From deck to dick. My 1st time (m/m)

I was 20 years old and home from college for the summer. My family moved to town just 2 years earlier, and while I had made a few friends I hadn't yet become super close with anyone. One of my newer friends, Sean, had asked me if I was interested in helping his Uncle Greg finish building his new deck. I hadn't yet gotten hired on anywhere and needed something to do other than sit around home, plus the offer included a BBQ supper after the day's work was done, so I agreed.

I brought a backpack with me containing a few beers (for the BBQ afterward), and upon arrival went into Uncle Greg's house to put them in his fridge. After that my friend Sean, his Uncle Greg, another friend of Sean's, and Greg's across the street neighbor got to work. It was a hot summer's day, and it didn't take long to work up a sweat. By around 4pm most of the work was done and Uncle Greg called it quits for the day. He fired up the BBQ, and we all just unwound with a few beers and some burgers. After a couple of hours the food was eaten & the beers drank, and we unanimously agreed that we were all in need of a good shower. So, we thanked Greg for the meal and made our separate ways home.

I lived about a 10 minute walk away, and halfway home realized I forgot my backpack at Greg's place. No big deal, I just turned around and made my way back to his place. I knocked on his door and didn't get an answer until a minute or so later. Uncle Greg answered wearing just a towel, and I could hear the TV on down the hall with the sound of a baseball game playing. I apologized for interrupting and told him how I forgot my backpack and just wanted to pick it up, but inside I was feeling a naughty kind of excitement at the sight of a toweled Greg.

I had never done anything with another guy before, and hadn't even really thought much about it other than the odd thought or sex dream. But here I was, in front of a nearly naked Uncle Greg, and my 20 year old horniness kicked in immediately. But, I wasn't forward enough to say or do anything about it. I just made a comment about how I was planning to watch the ball game when I got home too, and made my way towards the backpack, which was hung on a dining room chair (next to the living room where the game was on). Greg said I was more than welcome to hang out there and watch it, that he had more beer in the fridge that I was also welcome to. I said that I'd love to but should get home to shower.

And that's where things started to take a turn to the sexy. Greg said he had extra towels and that I was free to take one down to his other shower in the basement, or, he said in a jokey way "hop in with me if you want!". Well, I was already a bit horny, just from being a 20 year old man around someone in pretty decent shape wearing only a towel, and this just took it to the next level. But still, I could tell he was just joking so I joked back something like "sounds more like a way to get dirty than get clean!", but agreed to shower in his other bathroom. He gave me a towel and showed me there the other bathroom was, then he went back upstairs. I stripped down, turned on the shower, and started playing with my cock a bit as the water warmed up, as I was one horny individual. I decided I would shower and masturbate into some tissue to get that out of my system, but before I got into the shower I noticed there was no soap. So I wrapped myself in the towel and went back upstairs to find Greg. Turns out he had gone back into his shower, so I called to him from outside the door asking if I could get some soap.

This time he just opened the door a crack, enough to peek his head around. I asked again for some soap and he turned around to open up a cabinet under his sink. As he did, the door opened a slight bit more and I could see he was naked. I don't know if he planned on me seeing that or not, but once he turned back around and realized he was on full display, but he also saw that I was staring right at his cock.

"You sure you don't want to hop in with me?" he said, and I just stumbled to find words while he laughed and handed me soap. He wasn't shy about his body at all, and didn't seem to care that he was naked in front of me. I'm still not sure where I found it in me to do what I did next, but I dropped my towel and exposed my fully erect cock. He gave me a "holy shit" reaction (not over my size, we were both pretty average sized, but over me doing that), and I noticed his cock start to stiffen.

At this point I was freaking the fuck out internally. I wasn't gay, I wasn't attracted to guys, and I loved to do everything with women. He asked me what I wanted to do and in a feeble, terrified voice just said that I don't know. "Well, come on in if you want", he said as he went back into the shower…so I did.

I felt so awkward, standing with a raging hard on in the shower next to a man I barely knew who also sported some hard wood himself. We were facing each other, and then Greg just reached out and put his hand on my cock, while I just stood there dumbfounded. He asked me if I liked that, and I really, really did, even if I couldn't find the words to say it. I just kind of nodded with a bit of a moan as he gently stroked me.

After a few strokes, he grabbed my hand and put it on my cock, then went back to stroking me while I awkwardly stroked him. After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only about a minute, I felt my inhibitions begin to fade away (the beer probably helped some too). I got on my knees, and with the water from the shower flowing off his body and onto me I wrapped my mouth around his stiff cock. I don't know if I was any good at it, but I felt like I was sucking him off like a pro. I licked up and down the whole shaft of his uncircumsized cock, and ran my tongue over the head of it to his moans of pleasure. He would thrust his cock into my mouth now and then, and hump my face. I could tell he was close to cumming when he decided it was time for him to taste me.

He got me to stand up, and went to his knees. I had gotten blowjobs from girls before, but this was the first time a guy sucked my cock. Honestly, it felt about the same, which is to say IT FELT AMAZING! He played with my balls as he sucked my cock, and before long I knew I was about to explode. I was just moaning and saying things like "oh yeah, fuck me, FUCK ME!". I was so close to cumming when he stopped and asked if I wanted him to fuck me in the ass, or if I just wanted to cum. I was so insanely horny that there was no question in my mind that I wanted him to fuck my ass raw. No way would I have ever imagined wanting that before that moment, but right then I needed it. He got out of the shower and told me to get out, then turned me around and had me bend over, supporting myself on the side of the tub. He then went back to his cabinet and brought out some lube. He lubed up his cock and my hole, and then he went right for it, rubbing his throbbing cock on my tight little asshole. After a few rubs he popped it in, and I wasn't sure what to make of it initially. He very slowly moved his cock in and out of my hole, and with each gentle thrust it felt better and better. Before long he was pounding the ever loving fuck out of me and I just moaned like some creature overcome in pure pleasure, which I guess is basically what I was. I have no idea how long he fucked my ass, but when he said he was about to cum I said I wanted it on my face. He turned me over and almost instantly drained his cock with rope after rope of wet sticky cum all over my face, chest, hair, the tub. Fuck, it was so hot.

I was still so incredibly hard, and he wasted no time getting back to sucking my cock. It didn't take long before I was about to cum, and he got his mouth ready like a cum shot scene in a porn, wide open right in front of my cock. A few quick strokes later and I shot the biggest load I had ever experienced right into his mouth and all over his face.

After this was my own "holy shit" moment. I was still feeling SO good, but also stunned at what just took place. The awkwardness was long gone, though, and we cleaned each other and ourselves up. After we dried off and went back to the living room, I realized that the downstairs shower was still running. Oops! This time I was making jokes, saying how we can't let a good shower go to waste, might as well fuck again, etc. Well, we didn't fuck again right then, as we were both drained, but let's just say that wasn't the last time Uncle Greg and I exchanged fluid deposits. That was an awesome summer, and I now enjoy having fun with anyone, regardless of what is between their legs. I highly recommend it to anyone :)



  1. Ugh this story is so hot!!! Thanks for sharing. I hope you decide to share your other encounters with Uncle Greg. Did the anal hurt? Were you worried about not being "clean" back there? Questions from a bicurious individual…

  2. I wouldn’t say the anal hurt, but it was definitely a strange and uncomfortable feeling at first. The lube helped a lot, and it really didn’t take me long to go from this is uncomfortable, to this is alright, to this is actually pretty decent, to DAMN this is great! I also didn’t even think about being clean back there, was waaaay too horny. If this scenario happened to me today that would be my 1st concern. But with that said, I remember not wanting to suck on his dick after it was in my ass. Was fine letting it go off all over me though ;) I definitely made sure to clean up the ass before anyone went poking around there in the future, though. As for other encounters with Uncle Greg – well, they started to become a bit more frequent for awhile that summer, and was really our little secret. He was kind of like me in that he was mainly into women, but he had chalked up a good few adventures with men. We became pretty decent friends, despite him being more than twice my age at the time, but it was almost entirely a friendship based on sex. We had some similar interests, both into sports and pretty typical guy stuff, and we’d use those things as excuses to get together for sex. Let’s just say there were more than a few fishing trips where loads of cum were the only things anyone caught! But back to anal, he really taught me how great anal pleasure is. A prostate orgasm is such a wonderful, intense thing, even more so when someone else makes it happen for you. He really opened my eyes to so many sexual things, he was somehow even more of a sex hound than me! I don’t know if I ever dropped by his place without one or both of our cocks being out within 5 minutes of my arrival. I guess we were kind of, but not really, in a "relationship" for a couple of years. We both had our regular dating lives, got with girls and all that (he had a wife but they divorced before I met him, and he didn’t want to marry again. I’d say I wonder why but I think the litres of cum he took from me might be the best explanation), and really only saw each other when I was home from school (summer break, holidays, the odd weekend here & there). After I graduated college I moved to the city where I currently live and our encounters are now pretty rare. Its been 3 years since we last fucked but we catch up online sometime. Next time we get together we want to get someone else to join us, We’ll see if/when that happens but sounds good to me! Might not sound as good to a significant other though…I currently don’t have one but an ex of mine is an ex because as much as I LOVE pussy (and believe me, I really really do), but every now and then I need some cock in me. Let’s just say it didn’t go over well with her, and its something I’m now very up front about when I get involved with someone. Well I’ve been rambling, but if you’re bicurious I suggest finding someone you feel safe with and try things out. Worst case scenario is you find out it isn’t for you, best case scenario it changes your life in awesome ways. 19 year old me would never ever have a desire to do a single thing with a man, but now, lets get these holes of mine filled fellas ;)

  3. Damn, wish I was hanging out with both of you to help take care of your hard & wet situations. Getting my mouth filled with cock while I fill a pussy sounds like an awesome time! Or maybe fill a mouth while getting a filled ass. Fuck. Now I’m horny again.

  4. Wow. Great information. Thank you so much for your response!!! I’m currently in a committed relationship but my girlfriend has had bisexual encounters in the past and we’ve talked about a MWW threesome. I’ve often thought about bringing up the topic of my bicuriousness but the timing has never been right. So lately I browse Grindr when I’m home alone, share a few pictures, get all horned up, rub one out, then feel immediate relief that I didn’t cheat on my girlfriend. Like you said, if I ended up doing it, I’d want it all to be on the up and up.

  5. You should trust your partner to love you completely and accept you, I would bring your bicuriousness to your partner when your comfortable but don’t delay too long as I don’t think its healthy.

  6. Every so often i say this. I used that line a lot. After a while you start to realize you might be bi. Tbh tho now it might just be the bipolar :(

  7. Well said. It takes a while sometimes to build up the courage but it’s definitely worth it. I’m married and used to be bi curious. Now I’m bi with some hot MMF stories we made too.

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