Orbital Academy VI

Another chapter of the adult sci-fi serial Orbital Academy!

If you're new to the series, you can read Orbital Academy from the beginning here

After four of the most intensive and exhausting months of his life, Preston had come to love his day off more than anything else in the world. He loved his morning shot of caffeine, he loved his weekly allotment of alcohol. Though he hadn't yet used the word, he loved his girlfriend Missy, and he would readily admit that he loved screwing her as long and as frequently as possible. Even with all of that, on some days, while drenched in sweat and still pushing himself on the training courses, or while biting his lip in frustration trying to outmatch the drone simulator, he would keep himself going by fantasizing about his next Sunday. This Sunday Preston had decided he would stay in bed until lunchtime…first sleeping in far later than he should, and then playing or reading on his personal screen until the buzzer intoned the lunch tone. The thought kept him going throughout the week, and he spent his entire free hour on Saturday making up his remedial reflex training just so that he wouldn't have anything to do on his beloved free day.

Thus, when a pair of cold feet against his legs shocked him awake in the early hours of the morning, he was incredibly upset.
"Freezing fucking bitch!" he mumbled reflexively, gazing through blurry eyes at the red lights that indicated it was 0407 hours. He turned to find Missy next to him, scooting between the sheets and snuggling down into the blankets, "your feet are frozen!" His plans had not included being woken up so early, and now that he was awake he knew it would take him forever to fall back asleep. He gazed down at his girlfriend crankily.
"It's cold," Missy agreed, scooting next to him and nestling beneath his arm. She was already half asleep, and Preston frowned at the unfairness of it.

"Hey, nuhuh, you woke me up, you don't get to just cuddle as if you're not sucking the heat out of my bed," he growled.
"But I brought another blanket," Missy yawned, "and you're so warm and it's so cold."
"You'd feel different if you had as hard a time getting to sleep as I do," Preston grumbled, and Missy opened an eye and observed him for a moment.
"I'm sorry I woke you up, and for sucking the heat of your bed," she mumbled, "later today I'll suck something else to make up for it," she reached up and flicked him across the nose, hard enough that it hurt, "and don't call me a bitch." "You can't just use sex to get your way with everything," Preston began to protest, but a quiet snore told him Missy had already fallen back to sleep. Lucky bitch. The thought was angry, but as he looked down at her peaceful face he couldn't help but also feel affectionately amused.

All things considered, his early wakeup wasn't as bad as it might've been. He slipped his personal screen from its pocket by his head and browsed the network for a few hours, reading a few guides on formation flight tips, despite his promise to avoid all things training. As rough as the lessons had been, Preston enjoyed flying, a carryover from being raised by a pair of mechanics. When he was a child he would "help" his father by handing him his tools to repair shuttles, or occasionally sit with his mother in her study as she worked on designs. Of his classes at the Academy, the ones that came easiest to Preston were the ones that had to do with ships.

Although it was perpetually cold in the barracks, the extra blanket and the warmth of his girlfriend pressed up beside him left Preston quite warm. The heat was almost too much; in her sleep Missy shifted, pushing the blankets down to her waist. Preston finished reading and shut down his screen and, knowing he wouldn't fall back asleep, leaned back and enjoying the warmth and silence. Missy's shirt had ridden up her ribcage in her sleep, exposing a strip of pale skin up to just beneath her breasts. Resting his head on one hand, Preston began tracing a finger back and forth across her exposed skin, letting his mind wander. Despite his plans for laziness, he would probably wander to the shooting range or the firing simulator later in the day, perhaps try to beat Alex's shot record…

His musings were interrupted by Julia leaning over the edge of the bunk above him. She had the sunny smile of a girl who knew she didn't have to work all day, and her gold-blonde hair was so long it fell almost halfway down to his bunk. Preston was reminded of some surreal fairytale character.
"Morning Preston," she whispered. "Hey Leftie," he whispered back, and Julia made a face. Her right arm was still in its rigid plasticine case, so she extended the middle finger of her left, but she smiled.
"You're up early.". "Got an early wakeup call. A cold one," Preston nodded down, continuing to move his fingers across Missy's stomach.
"Oh jeez," Julia gave the sleeping girl a look somewhere between amusement and pity, "she's got a little bit of 'clingy' in her doesn't she."
"Yea," Preston halfshrugged, "a bit. I don't really mind. I've never had that in a girlfriend."
Julia didn't reply, she just looked back and forth between Preston and the sleeping brunette, an amused expression on her upside-down face.

"What?" Preston finally asked, defensively.
"Nothing, nothing," Julia put her left hand up, still smiling, "I just really never would've guessed you two would get together you know?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know, she's just all innocent and cute and annoyingly sugar-sweet, and you're…well…you." Preston grinned, although he wasn't quite sure if his friend meant the sentiment as a compliment or an insult. Either way, he knew she had his best interests at heart. Julia was the only one of his squadmates with the same irreverent sense of humor and cynical outlook on life, and they had been fast friends since their first few weeks. Looking up at her frank but questioning (and upside-down) face, he reassured himself that she wouldn't mock him if he answered her statement honestly.

"She's different from me, that's a good thing," he said slowly. Julia tilted her head questioningly, and Preston struggled to communicate his meaning, "if you spend all your time with someone who's the same as you, well how are you gonna change as a person?"
"Why do you have to change for her?" Julia challenged.
"I'm not changing for her, I'm just…I'm with her because I already want to change, you know? I don't want to go through my whole life being the same person, no one should. You gotta grow into a different person." It always sounded so much better when Mom said it, he thought, frustrated. He wished he had inherited her grasp of words instead of her green eyes.
"I liked you just the way you were," Julia pronounced, putting finality into her whisper, "If you were that hard up for some action I would've thrown you a pity fuck or two if you had just asked," she was grinning, and Preston couldn't tell from the expression whether she was joking or not.

Either way his frustration was growing. Why is it always so fuckin' hard for people to understand what I'm trying to say? "I'm not with her to fuck her. Not just to fuck her," he amended for the sake of honesty, "is it so hard to believe I actually think she's a cool girl?" He realized he had raised his voice beyond a whisper as his squadmates began to stir, and he dropped his volume "Is it really so difficult to imagine I might want to grow as a person?"
"Alright alright, calm down, jeez," Julia whispered, "Date who the hell you want, it's your call. I guess I just always pictured you with a girl who could satisfy you."
"I'm plenty satisfied," Preston whispered back, "Missy takes care of me."
"Okay, then a girl you could satisfy without you changing yourself to do it. And really?" Julia raised an eyebrow, "she's just the perfect little minx who is dynamite in bed? Missy is?"

Preston stayed silent, knowing his face was sullen and wishing he could hide his feelings better as Julia continued.
"She's just the complete package huh? Totaly trying out one kink after another, bedroom so new and spicy it's like you've got a new girl every night? Not a single kink you have left untried? You've done that 'conference room' thing you told me about?" Preston internally cursed himself for ever telling Julia about his little fantasy.
"I'm not just a talking penis you know, there's more to our relationship than just the sex," Preston knew that Julia would take it as an admission. The fact frustrated him, and her smirking face wreathed in blonde locks seemed a lot less cherubic. He tried to think of blonde fairytale villains.

"I know you're not. I'm sorry, I didn't meant to say you were." The girl's apology surprised him? he couldn't remember Julia ever apologizing for as long as he knew her. She even looked apologetic, "I'm not trying to be bitchy Preston, really. Well, I kinda am, but I always get bitchy when I'm trying to talk about important things. You know what I mean. Missy's a nice girl, but she just doesn't seem right for you. You're more adventurous and less reverent, and it seems like you're doing a lot more changing for her than she is for you. I just don't want you to get hurt when things…if things goes south."
"Fuck you Julia."
"Look can you honestly say you're happy with how you've changed?"
"Can you look me in the eye and tell me you're satisfied? Both sexually and all that other emotional bullshit too?"
"Y..yes," Preston had to think about it for a moment, but he realized the answer was true. He was unused to thinking of himself emotionally, but the fact was despite the flaws, Missy made him happy.
"Can you say things couldn't possibly be better?"

Continue reading…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1sznpv/orbital_academy_vi


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