apart, she turned around and scooted back into him. “Thank you, John. I think we both needed that.” She yawned sleepily.

“Yeah,” he replied, using his good arm to draw her closer. He reached over to the couch’s arm rest, grabbed the blanket, and spread it over their naked bodies.

“Mmm,” Hailey moaned, cuddling closer to him.

As they drifted off to sleep, John held Hailey close and did not let her go.



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