The Sex Student, Part 17 (f/M)

Ok so the cast came off today! Yay! Though still wearing a brace it's much nicer…

So here to celebrate is part 17…

Frank picked me up from the swim center that weekend early, about 9am. He said he wanted me to swim my laps, dry off and change, but not shower. I was curious as to the reason but of course accepted.

He drove us to his place and led me to the bathroom.

"Don't touch anything Lilly, not your clothes or yourself, understand?"

I nodded, then he undressed me and then himself, taking time to fondle me as he went. He took his time to enjoy the sight of my unwashed body such as it was. My hair reeked of the pool and was matted and stiff, my skin was dry and itchy and my eyes were probably bloodshot to hell.

"I wanted to see you unprepared… and I want to give you a golden shower today, a full one. I will hit your face… Are you ready for that?"

I gulped and thought for a moment. I'd liked the feeling before, and the rest wasn't that bad, but a full one on my face? I wasn't sure about it… but that part of my mind was pushing me… I looked Frank in the eyes and nodded. He smiled at me and led me to the bathtub.

"Sit at the back, put your legs up, try to put you feet on the sills…" I tried to get into that position and it wasn't uncomfortable. Frank got between my legs, his ankles teasing at my kitty. He took his cock in his hand, it was slightly hard but still not very, but he had that look in his eyes…

"Are you ready?"

I nodded.

"Shut your eyes and take a deep breath and hold it"

I shut my eyes and breathed in… and then felt the warm splash on my cheek. I felt him aim the steam across the bridge of my nose, I could feel it running over my lips and down my chin, then down my belly and off the sides. He kept on going and going, holding my breath was starting to be hard. Finally he tapered it off and I let my breath out… and tasted piss for the first time. It wasn't as bad as I'd expected, very weak acid flavor.

I heard him turn the water on and then the shower wand. He rinsed my face then handed me the wand. I opened my eyes and rinsed the rest off. I looked up and him still standing there and he smiled.

"Thank you Lilly, now shower properly and get ready, I'll be in the bedroom." and he left.

I showered longer than normal, washing my hair, finally getting rid of the pool effects. I dried myself, but without a hair dryer my hair was still damp. I brushed it out as much as i could, but finally gave up and went to the bedroom. Frank was standing there waiting for me. He didn't say a word, he motioned me to him. We kissed, not hard or deep, but not a peck either. Then he pushed down on my shoulders, I got the message.

I got down on my knees. His cock was already hard, I just started to lick it, then sucking it. Frank put his hands on my head. He started to control my speed, then pushing me deeper, making me deep throat him. I hadn't done this in some time and I gagged on it at first, but I got used to it again quickly. He stopped me before he finished and pulled me up. But to my surprise he didn't lead me to the bed, or even bend me over to fuck. Instead he turned me to face him then started jacking his cock. I looked down but he used his hand to pull my chin up. He was looking into my eyes so I did the same. It was a strange feeling but then he moaned and I felt his cum hit my skin. A couple shots made it to me, the rest dribbled down to the floor.

Frank smiled and me, then went and grabbed a towel. He wiped me off, then himself.

Now he led me to the bed. He kissed me again, this time almost gagging me with his tongue. He started to fondle me, a bit roughly but I liked it. He squeezed and kneeded my breasts for some time, occasionally slapping them as well.

"Roll over Lilly"

I did as he asked…

"I'm going to spank you, are you ready?"

I felt a pit in my stomach, I was a bit scared, but I also wanted it… "I… yes I'm ready"

"Good girl, remember to count" And he smacked my cheek with his bare hand. I counted every stroke, all 20 of them. It hurt of course, but the pain became that lovely warm throb…

"Roll back over Lilly"

So I rolled onto my back again. My butt burned a bit, but I liked it somehow. Frank held up clamps.

"Today's lesson will be painful a bit Lilly, are you ok with that?"

I nodded, I was still fearful but at the same time wanted it, wanted what he would do to me…

Frank put the first clamp on. These were different, they pressed my whole nipple flat. Frank adjusted it tighter, it was a bit intense but I didn't do or say anything. He repeated the process on the other nipple. I looked down at the silver metal things on my breasts, somehow it aroused me see myself like that.

Frank then showed me a bunch of clothespins, the wood kind with the spring. Me moved between my legs and pulled them wide open, then teased my slit with his fingers. Once I was aroused a bit he applied the clothespins to my labia, 3 to each side, then 4, then 5, finally 6. I could feel them flopping my kitty wide open. He then put many more clothespins on my belly.

"I'm going to put all these on you Lilly… If you can enjoy this, I think I can teach you to enjoy all kinds of new things"

I just looked at him. He started to pinch my breasts and applied clothespins in a line across each breast, centered on my clapped nipples. He applied more to my neck, arms, armpits, thighs, and finally one to my clit. I yelped at that one, but didn't stop Frank. I just lay there and looked down at myself. I looked like some strange hedgehog. The pinching was annoying, arousing, painful and weird all at once, and I felt myself getting more and more turned on. Frank was smiling at me.

"Like it don't you Lilly?"

"I think so… I don't know why?"

Frank nodded, then got off the bed. He got something out of a dresser and came back. He showed me a clear glass dildo, about 2 inches across.

"Recognize this?"

I shook my head.

"I used it on you last time, today you will use it on yourself… right now."

It was huge, I gulped as i remembered it stretching me open the week before. He put it in my hand, it was heavy too, then motioned me to use it. It was hard to get it into position. I kept knocking the clothespins on my labia, each tap sent a shiver of pain then itching through me. The ones in my armpit yanked off as i moved my arms about. It took both hands to position it and control it. I finally got it into position and slid it in. The first bit went in easy, the clothespins were holding me wide open. But after about an inch it was hard and started to hurt. I worked it back and forth and slowly got it deeper inside, but the clothespin on my clit popped off painfully. After what seemed like forever I had about 3 inches of it in me and that was all that was going to go in. Frank smiled and nodded. He had been slowly jerking his cock again.

"Hold it there Lilly… oh you are gorgeous looking right now" and he started to jerk himself. He just jerked himself until he came, splashing cum on my hands, kitty, the clothespins and the glass. He then bent over and kissed me again, disturbing many of the clothespins in the process. He broke the kiss and smiled.

"You can take it out now, slowly"

I pulled the giant glass dildo out. I was sore right away. Frank removed the clothespins from my labia but left the rest. It felt swollen and sore, throbbing with pain. Frank cupped my cheek and looked into my eyes.

"It hurts doesn't it?"

I nodded

"Do you like it?"

I wasn't sure… but I wanted more… "I… don't know?"

"Good girl, be honest about this, but you don't hate it do you?"


Frank smiled and kissed me. He then wiped my kitty clean and left me there, still covered in clothespins and the clamps. The soreness started to ease, and I felt more normal. By the time Frank came back it was very tolerable.

"Time you came Lilly"

And he started to lick my clit. He kept it up, and it took time, but I finally had a crashing orgasm. I felt my whole body tingling after. Frank got up over me, his cock was rock hard and I knew he was going to fuck me. I just tried to relax, and waited. Frank just smiled at me…

"What's wrong Lilly?"

"I'm scared it gonna hurt when you fuck me…"

"But I already am…"

I looked down, his cock was inside me. He moved it around and i could feel it, but I hadn't felt him push it into me. He started to thrust, but I felt almost nothing. He pounded me for awhile. I started to feel him thrusting after a bit, and slowly more and more feeling returned. By the time he came in me it was almost normal feeling.

Frank started removing the clothespins. He took his time and took each one off one at a time. The sharp pain as each one was opened was a bit much for me, but I wanted them off. Finally they were all in a heap on the bed, just the nipple clamps left.

"These are going to hurt Lilly, be ready"

He undid the lock on the right one and opened it. The pain wasn't that bad at first, but it got worse and worse slowly as my nipple woke up. It burned like a little fire stick. He did the other one and the same effect. Frank helped me to the bathroom and ran me a bath. He left me to soak for awhile, told me to dry and come out when i was ready. I took my time, letting the warm water ease the burning a bit.

When I finally came out Frank was waiting and took me home.

"You did amazing today Lilly, how do you feel?"

"Sore… but not as sore as i thought i would…"

"Thats good, you will find it gets easier and easier, but only if you want to continue?"

I thought long on that before i answered yes.

Frank dropped me at the apartment, Amy was there playing with her phone…

"Frank work you over good?"

"Yea… painfully…"

Amy just giggled and went back to her phone. I went to bed…

More to come friends…

Also check out my new subreddit /r/lillythesexstudent I'm crossposting all stories there…



  1. Thank you for updating Lilly! Always interested to hear about your progress. :)

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