[MFF 20’s] Threesome at the outdoor pool in the moonlight (Part 4/4) [Bi] [Outdoor] [69] [Blowjob] [Cum-swapping]

*Final part of a long, fictional story* *[Part 1](https://reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/110gnx0/mff_20s_threesome_at_the_outdoor_pool_in_the/) [Part 2](https://reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/110gzeb/mff_20s_threesome_at_the_outdoor_pool_in_the/) [Part 3](https://reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/111m4zn/mff_20s_threesome_at_the_outdoor_pool_in_the/)*

[MFF 20’s] Threesome at the outdoor pool in the moonlight (Part 3/4) [Bi] [Outdoor] [Anal] [Fingering] [Cunnilingus]

*Part 3/4 of a long, fictional story*
[Part 1](https://reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/110gnx0/mff_20s_threesome_at_the_outdoor_pool_in_the/)
[Part 2](https://reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/110gzeb/mff_20s_threesome_at_the_outdoor_pool_in_the/)

“So, do you like how your idea of sneaking into the pool is turning out so far?” Cathy asked me smilingly after we had settled down a bit. “I didn’t expect you to make it that crazy but I’m not going to complain” I responded. “Where does your fascination for bisexual women come from?” Megan wanted to know. “Wait, what are you talking about? I never said anything like that.” I replied. “Oh yeah, you never told us, how could we possibly know?” Megan seemed to make fun of me now. “As soon as we were talking about that topic earlier today, the cool and tough man you pretended to be transformed into a teenager that had just reached legal age” she laughed. I was glad about the darkness covering my face which was turning red. Those girls knew exactly what they were doing, I thought to myself. In fact, they were basically toying with me. I felt a little embarrassed but at the same time something about that thought seemed to turn me on even more. “Megan, I’m pretty sure that just about legal teenager you were referring to could never have fucked you the way I just did” was my rather desperate attempt to restore my male honor. “You did a good job there, I’ll let you have that. But remember, it wasn’t you that made me cum, it was Cathy” she replied with a smile. “Well two versus one, that’s just not fair” was my weak excuse. “I would have easily lasted long enough to make you cum if it wasn’t for Cathy. Her orgasm just drove me insane.” “Well, that’s part of the challenge if you want to get involved with women like us” Cathy said. Despite clearly coming off worst I really enjoyed the teasing nature of this conversation as none of us was taking it all too seriously. But soon enough my female companions in this adventure became more and more active in caressing each other again. I realized that talking would not keep them satisfied for much longer.

[MFF 20’s] Threesome at the outdoor pool in the moonlight (Part 2/4) [Bi] [Outdoor] [Sex] [Cunnilingus]

*Part 2/4 of a long, fictional story, read the build-up to it here: [Part 1](https://reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/110gnx0/mff_20s_threesome_at_the_outdoor_pool_in_the/)*

When I woke up some 20 minutes before the time that I had set the alarm to I realized that the sun had already begun to set. Slowly I started gathering my swim gear while trying to calm the nervousness that was emerging inside of me. I reached for the keys of my car but then thought better of it. Two or three cars being parked on the parking lot of the pool at night might look a little suspicious. Since I still had plenty of time left, I walked to the bus stop and watched the sun disappear on the horizon while waiting for the bus. Cathy and Megan must have had the same idea. They both greeted me with a smile as I took a seat next to them. There were not a lot of people inside the bus so it was a pretty quiet ride. The three of us didn’t talk much either and I could feel the tension building up between us. Everyone was mostly looking out of the windows where the lights slowly faded as the bus made its way to the outdoor pool on the outskirts of the city.

[MFF 20’s] Threesome at the outdoor pool in the moonlight (Part 1/4) [Bi] [M-solo]

*This is supposed to be a long story split into 4 parts. It starts slow, this first part is mainly the build-up of the story. [Part 2](https://reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/110gzeb/mff_20s_threesome_at_the_outdoor_pool_in_the/?) should be posted shortly for you to dive into the sexy stuff right away.*
*Fully fictional story. Resemblence to real experiences are coincidental and unintentional.*

It was a scorching hot Friday afternoon in mid-July. I had been working from home for the last week making sure I got everything done to call it a day early on Friday. I was looking forward to starting my summer vacation with a visit to the outdoor pool of my city. Finally, the time had come. The clock read 2:16 pm when I turned off my work laptop. About 30 minutes later I was sitting in a shallow pool enjoying the cool water and starting to relax from the work week.

Ending up in the wrong shower [Str8] [MF20’s] [Oral] [Public]

*Context: Completely new here, first time posting just had this idea come to my mind, not native English-speaker Bit of a slow burn story, most interesting part marked further down*


I was a regular at the indoor swimming pool of my town, so I knew my way around and was aware of the usual schedule of the place. Normally I would visit the pool in the evening or at the weekend. But this time, I had decided to go on a Tuesday morning, as I had the week off and didn’t have anything else to do. The indoor pool is very close to a large hospital, so people who work there – particularly nurses – often visit it to relax before or after work. Therefore, the pool often has more female than male visitors. I took the bus at around nine-thirty in the morning, got off at the bus stop named after the hospital and walked towards the entrance.