The Sex Student, Part 18 (m/m, f/m/m)

Hello everyone… finally posting part 18… 2 reasons for the delay.

1) I've been catching up on study and lab time

2) I've been debating posting this, as this story includes some guy on guy fun… and I wasn't sure if i was ready to deal with the feedback, but here it is.

That said, WARNING: This Story DOES include male on male sexual activity, if you don't like that, don't read this and don't message me!

I took the bus to Frank's that Saturday. He let me in and I went off to shower. There was an enema kit waiting unfortunately, but I used it, showered, dried and found Frank waiting in the bedroom… with another man, both in robes. He was slightly taller than Frank, about the same age but with very short blonde hair.

"Lilly, this is Andrew" he motioned at the other man "He is my freind and another dom in the circle, he will be joining us today"

Andrew smiled at me and walked over, then took my hand and kissed it. "Nice to meet you Lilly"

I was dumbfounded, I guess it showed a bit "I uhhh yes nice to meet you too"

Frank giggled. Andrew smiled then kissed my forehead "Don't worry, we're going to have a really great time if what Frank's told me is true"

Frank held his hand out towards the bed "Come over and lay on the bed Lilly, on your back"

I made my way over and lay down in the middle of the bed. Frank beckoned Andrew over and they both shed their robes. Andrew was hard already, his cock about the same size as Frank's but his balls were much bigger. Frank spread my legs and went down on me. Andrew knelt over me to the side and put his cock to my lips. I licked it a little then sucked it in. I concentrated on Andrew while Frank licked me. I resisted cumming but Frank obviously wanted me to and pulled me over the edge. Cumming with a cock in my mouth was different, I had to try hard to not bite Andrew. As i came down I started working him harder.

"ohhh, she's good Frank"

"Mmmhmm, you just wait"

"I dunno if i can, I think I'm gonna pop…"

"She'll swallow"

I just kept working Andrew and soon enough that warm gooey liquid was jetting into my mouth. Andrew tasted very little, not the strong salty flavor like Frank. I swallowed it all down and he got up and stood over to the side of the bed watching. Frank was now fingering my g-spot as he worked my clit with his tongue. I came again hard, and he kept going… he was going to make me squirt! He kept it up, a thrid orgasm came, then after a bit more that feeling of something letting go, and I heard a gasp from Andrew as i squirted hard on Frank's face and hand.

"Holy… when you said she squirted you meant it"

Frank laughed… "Yup, you do squirt hard Lilly"

I just lay there panting and smiling.

I felt Frank get up and they smiled at me. "Rest a bit Lilly, alot left today, now you just watch"

Watch? I was confused until Andrew got on his knees and started sucking Frank off. I couldn't not watch it, Andrews head just bobbed on Frank's cock, stopping to lick and suck his balls several times. Finally I heard Frank start grunting and I could tell he came. Andrew didn't move for a bit, then just stood up. They both looked at me.

"Surprised Lilly?" Frank asked

I nodded…

"Don't be, I did mention most of the doms were at least partly bi, and I wanted to see your reaction to this."

"Oh, I uhh, I dunno? What's wrong with it?"

They both smiled "God girl, nothing at all, ok rest a bit, we'll be back"

They put their robes back on and left me for awhile. I idly touched myself and didn't realise I was fingering myself until I heard them return…

Andrew saw me and cut in with "Ohhh dirty girl!"

Frank just shook his head before they both shed their robes again and got onto the bed on either side of me. Frank took my hand and put it on his cock, I did the same for Andrew and started to stroke them both. They got hard again pretty quick. They got up and Andrew spread my legs. He licked me a little, but not trying to do much, maybe just to taste me. He quickly shifted and put his cock to my kitty and slid it in. Frank stood next to the bed and idly stroked his cock. Andrew squeezed my breasts and pinched my nipples as her pushed himself fully into me and started to thrust in and out. Frank moved in and kissed me deeply as Andrew fucked me gently for a few minutes before stopping.

Frank finally broke the kiss "Your turn Lilly to ride Andrew"

I rolled over and let Andrew lay down, before I straddled him and started to ride him a bit.

"Fuck Frank, she's just tight enough"

"Mmm, enjoying Andrew's cock Lilly?"

I nodded as I bounced myself up and down, taking him as deep as i could.

"Good girl, ready for something new?"

I didn't really pay attention, just nodded again.

"Excellent, this is going to be fun, just slow right down and kiss Andrew"

I did as he asked, Andrew pulled me down for a long deep tongue war. As it was going on I felt Frank get on the bed behind us. I wasn't sure what was coming till i felt a lubed finger touch my little bum nub. Andrew broke the kiss but put his hands on my ass cheeks and pulled me down on him while he spread them gently.

"Push down on my cock Lilly, as deep as you can… good now relax…"

Frank's finger pushed into me and stroked in and out a little, spreading the lube before he removed it and I felt him move in and put his cock there.

He put it right to the nub before pausing. "Just relax Lilly, you've done this with toys before, it's the same idea just better trust us"

I tried to relax as I felt him start to push, I felt him back off once, then again he came, then time i felt him slip inside a little, then it was done, he was in my ass. I felt the two cock rubbing each pulling at each hole as Frank sank all the way in my ass. I felt full, hot and a little sick, but was enjoying it all at once. This was very different than a toy and a cock. I could feel the cocks throb and twitch around at they tried to find space inside me. Once Frank was fully in Andrew let go of me and kissed me again. As he did Frank shoved me forward a little, letting Andrews cock slide out a bit before holding me there and sliding his cock out a little too. Then he pulled me back slowly and I felt both cocks slide into me at the same time. It hurt a little, the angle was a little off, but I slid forward again and back and it got better.

"Slowly Lilly" Frank panted in my ear "Nice and slow"

I kept up a slow gentle out and in motion. It was an very intense feeling. Both of them were crushing me between them as i moved. I could feel Frank's cock pushing Andrew's against the top of my cunt, my clit throbed each time I thrust down onto them. After a bit though it was becoming too much. My ass was getting sore and it wasn't in a good way.

"It's starting to hurt…"

"Ok Lilly, you've done amazing, just relax" Frank said and he pulled himself from my ass "Just fuck Andrew ok?"

I nodded and went back to riding Andrew, leaning back to stretch my now free back out again. Frank got up next to me on the bed and stroked himself. I could feel Andrew getting close, but he stopped me.

"Get down on the floor Lilly, on your knees"

I did as i was told, they both got in front of me, jerking away. Andrew came first, splashing cum on my cheek and neck. Frank came in close and splashed cum on my other cheek and lips when he popped.

Frank helped me up to the bathroom and helped me wash. He was hard again when we were done and returned to the bedroom where Andrew was waiting.

"Again Frank? dang man after that I'm spent"

"Well enjoy the show then… unless you need to rush off?"

"Not yet, got a bit of time left"

Frank led me to the bed and guided me into a doggy position facing Andrew. He rubbed his cock on my ass a bit, making me bite my lip in a bit of fear, but he slid himself into my soaking wet kitty. He just pounded away, not letting me move much, his hands holding my hips in a vice grip. Andrew sat in a chair watching us, his eyes darting around as we fucked. Frank was pounding me harder than normal, but it was still really good feeling. His balls were making slapping sounds from the speed of his movements until he pulled me down onto him and I felt him tense. He pulled out and collapsed back on the bed.

"Show Andrew Lilly… "

I flipped around, spread my legs then pulled my labia open, letting Frank's cum run out. I just lay there as they talked, not really paying attention to the conversation until I heard Andrew say "Well shit, it's working, I'm getting wood!"

I looked down and sure enough he was stroking a hardon again.

"Can I try her ass?"

"Lilly, can Andrew fuck your ass? I know you might be sore?"

I clenched my bumhole a bit, it wasn't hurting so i nodded.

Andrew smiled broadly "I'd like you on your back Lilly, don't clean up"

I nodded and moved to the middle of the bed. Andrew lifted my legs up and pushed me over. Frank passed him a bottle of lube and he worked it into me, then on himself.

"I haven't fucked a girl this way in a long time…"

I just looked at his face and nodded a little. He smiled and put his cock to my nub, then pushed. It went in easily and he started to slide in and out.

"Open your cunt for me Lilly, while I fuck you…"

I reached around and tugged my labia open. Feeling cold air wash over it as he moved, his body crushing my hands with every thrust. I just held the position as he looked down watching. He just kept up a pace for a very long time, so long he had to add more lube, I was surprise it wasn't hurting me, but besides a bit of a sore throb there was no pain at all.

"It's nice, but I can't cum…" and he pulled out, stroking himself hard looking at my still spread kitty "Oh hold that open Lilly, oh yes…" and he moved in aiming his cock at it. He finally came, not very much but it a good splash hit my cunt hole and dribbled down. "You are a great girl Lilly, thanks" and he kissed me. At that he said his goodbyes and left. Frank saw him out then came back to the bedroom. He helped me to the bathroom, but instead of the shower he guided me to the tub. He wanted to golden shower me, and I didn't care. He led me into the tub and I got on my knees, he stood in front of me. He put his cock under my chin and lifted my head up to look at him. I felt the stream start and flow down my neck and between my breasts, then down and off my thighs. When he was done he rinsed me off and helped me up, guiding me over to the counter. He was hard again.

"Once more, for me Lilly"

I just nodded and leaned back. He slid his cock into my kitty and started to pound me again, pushing me against the edge of the counter. He turned me around after a few minutes, and pounded me form behind. I watched him in the mirror over the sink. He finally came inside me and pulled out. A couple splots of cum splashed onto the tiles under me.

"Ok, now we're done Lilly, wash up, take your time, I'll be in touch" and he left.

I showered again, dressed and caught the bus back to campus, it was early evening and the sun was almost down when I got there, and it was dark when i finally got to the apartment. Amy was sitting on the sofa eating, watching some teen show (Amy has an addiction for teen TV shows), so I plopped myself down and only then started to feel sore.

"Over at Frank's?"

I nodded…


"I… ummm… had two cocks in me"

"oooh… I've never done that… tell, deets!"

SO i spent the night riguiling Amy with the tale… and making myself horny again. I had to finger myself to another 2 orgasms before sleep came that night…

Index to other parts on my subreddit (



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