The Encounter – Part 1 (my first post here, kinda long) C&C always appreciated.

My phone buzzed as the new message came in. Without even picking it up, I knew who it was from – Christy.

“I’m here” was all it said.

We had been chatting on Kik for well over a month at this point, and our schedules had finally aligned where we would be in the same city at the same time.

I had arrived in London earlier that day, having taken a red eye from D.C. whereas she had already been in town for a few days at this point. After some consulting of our schedules, we decided to meet in the bar at my hotel, the Grand Marriott.

Looking once more in the full length mirror, I adjusted my tie. Nothing super fancy, but still a decent silk tie surprisingly not from a department store. The charcoal suit fit my 5 foot 7 inch frame quite well, even for an off the rack number. Pays to have them tailored, that’s for sure. Gave myself a quick once over to make sure nothing was amiss. Black square point dress shoes were clean. Charcoal slacks were neatly pressed, no funky wrinkles in them. Jacket fitting just right, sleeves exposing just the right amount of cuff of the faintly pinstriped black shirt. Yes, this will do fine I thought to myself.

[M/F] Stalked and hunted by a cougar (pt2)

so there I was, standing on her front porch while she got her keys out, my cock hanging out of my jeans, the cool night air sending a chill up my spine due to the amount of saliva remaining on my member.

I watched as that shapely ass of hers walked in front of me, and quickly followed her inside.

It was a nicely appointed living room that I suddenly found myself in, and it was then that I realized that this was no single woman's house. This chick was married, and to someone that made a decent amount of money at that.

Those thoughts were quickly dismissed when she told me to sit and motioned towards the couch. She disappeared into the kitchen as I sat down and reappeared a few moments later with a Jack and Coke in hand.

She handed it to me, bending down and allowing me to see her ample breasts, as it was clear that she had removed her bra in the kitchen, gave me a deep passionate kiss, sucking on my tongue as she withdrew from my kiss.

[M/F] I was stalked and hunted by a cougar…

Let's just go ahead and get the usual out of the way…long time lurker (have loved reading all these stories BTW), finally decided to share another little nugget of my various sexual escapades over the years.

At the time I was 5'7", about 155 lbs, nice and fit. Not muscle bound, but not scrawny. Average frame with some nice defined muscles. I'm about 6" fully hard, cut, and from what I'm told – nice girth and texture (what the hell do I know, I just jerk the damn thing and shove it into different holes from time to time.)

This one in particular took place in early 2007, a few months before my third deployment to Iraq. I was stationed in North Carolina at the time and a Corporal in the Marine Corps. Like any other Friday night as a young virile American male in a military town, it was off to the local watering hole, a local country western bar, with my buddies in an attempt to get into some "strange" as it were.