Orbital Academy XV

Howdy folks! This will be the last chapter of Orbital Academy posted in pieces; from here on out I'll be switching from a "every week" to "once every three weeks" release schedule, so that every chapter can be posted on its own. Enjoy!

New to Orbital Academy? You're gonna be confused if you start here! Check out the spacey sexiness from the beginning.

Are you a lover not a reader? Jump right to the sex.

General Hunter wanted to heave his personal screen across the room, but instead he simply heaved a sigh. Newcomers to the station would often compliment him on how organized and easy it was to request resources from Orbital Pivot; few considered just how difficult it was to organize. As if in response to his frustration, his screen pinged with an incoming message.
Orbital Minera proposing higher quantity trade, more crysium for more mining drones. ~Sara
"Pull up import-export graph between Pivot and Minera," Hunter sighed, leaning back as the screens at his desk followed his command. He flicked to the next message.
Guy came in with over three thousand luxury chips, won't say where he got them, permission to do a background check? ~Timothy
"Response: Yes."
What's Pivot's policy on age of employment? The tests normally weed out youngin's, but we've got a promising thirteen year old who just rebuilt a Tanning-Spanly and wants to enlist… ~MkRathly
Hunter stared at the message for a moment, reading it several times without registering what it said.

Categorized as Erotica

Orbital Academy XIV [scifi][mf][Fdom][facial]

In space no one can hear you scream…in ecstasy.

New to Orbital Academy? You're gonna be confused if you start here! Check out the spacey sexiness from the beginning.

Are you a lover not a reader? Jump right to the sex.

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"Jackson, why'd you bring us to Pivot? What about Orbital Academy?" Preston reached across Missy and flicked the cruiser's autopilot off, beginning to manually pilot their cruiser in line with the other squadmates'.
"Rookie Preston, please cut the comm chatter, we wouldn't want to crowd Orbital Pivot's comm channels," Jackson's voice crackled into the small space. The message was clear; We're being listened to. I can either trust Jackson or come up with my own plan. Preston and Missy exchanged looks, and she nodded, her brown ringlets bouncing with the motion. Preston shrugged. He probably would've trusted Jackson on his own, but he trusted Missy at his core. Pulling up the fine-navigation controls, he prepared to land the craft.

Orbital Academy XIII [scifi][mf][romance]

Look in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's the latest chapter of a scifi space opera!

New to Orbital Academy? Boy are you in luck! Check out the scifi smut from the beginning.

Want to get straight to the sexin'? Jump right in.

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Missy was surprised at how well she was holding up. During her first day at the Academy, on her first jog, she had collapsed in a heap after three minutes of steady running. Now here she was, on an uneven and dark jungle floor, and she'd been jogging for an hour. She wasn't even the most out of breath of her teammates; Aimee was huffing and puffing just ahead of her.
It's because of how resolved I am to save Preston and my squaddies, she thought valiantly, but in reality it was probably more due to the fact that Captain Appet had pushed her as hard as she did. It had only been five months, but Missy thought of herself as an entirely different person now. The type of person who would risk everything to save the people she cared about.

Orbital Academy XII

The technically-on-time chapter of everyone's fav sexy scifi space opera!

New to Orbital Academy? Get some spacey sexiness from the beginning.
Want to get straight to the dirty business? Jump right in.

"AWA" Get up, pull myself into consciousness, stop sleeping

It was the worst possible way to wake up, the buzzing headache and the forced knowledge that was crammed into the charged word, but Alex grit her teeth and acted as if it hadn't bothered her. Over the past few days she had learned to become incredibly good actress when it came to ignoring the Terrans' forceful way of speech. She yawned and blinked with a vague smile, as if looking forward to a free day instead of sitting alone in a stone cell. It had worked for the old guard, once he realized his charged words didn't bother her he had stopped using them unnecessarily. The guard on the other side of the bars was new, and his face fell at her lack of reaction. His dark purple hair poked out awkwardly from beneath his helmet to frame the crestfallen face, and the overall effect made him look young.
"They said you didn't like PO," he said disappointedly, as the word's definition rattled around in her head, words infused with might and power. Very careful not to wince, Alex shrugged and shook her head.
"It not bug me," she said. That had taken some getting used to as well, speaking like a child using single-syllable words. Terrans' language was almost identical to her own for single syllables, but they used their charged words for anything more complex. Since they didn't understand multi-syllabic english, and she couldn't infuse her words, Alex compromised even when it made her sound like an idiot.

Orbital Academy XI

The next chapter of your favorite smutty scifi space opera!

New to Orbital Academy? Get some spacey sauciness from the beginning.
Want to get straight to the dirty business? Jump right in.

Inside of Jackson's head, a small reminder alert pinged, and he took a breath. The ping was vaguely musical, and for the nanosecond it lasted Jackson enjoyed and appreciated the fact that he had a snapshot of music that only he could enjoy. The breath ended and he returned his focus to the problem at hand.

Very occasionally Jackson would wonder what it would be like to have a normal human brain. He would probably be lazy, perhaps absentminded, maybe talkative. Perhaps he might've even had a say in how his personality developed. His mother had taken that choice away from him with her extensive use of cocaine and critz and alcohol. When he was born his mind was so malformed there were only two options; augmentation or no augmentation. Without a CPU he would be a ward of Orbital Minera, his brain running a single function where a normal human could handle several, barely classifiable as alive much less intelligent. So really, the social worker hadn't had a choice either, giving the techs and medics permission to use him as a test case for their latest augmentations.

Orbital Academy X

The latest in the sexy space opera!

New to Orbital Academy? Sate your desire for scifi sexiness from the beginning.
Want to get straight to the dirty business? Jump right in.

"We can't leave them Captain, please, we can't leave them behind!"
Jane didn't trust herself to respond to Missy's pleading. She continued her task, working calculations to determine the planet's rotation since they'd landed. Jackson sat next to her, doing similar calculations to determine the vectors of the orbitals around the planet. The work was going slowly since the rest of the ground team was refusing to help.
"You know that Missy is right Captain," Aimee backed up her friend, "if the positions were reversed, the others would come for us."
"They probably would," Jane's voice was hoarse, but it didn't waver, "because I'm not there to stop them. I'm with you, and later you'll realize that keeping you from rushing off is saving your life."
"Captain," Missy's voice was steady too, Jane noted with a touch of surprise, "I will knowingly risk my life if there's even the slightest chance of-"
"There isn't the slightest chance," Jane cut her off, flicking the switch to prepare the pod. The open walls around them slowly closed, switching from an open command center to an airtight spaceworthy craft. "The chance of rescue is zero, Missy. I know you don't want to hear that, and believe me, I know how much it hurts, but they're gone. They're done."
"Their beacons still show up on scanners. They're not dead."

Orbital Academy IX

The weekly update of your favorite adult space opera!

New to Orbital Academy? Sate your desire for scifi sexiness from the beginning.
Want to get straight to the dirty business? Skip to the end.

Tess wished she hadn't woken up the second did. She was surrounded by pitch black, and there was so much pain she had trouble for a moment identifying where it was coming from. Blinking, she shook her head a few times, trying to remember where she was. The satflyer…we were on a planetary… She sat up at the memory, and the sudden motion caused a wave of further pain to wash through her, making her almost vomit. Leg…the pain is definitely coming from the leg. After the Drake attack Tess' broken leg had been healing at a rapid rate, but the mind-altering pain indicated that her two week healing process had been for naught.

Orbital Academy VIII

The weekly update of your favorite adult space opera!

New to Orbital Academy? Sate your desire for scifi sexiness from the beginning.
Want to get straight to the dirty business? Skip to the end.

It should've been boring, watching the roiling green fog break against the windows, but it had captivated Li since they had entered it hours ago. Even with the impending danger of the planetary mission, the mesmerizing patterns on the window combined with the low rumble that came with breaking atmosphere was almost soothing. His squadmates were on their screens or restlessly trying to sit still; the atmosphere in the room was too tense for the normal chattering.
Not sure what all the fuss is about, Li thought as he watched the fog through drooping eyes, nothing's been able to challenge us yet, why do you all think this'll be anything different? He let the hum of the ground pod's engine lull him in time with the slow rocking of the craft, watching the green fog billow and puff.

Orbital Academy VII

The weekly update of your favorite adult space opera!

New to Orbital Academy? Get your fix of scifi sex from the beginning.
Want to get straight to the sexy bits? Skip right to the end!

"Sir, can I speak freely?" Captain Jane Appet spoke through clenched teeth, staring across the desk at the commander of Orbital Academy.
"Permission denied," Major Auspus replied cooly. His fingers flicked across the screen he held, comparing it to a page of notes on his desk, the picture of distracted business.
"Yes sir," Jane turned and walked toward the door, fuming, mind spinning.
"This is why I like you Captain Appet," the Major's voice stopped her at the door, "any other person to ask that question would give me a piece of their mind regardless of my answer. Of course that means, ironically, that I am far more willing to listen to your rants than theirs. Yes you may speak freely."
"This is stupid, dangerous, reckless and entirely ill-advised," the Major's compliment barely registered in Jane's mind as she turned back to him, "my squad is an excellent rookie team, but there's no way it's responsible to send them on a full planetary run!"
"I must admit I'm surprised to hear you say that," the Major smiled wryly at his screen as he spoke, "you spoke so adamantly at the last meeting. About the abilities of your rookies, about the need for the orbital to stop coddling first years, about how we faced a threat that would need a strong crop of pilots."
"That was when they were going to be fighting a flamer Drake, this is entirely different!"
"I see it simply as a natural progression Captain Appet. Your team is the model by which other rookie squads are measured, but right now everyone else is catching up. After the excellent way they handled the exothermic Drake, the next step is to get them experience with a planetary run."
"Two of my squad almost died handling that Drake!"

Orbital Academy VI

Another chapter of the adult sci-fi serial Orbital Academy!

If you're new to the series, you can read Orbital Academy from the beginning here

After four of the most intensive and exhausting months of his life, Preston had come to love his day off more than anything else in the world. He loved his morning shot of caffeine, he loved his weekly allotment of alcohol. Though he hadn't yet used the word, he loved his girlfriend Missy, and he would readily admit that he loved screwing her as long and as frequently as possible. Even with all of that, on some days, while drenched in sweat and still pushing himself on the training courses, or while biting his lip in frustration trying to outmatch the drone simulator, he would keep himself going by fantasizing about his next Sunday. This Sunday Preston had decided he would stay in bed until lunchtime…first sleeping in far later than he should, and then playing or reading on his personal screen until the buzzer intoned the lunch tone. The thought kept him going throughout the week, and he spent his entire free hour on Saturday making up his remedial reflex training just so that he wouldn't have anything to do on his beloved free day.