[M/F] Stalked and hunted by a cougar (pt2)

so there I was, standing on her front porch while she got her keys out, my cock hanging out of my jeans, the cool night air sending a chill up my spine due to the amount of saliva remaining on my member.

I watched as that shapely ass of hers walked in front of me, and quickly followed her inside.

It was a nicely appointed living room that I suddenly found myself in, and it was then that I realized that this was no single woman's house. This chick was married, and to someone that made a decent amount of money at that.

Those thoughts were quickly dismissed when she told me to sit and motioned towards the couch. She disappeared into the kitchen as I sat down and reappeared a few moments later with a Jack and Coke in hand.

She handed it to me, bending down and allowing me to see her ample breasts, as it was clear that she had removed her bra in the kitchen, gave me a deep passionate kiss, sucking on my tongue as she withdrew from my kiss.

She told me to make myself comfortable as she coyly smiled and said she'd be right back, coyly smiling as she walked away. I took in the scene around me in the short time she was away as I sipped on the tasty beverage that had been presented to me. That's when I noticed it. Family photo. Her and her husband. In his dress blues…..this bitch was married to a Major!

I immediately bagan to sweat bullets, thinking of all the shit that would happen if I got caught banging out this lady. This could land me in quite a bit of hot water….then she walked out into the living room, and I put all of those thoughts quickly out of my head.

She came out of her bedroom wearing lingerie that would make even a preacher get hard. It was one of those bra and panty sets that were all lacy and sexy, with half of the bra cups missing, just leaving the bottom quarter of her amazing tits exposed, and then my eyes trailed down to her crotch which she was lightly rubbing when biting her finger and looking at me coyly. Those were definitely crotchless. She then licked herself off of her fingers and beckoned me over to her.

I was up and off that couch in half a heartbeat, my cock already stiffening and leading the way. She wrapped her arms around me, and drove her tongue into my mouth with such animalistic force it surprised me, and I got my first hint at her flavor from her lips.

Our hands were a flurry as we groped each other maddly, feeling each other like we were at an unsupervised middle school dance. As our bodies pressed against each other, fervently kissing and groping, she let out a deep moan just as I felt her wetness glide along my shaft.

Letting my arms fall to her side, I hooked my hands under her ass and lifted her up, spun around and carried her to the couch and dropped her down. I stood up to take stock of the situation, watching her heaving chest and noticing the glimmer of light reflecting off of her wetness.

She took my now rock hard cock in her hand, bringing me back to the moment, and asked me what was next. As I looked down at her as she slowly stroked me, my reply was simple and direct. "I'm going to tongue fuck your pussy and suck on your clit". I dropped to my knees as she stripped off my shirt, and I proceeded to run my tongue up one thigh, coming ever so close to her nice wet pussy, inhaling her intoxicating aroma as my lips barely brushed hers, and down the other. As I passed over her pussy, I noticed that she shifted her hips in an attempt to get her now engorged clit into my mouth, but I held her firm.

I kissed around her pussy for a moment or two, elicting a "Just please lick it!" in a desperate tone from her. Then without warning, in one broad stroke, I licked from just above her cute rosebud to her clit, my saliva and her juices mixing into the best cocktail of the evening. I then began to lick and play with her folds, ensuring to suck on her clit every so often with varying degrees of pressure before I snaked two fingers into her, down to the knuckles.

This was causing her to writhe around, and I could tell she was close as I hooked my fingers into her g-spot as I sucked on her clit, my pinky teasing her asshole with every thrust. Then it hit her, with an extremely loud and guttural "OH FUCK!", and her hand was on the back of my head shoving my face deeper into her, and her legs began to spasm. I looked up at her as I stood, her juices and my saliva dripping from my chin, and she pulled me close and kissed me long and hard.

She then shoved me back, causing me to almost bust my ass, looked at me with wild eyes, and spun around with her knees on the cushions, and her arms on the back of the couch. She looked at me over my shoulders, wiggled her ass at me, and told me, "You know where I want that cock, now give it to me!"

I almost busted my ass again stripping my jeans off. What a sight that must have been; me standing there, raging hardon on display for the world (or at least her family photos), and my mismatched socks…..

I came up right behind her, and ran my hand up her pussy and teased her asshole a little as I positioned myself. Then, mixing her juices with my own precum, began to rub her velvety soft lips with the head of my cock. She began to push back into me, arching her back in doing so, begging me to fuck her.

I grabbed hold of her nice juicy ass, and with no warning, rammed my cock all the way to the hilt inside of her, resulting in an extremely erotic yelp from her, as well as the satisfying sound of my balls smacking against her pussy.

As I withdrew, I watched as her beautiful pussy seemed to envelop my cock, not wanting to let go, and I obliged, ramming it home again and again. She was soon, in the throws of yet another orgasm, but to my amazement, she was squirintg all over my balls and thighs. This was a first for me!

I began to pound away with reckless abandon, and she begins thrusting back, meeting me half way. I know that I'm probably not going to last much longer at this pace, especially as another wave of pleasure washes over her, and her pussy begins to spasm on my cock. She reaches back and rubs her clit furiously, as she looks over her shoulder at me and tells me she wants me to cum inside her. As she does that, her fingers leave her clit and begin to massage my balls, driving my over the presipice. I'm done. I grip her hips tightly, bury my cock as deep as I can and unleash at least 4 thick ropes of cum deep inside her.

She bucks back into me, essentially shoving me away from her, my cock beginning to go limp. She rolls over, sweat glistening from her tits, her cheast heaving with every breath. She leans forward, looks at my cock and deflty sucks my head into her mouth. She gives my head a good long hard suck, letting it go free with a distinct "POP".

She leans back onto the couch, with her legs spread, my cum starting to leak out of her now abused pussy. She begins absentmindedly stoking her pussy lips, almost toying with the remnants of our fuck session (let's be honest, there was no love involved that night), staring up at me with those damn eyes of hers.

With a dismissive flick of her wrist, she says "You can go now.." I'm seriosuly stunned. No thanks, no goodbye, no nothing.

In triumphant silence, I get dressed quickly, and as I open the door and am about to head back to my truck, I take on last look back over my shoulder, and there she is, still splayed out on the couch, but now she is running her hands over her pussy, wiping my cum off her pussy, and sucking her fingers clean, all while staring at me. "I'm Becky, by the way.", I hear her say as I walk out into the evening.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/307ng7/mf_stalked_and_hunted_by_a_cougar_pt2


  1. Pretty much my thoughts exactly….turns out I was a revenge fuck, she found out husband was banging out some Air Force Captain in Kuwait, and well yeah. That happened.

  2. Nice one man! revenge fucks are always better when you’re the recipient.

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