Ping! Part 1 [m/f][exh][mast][college]


The professor gave me a dirty look.

"Phones silent please." she said with irritation. I nodded a sheepish apology, and she seemed satisfied enough to return to the board without comment. I let out an annoyed sigh, and dug my phone out of my pocket; it was probably nothing important, but I was curious who it was.

> Unknown number

> New MMS

Great, A wrong number. Though, an MMS from somebody not in my contacts list was odd. I traced the unlock pattern and opened my messages while looking up to make sure the professor was still scribbling out the Mayan kinship diagram. I had to cover up my mouth to keep the embarrassed laughter from coming out. Presented without comment was a picture of a modest pair of perky tits from the neck down. I quickly locked my phone and shoved it inside my pants pocket. surreptitiously looking around to see if anyone else saw it.

I pretended to pay attention to the lesson, but I was baffled and trying to make sense of the message. Who sent this and how did I get it? Maybe it was intended for a boyfriend's new phone or an online paramour. Whatever her original intentions were, I wasn't hiding a blush just because of me. Sending nudes to somebody else's phone unintentionally would be absolutely mortifying!

Despite this, my mind drifted to that brief flash of an image and something between my legs began to stir. Who was she? The area code was local, so she was from the same state. The thought of her being somebody who lived nearby, or even on campus was tantalizing, despite how extraordinarily unlikely that would be. I briefly considered that maybe it was even somebody I knew. I don't know why it mattered, but the mystery weighed on me. Whoever she was, she had a great body and it wasn't lost on me that she was exactly my type.

Class seemed to stretch on forever, as if the universe was punishing me for the unexpected gift. Eventually though, the professor released us with the mandatory mountain of reading to do. I darted to the door almost immediately, almost bumping into a poor girl seated near the door. I turned and quickly apologized for the second time today before leaving and starting a brisk walk until I had distance from the pockets of students filing out of the building.

I unlocked my phone and checked the message again. No text, just the image. I studied it now that I was no longer worried about people looking over my shoulder. Yup, she was just as attractive as during that quick glance, more so now that I was no longer shocked. I tried to run her body against everyone I knew, but aside from a handful of obvious eliminations, it wasn't enough to go on. I locked and returned my phone to my pocket, carefully avoiding to encourage the growing bulge.

The rest of the day's classes were uneventful. I managed to refocus on my academics, but it remained in the back of my mind, gnawing at me. I came home to my cramped two-bedroom dorm and sighed out the day's stress. Other than the size, it was a pretty nice place, as far as dorms go. It had new construction, a small kitchen and living room with two bedrooms and a bathroom down the hallway. Sure you had to watch your elbows when cooking on the stove to keep them from bumping the sink faucet, and sure the living room barely had room for an IKEA couch and a tv on an end table, but it was better than most Sophomore living arrangements.

"Hey Jake, Essex assign a bunch of reading today too?" my roommate Mark asked from the couch, with the TV spewing commercials in the background.

"Yeah, four chapters and written reflection." I stuck my tongue out and rolled my eyes back as if tasting something particularly disgusting.

"Ouch." I chuckled slightly and nodded in agreement. "Hey, Erica and I are going out on Friday night, so you should have the place to yourself." Erica was his girlfriend, a leggy knockout with a morbid sense of humor. I used to have a little bit of a crush on her myself, but there was no chemistry between us so I was happy for my friend when she asked him out. Didn't stop me from being just a touch envious though. He knew about it, and this was his subtle attempt to try giving me the space to score. I hadn't had anybody since the middle of my freshman year and didn't anticipate finding a fuck buddy on short notice. Still, I appreciated the gesture.

"Alright, try not to be back before eleven, the orgy goes until ten." he laughed a little, then we exchanged some small-talk before I noted how I really needed to get started on my homework. He went back to watching the tv while I went down the hallway to my room.

I closed the door behind me and dropped my bag on the desk with a thunk. I really wasn't feeling the reading that night so I flopped onto the hard bed instead and took out my phone. I flipped to my messages and looked at the picture. I thought about replying that she had the wrong number, but given there was no follow-up, I'm sure she knew her mistake. Getting a text from a stranger that you accidentally gave nudes too would probably only make her more embarrassed. The more I looked at her though, felt myself getting hard, and I debated the ethics of masturbating to a picture you were never supposed to see. It's not like the picture was stolen or shared without permission. She wanted to arouse somebody with these, and as long as I didn't share it or bring it up if I ever found her I was ethically clear..ish.

But all of these ethical hypotheticals shriveled after I unzipped and took myself in my hand. I closed my eyes and began to imagine her laying down on the bed in full view below me. I wondered if the person she was sending them to saw her like this regularly. I wondered what kind of things he would do to her and I began to think what I would do. I let myself sink into the fantasy, and imagined the soft smell of cherry tickling my nose as my hand explored down her neck to her stomach. I circled my finger around her nipple and gave it the softest of pinches, her sharp breath and long slow exhale after only fueled my lust further. She looked into my eyes and I put my other finger on her lips, and she began to suck my finger, giving it a gentle bite before letting it go. With it now free, I trailed it down her side as I closed my lip-


I opened my eyes and picked up my phone again, irritated at the interruption.

> Unknown Number

> New MMS

My breath caught in my throat. I stared at the notification for a bit before using my clean hand to open the message. Was it an embarrassed apology or a panicked plea to delete her picture? Neither. Another image. I laid there in shock for a moment. This made no sense. Maybe she didn't realize that she was sending to the wrong number after all, or maybe the second one just took awhile to send.

Either way, I was not in the condition to care at the moment. The second one complemented the first, a shot from down her legs looking up at her pussy and cutting off just at the top of her tits. Again, no face, and no clues to who she might be, But damn, this confirmed what I suspected earlier. She was definitely my type. Curvy in all of the right ways, she was the type of girl who's measurements on paper wouldn't stand out, but taken together gave her an alluring frame. She had Slightly smaller than average breasts, but they were perky and big enough give her a figure. They were the perfect size to bounce while you thrust into her from behind. Her waist was thick enough to grab hold of and give her a broad profile without breaking any of her sensuous curves and her hips beckoned you inwards. Above her lips was a small bush, untamed but not out of control.

I began pumping myself, almost instinctively and My fantasies began to run wild. Our tongues intertwined in our sloppy lustful kiss and our saliva began to drip onto our chins. We only broke to catch a quick breath, our pants blowing hot air into each other's face while I flipped a strand of black hair out of the way. My other hand roamed from her face down to her hips where I glided across the smooth skin of her waist.

I tried to infuse every detail of those pictures into my fantasy and fill in the gaps as I could, and not for the first time today wished I knew who she was. I imagined the way she squirmed as I slid my finger down into her bush and began teasing her, coming close to where she desperately wanted but not giving in. Until she had enough of that and grabbed my hand to yank it onto her clit. I imagined she pulled away from the kiss for some kind of indignant remark but was cut-off by a sharp inhale through her teeth. She arced her back and gave a quiet grunt of approval as I ran my finger up and down the length of it.

I wondered what she would do. What were her fetishes, and what was her favorite position? Was she voracious and full of need or passionate and deliberate? I decided that for now, she cupped her hand around my balls and gave a soft pulling motion gesturing for me to slide up. I moved forward up off her so that I was looking down at her and able to take in the view again. I didn't have long though as she wrapped her hand around my shaft and began to tug on me, mirroring my speed on her. She raised her head up and scrunched her face in concentration as she ran her hand up and down. In return I gently took her swollen clit between my two fingers and rubbed up and down it with tiny movements interrupting that look with a more erotic one with her eyes rolled back in pleasure.

I knew I didn't have long so I picked up the pace. Her hand movements were getting more and more erratic as she found it difficult to concentrate through the pleasure. It didn't matter. I hoped she was close and vibrated on top of her clit as I felt the first spurt of cum surging out. She shook and gasped loudly, throwing her head back into the bed, panting heavily as a few more small spasms rocked her body. Several ropes of white sticky cum shot out and landed in a splatter pattern on her stomach and the bottom of her breasts.

We both stayed in our positions and panted, my arms shaking from the effort of holding myself up. She ran her finger down my chest, and I imagined a soft smile on her lips. I collapsed next to her as the vision of her faded away, leaving me alone on my bed and trying to catch my breath.

I laid there for a moment, panting a little bit while my cum began to slide off my stomach, and the unmistakable musk of the stuff filled the room. I was going to have to do laundry tomorrow, but interrupting to finish more cleanly hadn't been an option. As my breath began to settle, I started to come to my senses. I needed to tell her that she was mistaken. I couldn't say I wasn't conflicted about it though- the idea of her sending more pictures was tempting- but I knew I would feel guilty and what I had to do. I sighed and picked up the phone. This was going to be awkward for both of us.

> Um. I think you have the wrong number.

I sent it off, wishing it would have been appropriate to add "but thank you very much". No immediate response. That was fine. she was probably incredibly embarrassed. I leaned over and grabbed some of the tissues under the bed and wiped myself off. The image of her still danced in my head while I reclaimed my underwear and pants. It was a fun surprise while it lasted, but I willed myself to forget what she looked like, and I knew that I really should delete them. I picked up the phone and scrolled through my gallery and highlighted the first picture.


< I'm pretty sure I don't Jake ;)



  1. This is my first piece after being away from erotica and writing in general for a long while so forgive any rust. I’ve got quite a few ideas I’d be interested in exploring and continuing with if people seem to like this!

  2. Thanks! Hearing positive feedback in addition to the upvotes is really motivating for me! I do this to turn people on, so hearing that I’ve accomplished that makes me very happy. I’m working on the next chapter right now and it should go up within a few days or a week at most. I tried to edit in some minor revisions to this chapter, but for some reason the character limit when editing went down from 40k to 10k, meaning I’d have to split the post since it’s just over 11k. So, I’m going to take a little bit of extra time with the next one to make sure I don’t get stuck with typos and weak verbs I can’t get rid of. :P I also just like the idea of making each chapter go up as a regular weekly thing so it doesn’t drown out the rest of the sub, and so people who are following along can expect when the next installment goes live.

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