The Sex Student – Chains, Clamps and the Great Outdoors – Part 25 – (f+Mdom)

Ok so trying something a little new with the title… let me know if you like it :) Or anything else… like always please comment, message, upvote… etc :)

index of previous parts

Part 25

That week were midterms… which ended up being very easy somehow! So easy I thought I was missing something but my classmates all seemed to have the same opinion afterwards and our scores were all good (when we got them weeks later) so… yay! Amy and I went out to celebrate on Friday afternoon, only to find that almost everyone else was moping and tired. So went home and watched movies and sucked down a couple bottles of wine.

Saturday was cold and wet, winter was coming soon and wanted to remind every one. I went to Frank's at the normal time on the bus. He led me in and to the washroom, where an enema kit was waiting. I did everything, got good and dry, then went into the bedroom.

The Sex Student – Part 24

Hi all,

Sorry I haven't posted… but yea summer and surgery recovery and… well got busy.

Also, I feel a bit let down by the interest in the last few parts, so if you do like these let me know!

Anyways… part 24:

index of previous parts

Part 24

The next week went by so slowly. I was so very very horny every day. I had to finger myself 2-3 times a day. I had never felt this way, and the fact that midterms were soon and I had to study didn't help.

Thrusday Frank texted me and said he wanted to pick me up Friday night. I answered back an all caps "YES!" within seconds. He asked me to wear a dress and under it one of the slip sets he'd bought me.

I got all dressed up in a nice red long dress I'd bought over the summer and the red slip set under it. Lady in Red I was… I tossed on a jacket over it and sized myself up… not bad I guess. Frank pulled up right on time and we headed off, but instead of to his house he headed downtown. Frank took me out to a nice restaurant and we had dinner… it was odd this was almost like a date, except Frank didn't talk to me hardly at all, I wondered if Frank was looking to change our relationship and I hoped deep down he didn't.

The Sex Student – Part 23

Hi everyone,

Well this has been one heck of a summer. I'm just now getting home after 3 days in the hospital. I had gall stones :( and surgery…

Anyways, here's part 23, I had it mostly done before… well… rushing to the ER at midnight with really severe abdominal pain.

Part 23

I got 2 weeks after the orgy to recover. Frank had to be out of town so it worked out nicely. I got myself waxed on Friday, I waited as long as i could because of the soreness, but by then it was fine.

When that Saturday finally rolled around I took the bus to Frank's. It felt good to have some normalcy back. I got there right after 2, Frank let me in and I went to the bathroom. No enema kit was a releif, so I used the toilet and showered.

Frank was in the bedroom waiting for me, stroking his hard cock.

"On the bed Lilly, either on your back or doggy, your choice"

I lay on my back and spread my legs wide.

"Good girl, hands behind your head"

The sex student – part 22

Part 22 Sorry I haven't posted sooner, this vacation has gotten a bit crazy (but awesome fun)… anyways…

Part 22

When I woke up it was just before 2 in the afternoon. I felt surprisingly relaxed and rested. I wandered over to the ensuite and looked myself over in the mirror. I found my kitty was pink and a bit swollen but not sore, though it was definitely puffy and a bit rubbery feeling in places from all the attention it had gotten. I put a finger into myself just in case, but not only was i not sore it felt good. Since Lady Janet was no where to be seen so I used the washroom then went to find her. The house felt strangely quiet and cold, wandering around nude made it feel a bit spooky.

Lady Janet was in the great room, nude as i was, dusting. She noticed me right away…

"Good you're awake, we've got about 2 hours before the guests start to show up, and I'll need an hour to get us properly ready. For now go take a bath, not a shower a bath, when I'm done I'll come find you."

The Sex Student – Part 21

Had to split this into 2 parts, so part 22 will be coming…

Part 21

The coming weekend had me excited. Something about being part of an orgy had always been very arousing to me.

On Thursday I got a text from Frank saying Lady Janet would like to meet me on Friday, as early as possible. I had a lecture Friday I could skip, so I said I would be available from 1pm on. I was told to wait outside my apartment at 2pm, sharp.

Friday I was waiting on the steps to my apartment when a black car pulled up and Lady Janet beckoned me over. I got in and we drove off.

"Lilly, thank you for agreeing to meet me early… I need help for tomorrow night. I normally have Candace to help me but she won't be available until tomorrow, and I didn't want to delay again. Do you think you can help me tonight?"

"Yes Lady Janet" I assumed she meant doing things like cleaning or setting stuff up or something… I was in for a surprise.

The Sex Student – Part 20

This part was about the only experience I had that didn't involve pain but still haunts my memories…

Part 20

Frank picked me up the next Saturday. He took me to his place and sent me to the bathroom. There was an enema kit there to use. I used the kit, showered and dried myself properly. Frank was waiting in the bedroom, and he wasn't alone. There was another man there, and a woman. The woman was naked except for a pair of red tall heal shoes, but even without she would be tall, her breasts were full and she had tattoos up and down her all over, nearly covering her skin except her hands and head. The man was wearing leather pants and had tattoos and piercings. Frank was sitting with him in his robe, the woman standing next to the bed, head down.

"Lilly, this is Roland, he is a dom in our circle, and this is his sub, Ariel"

Roland walked over to me "Hello my dear, nice to meet you finally" his accent was European, but I couldn't place it. He led me over to the chairs were Frank still was. Frank motioned me to kneel down so I complied.

The Sex Student – Part 19 (m/f)

I'm back… finally…

I was asked to not post due to some… well say issues in our little circle, so until that was worked out I've stayed off sorry…

But now that everything IS sorted…

Part 19

The next week was a very boring one for me. Lectures were mostly dry, and I had gotten so far ahead that there was no real lab work for me to do. I basically sat around thinking, and getting horny.

I could only think about what I wanted from Frank… my mind was stuck on the decision of should I jump fully into being his submissive, or should I back off and probably end our relationship? I could only think of one answer…

I texted Frank that i wanted to talk. So that Saturday Frank asked me to come over earlier than normal. I got to his place just before 11 and he let me in. I asked to talk to him before he left me to go get ready. We went down to the kitchen and sat down. My heart was fluttering I was so nervous…

"Frank I… errrm… oh geez how do I say this"

The Sex Student, Part 18 (m/m, f/m/m)

Hello everyone… finally posting part 18… 2 reasons for the delay.

1) I've been catching up on study and lab time

2) I've been debating posting this, as this story includes some guy on guy fun… and I wasn't sure if i was ready to deal with the feedback, but here it is.

That said, WARNING: This Story DOES include male on male sexual activity, if you don't like that, don't read this and don't message me!

I took the bus to Frank's that Saturday. He let me in and I went off to shower. There was an enema kit waiting unfortunately, but I used it, showered, dried and found Frank waiting in the bedroom… with another man, both in robes. He was slightly taller than Frank, about the same age but with very short blonde hair.

"Lilly, this is Andrew" he motioned at the other man "He is my freind and another dom in the circle, he will be joining us today"

Andrew smiled at me and walked over, then took my hand and kissed it. "Nice to meet you Lilly"

I was dumbfounded, I guess it showed a bit "I uhhh yes nice to meet you too"

The Sex Student, Part 17 (f/M)

Ok so the cast came off today! Yay! Though still wearing a brace it's much nicer…

So here to celebrate is part 17…

Frank picked me up from the swim center that weekend early, about 9am. He said he wanted me to swim my laps, dry off and change, but not shower. I was curious as to the reason but of course accepted.

He drove us to his place and led me to the bathroom.

"Don't touch anything Lilly, not your clothes or yourself, understand?"

I nodded, then he undressed me and then himself, taking time to fondle me as he went. He took his time to enjoy the sight of my unwashed body such as it was. My hair reeked of the pool and was matted and stiff, my skin was dry and itchy and my eyes were probably bloodshot to hell.

"I wanted to see you unprepared… and I want to give you a golden shower today, a full one. I will hit your face… Are you ready for that?"