[M/F] I was stalked and hunted by a cougar…

Let's just go ahead and get the usual out of the way…long time lurker (have loved reading all these stories BTW), finally decided to share another little nugget of my various sexual escapades over the years.

At the time I was 5'7", about 155 lbs, nice and fit. Not muscle bound, but not scrawny. Average frame with some nice defined muscles. I'm about 6" fully hard, cut, and from what I'm told – nice girth and texture (what the hell do I know, I just jerk the damn thing and shove it into different holes from time to time.)

This one in particular took place in early 2007, a few months before my third deployment to Iraq. I was stationed in North Carolina at the time and a Corporal in the Marine Corps. Like any other Friday night as a young virile American male in a military town, it was off to the local watering hole, a local country western bar, with my buddies in an attempt to get into some "strange" as it were.

Got to the bar around 2100-2130 timeframe, and after grabbing a beer (Sam Adams in this instance, I can't stand Bud Light), immediately began making a reconnisaince run around the establishment, looking for targets of opprotunity. There were a few prospective targets, so on went the game face.

The first target of opprotunity was what seemed like a good 'ole down home country girl – mid length blonde hair, cut off Daisy Duke's, dark red halter top that barely contained her generous endowment of the chest (no bra at all, her nipples where straining against the fabric, ready to break free at any moment).

Suffice to say, my initial target engagement went less than desirable. I was shot down faster than an Iraqi jet over a no fly zone. Time to regroup and lick my wounds, so back at the bar I found myself.

Sat down and the bar, with a decent view of the rest of the locale, and ordered a shot of Jack Daniels, along with another Sam Adams. That's when I heard her speak.

"At least someone in here enjoys a good beer and not that piss water", I heard it come from my left. Unbegnownst to me, a very attractive woman, probably 15-20 years my senior, had outflanked me and taken up position on my left flank! I had let my guard down and attacked by a voracious cougar!

I turned on my bar stool to take a look at her and acknowledge the beer comment when I was greeted by a pair of very intriguing green eyes that flashed a hint of blue in the lights from the dance floor.

I took her features in. Lightly tanned skin, with a dusting of freckles. Dirty blonde hair just slightly longer than shoulder length tied back in a ponytail, a customized Led Zepplin t-shirt that had the collar cut off and a custom v-neck style applied, which to my delight, showed off quite an ample amount of cleavage. As my eyes traveled further south, I saw that she was wearing some lovely skin tight jeans, tucked into her shitkickers, aka cowboy boots.

I could tell that she was out on a mission this evening, and that was to get fucked. Good thing I'm not a poker player, as my face must have told the story quite well, as she then asked me if I was enjoying the view. I replied by taking a swig of my beer, and nodding in the affirmative.

By this time, the bar area was becoming quite crowded, so I offered to buy her a drink and asked if she'd enjoy a freindly game of pool. She accepted and off we went to a slightly less loud area of the bar, and to my delight – much more well lit.

We played a few games of pool, and the sexual tension was palpable. The innuendos and gestures were being tossed around readily and eagerly. She caught me staring at her perfectly formed ass and thighs on more than one occasion, as well as down her shirt while she was taking a shot, to which she acted offended that I was essentially eye fucking her, but her eyes told me that she was loving every minute of it. And apparently, my crotch was telling her that I was enjoying the view as well, as she asked me if things were becoming a little uncomfortable for me, what with the sudden lack of room in my jeans.

That was my cue to say fuck it and move in for the kill. I looked her dead in the eye and said, "Yes, it is becoming a little uncomfortable. And frankly, I'm done eye-fucking you, and would love to move onto the real thing."

She flusterd for a moment, clearly taken back by the sudden boldness that some Jack Daniels and few beers had given me, but quickly returned to the moment. She walked over to me, all of three paces, and leaned in close to my ear while pressing the palm of her hand onto my increasingly hard cock, and whispered, "Then let's get the fuck out here, I've been dripping since the last game when you helped me make that shot" This made my cock twitch in anticpation, which she clearly felt, and it borught a sly smile to her face.

With all the speed and intesity of a Bruce Lee action flick, I had paid our tab, she had grabbed my wrist and we were out to the parking lot like a couple of horny teenagers. She asked were I was parked, and I nodded in the direction of my truck, parked across the street in the dimly lit gravel lot. And we were off.

I barely managed to get a text off to my buddies telling them I was out for the evening before we had made it to my Dodge. I unlocked the silver 4×4 and like a flash she was waround the passenger side, hopping in. She looked at me with a mischevious smile and said, "I knew it was a good idea to take a cab here tonight!" It was in that moment that I realized that this woman, this cougar, wasn't about to fuck me because of my witty charm or corny pick up lines. She was going to fuck my brains out and show me things I hadn't even thought of at this point, because it was SHE that was on a mission, whereas I thought it was the other way around. And I gave zero fucks.

I turned the key, and the throaty V8 fired up, the sound of the dual exhaust resonating throughout the cab. "Where to?" I asked? My place was her response, it's about 20 minutes away, which is just perfect, as she slid over to the middle seat and began to rub her hand along my inner thigh.

Thank God that truck was an automatic, or I would have been missing shifts left and right on that 20 mintue drive. No sooner had I pulled out on the main road, and she had my throbbing cock out for some fresh air, gently stroking it as I drove. I reached over and wrapped my arm around her and over her shoulder, and reached into her shirt, grabbing a nice handful of generous C cup, possibly D, flesh. My fingers quickly found her erect nipple and began to flick and pinch it, much to her delight; elicting an audible moan escaping her lips, and causing her to squeeze my shaft ever so harder, causing pre cum to leak out the tip.

This she noticed and looked wryly at me and said, "Now we wouldnt want to mess up this nice interior, would we?" and lowered her face to my cock, the light from the instrument panel and radio making her eyes glisten with luct, licking my pre cum, and lightly playing with my balls, tracing their outline with her fingertips.

It became quite hard to focus on the road, and the feeling of her tongue licking and tracing the veins in my cock, before placing her lips firmly around the head and giving it a good long suck. I thought my eyes were going to roll into the back of my head, it felt so amazing. Not only was she trying to suck my sould out through the head of my cock, but her tongue was swirling around it like it was the first ice cream cone of the summer. That, combined with her moans, I knew round one wouldn't last much longer.

As she started to bob up and down, taking my full length to the hilt each time, only gagging a few times before her throat relaxed to accept my swollen head, I managed to get the front of her jeans undone, allowing me some extra room to get my hand in her pants.

Still trying to concentrate on the road, I managed to slip my free hand down the back of her pants, and rub my hands on her silky smooth ass cheeks. I strained my reach and could feel the heat eminating from her pussy with my fingertips as I inched my way closer to her wetness. I managed to tease her lips a bit with the tip of my middle finger, playing with her folds, which only made her moan louder and longer. As I dipped my finger into her pussy, I realized that she wasn't lying when she said she was dripping. Her juices were flowing freely, probably a combination of the alchohol, my finger inside her, as well as my cock placed firmly in her hand and mouth.

As she moaned louder, I could feel that all too familiar sensation building, the thunder from down under brewing, as my balls began to tighten; signalling imminent release. She sensed it as well, as she attacked my cock with renewed vigor, as if my seed was the nectar of life and she was on her deathbed. This drove me over the edge, and as the first twitch of my cock released a thick rope of hot jism into her mouth, accompanied with a loud groan; she swallowed me whole, holding my cock firmly in the back of her throat accepting each rope of cum, allowing none to leave her. When my twitching subsided, I could feel her swallow what remained in her mouth, and as she raised her head off my cock, she sucked long and hard up the shaft, milking me with her hand to get any and all remaining dregs of cum out. This sent shivers up my spine as she sat up and looked at me with those devilish eyes in the dashboard lights, wiped a small amount of cum that had dribbled out the corner of her mouth with her finger and licked it clean and indicated that we were on her street.

I pulled into her driveway, and began to zip up my jeans when she said, "Don't bother, you wont be wearing those much longer….."

Well now that this has gone on for a LONG time – If you've made it this far, kudos. I'll try and get Pt. 2 up sometime later today or tomorrow, as I should probably get back to work….or something resembling work.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/301uzv/mf_i_was_stalked_and_hunted_by_a_cougar


  1. "as if my seed was the nectar of life and she was on her deathbed" Too funny!

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