[MFF 20’s] Threesome at the outdoor pool in the moonlight (Part 1/4) [Bi] [M-solo]

*This is supposed to be a long story split into 4 parts. It starts slow, this first part is mainly the build-up of the story. [Part 2](https://reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/110gzeb/mff_20s_threesome_at_the_outdoor_pool_in_the/?) should be posted shortly for you to dive into the sexy stuff right away.*
*Fully fictional story. Resemblence to real experiences are coincidental and unintentional.*

It was a scorching hot Friday afternoon in mid-July. I had been working from home for the last week making sure I got everything done to call it a day early on Friday. I was looking forward to starting my summer vacation with a visit to the outdoor pool of my city. Finally, the time had come. The clock read 2:16 pm when I turned off my work laptop. About 30 minutes later I was sitting in a shallow pool enjoying the cool water and starting to relax from the work week.

As the time went by, I noticed the pool steadily filling up which didn’t really surprise me. More and more people had finished their work and were looking for a place to cool down. So, I decided to make my way into the larger and deeper swimmers’ pool to swim a few laps. I walked past the big stone stairs that people used to sit on when suddenly a woman waved at me. It was Cathy, a former classmate, accompanied by her best friend Megan. I most likely wouldn’t have recognized them if Cathy hadn’t waved at me. But now, looking more closely, I realized that they hadn’t changed all too much in the last ten years. I hadn’t made close friends with anyone in my grade so I wasn’t really interested in keeping in touch with my former classmates after I finished school. Cathy and Megan were no exception. But I remembered them being among the hotter girls of my grade. Now, in their late 20s, it looked to me like they had even improved somewhat on that front. Both of them were slightly above average in height and very attractive in their own ways.

Cathy had brown eyes and slightly curled brown hair that reached about halfway down her upper arms. The best way to describe her body in one word was – flawless. Her slim and athletic shape more than made up for what she maybe lacked in curvaceousness. Megan on the other hand had all the curves you could ask for. The most obvious eye catcher of her body was a pair of nice big breasts that were slightly saggy but just the right amount if you asked me. In addition, her butt was amazing both in terms of size and shape. The style of her hair was still the same as ten years ago. She had her long brown hair with blonde highlights tied back in a ponytail and a pair of big dark sunglasses covered her blue-green eyes. I remembered the two girls meeting the typical image of best friends who were doing everything together at school. Therefore, I was more surprised that they hadn’t moved somewhere else after school than about seeing them both together.

Even though we hadn’t been close friends during our time at school, all three of us were somewhat curious about how the other’s lives had developed over the past years. A little reluctantly I talked about my job as a materials science engineer. I used to spend most of my professional life hating it but I also knew having a respectable academic job hints that you can get at least something right in your life so I made sure to play that card. Generally, the atmosphere between us was very relaxed and pleasant right from the start. The conversation basically took care of itself since we had a lot to talk and also laugh about. From time to time, I casted some unobtrusive glances at the bodies of my two interlocutors. I wasn’t sure if they noticed. If so, they didn’t show any reaction. We also talked about other people from our grade. Cathy mentioned that some of their friends had already married and some even had children. “What about you two?” I casually asked, not knowing that their answer would suddenly change the context of our conversation, at least for myself. The two women looked at each other questioningly for a moment. Then they both nodded in agreement. Megan took off her sunglasses and started talking.

“We both had been in a serious long-term relationship with our respective boyfriend” she started. “But then, it all ended pretty miserably around the same time. During this difficult time, we were able to support each other, as we have been best friends since we met for the first time. Completely surprising to both of us, we found out that we could also have fun without men” she said with a slight grin spreading over her face. I noticed how my heart started beating faster. “So, … so you two are in a serious relationship now?” I stuttered. Now Cathy started to smile as well. “Not really” she replied. “We discovered our bisexuality but it’s more of a friends-with-benefits-relationship between us. We have some fun together but the main thing is that we are still best friends after all.”

Feverishly I was trying to come up with a somewhat reasonable response to what the two had just revealed to me. I’ve always had a soft spot for bisexual women but I had never been lucky enough to meet one. Now I had two hot former classmates sitting next to me telling me they would just casually fuck each other from time to time. “Yeah, well, umm … that’s great if it’s okay for both of you” was all I could come up with. My facade of pretended coolness had completely collapsed by now. Megan and Cathy couldn’t stop smiling. “Well, after so much talking, maybe this was a bit too much information for you to handle” Megan giggled. All of a sudden, I was afraid about the conversation to end. I didn’t even know what I was trying to achieve but I knew the first step had to be to keep the conversation going. I had thousands of thoughts going through my head, I just needed something to say that didn’t make me look like a complete and utter moron. “You know, every time I go to the outdoor pool, I think about what it would be like to sneak in at night and undisturbedly swim around in the dark. Have you ever thought of this?” As soon as I had expressed the thought, I could have slapped myself in the face multiple times. Instead, I tried to remain calm while waiting for their reactions.

“I have never thought about that but it sounds exciting to me” Cathy replied. “Yes, instead of wondering how it would be for your whole life why not just try and do it?” Megan added. “How about we give it a try tonight?” I was absolutely shocked. On the one hand, I never expected them to go along with this crazy idea. On the other hand, I was scared about having to put my plan into practice now. Thinking about it was one thing, really doing it was a completely different story. The two women seemed to have noticed my hesitation. “Hey, it wasn’t our idea, you came up with it. And now you want to abandon it because you’re scared or something?” Megan asked provocatively. I knew, there was no going back from this now. “No, it’s alright” I replied. “I would love you to join me tonight.” We then decided to head home to get some rest for our endeavor. Before entering our cars at the parking lot, we agreed to meet here again at 10 pm this night.

Driving home took me about ten minutes but it felt like an eternity. As soon as I got home, I rushed into the shower and got rid of my clothes. I couldn’t stop fantasizing about Cathy and Megan fucking themselves in every possible way which made my dick hard and throbbing. I barely needed any further stimulation. After just a few quick strokes I shot a big load against the glass wall of my shower. With shaky knees I finished my shower, grabbed a little snack and laid down on the couch. I had about three hours to rest up before heading back to the outdoor pool. I set up an alarm on my phone just to be safe and fell asleep shortly afterwards.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/110gnx0/mff_20s_threesome_at_the_outdoor_pool_in_the