Dominant Hotel Sex…..What I Wanted [FM] – LONG

We were both on the road for business, but fortunately he was doing his boss “a solid” and agreed to make an overnight stop on the way home.  He had to meet up with some team members in a different city before heading home, and that city was where I was meeting with clients, so we were going to spend the night together on the road.

I had packed a little “sumpin sumpin” for that evening. He had spent a little time in my closet and I had noticed that he stopped on a few of my lingerie items.

I was wrapping up dinner with clients when he texted me that he had landed.  My mind began to fill with dirty thoughts as one of my clients droned on about some blah blah blah.  I shook my head and tried my best to stay engaged in the conversation.

After dinner, we headed to a bar that was down the street from my hotel.  I did my best to stay engaged with my clients as I received texts on his ETA to the hotel.  I asked if he wanted to pop in and have a drink and as I expected, he declined.  He wanted to shower at the hotel and relax.

A Last Minute Blowjob Before Taking Him To The Airport [FM]

There are two types of airport people. One that gets there early and has time to peruse the newsstand and sit at the gate. Then there is the other. Power walk through TSA to the gate and board within 5 minutes of getting to said gate.

I am definitely the later and he is not. He would like people to think that he’s the later, but the word “late” is in his airport vocabulary when he should be saying “We are going to be right on time.”

I left my place early and found a spot right out front his place, so instead of waiting for him, I headed up to get him.

I got into his place and his wheelie was already by the door. I could hear him closing the blinds and turning off the lights.

He came out into the main room and greeted me with a kiss. I wanted more and he obliged.

My morning masturbation was not enough. He wasn’t coming back until Friday, so I wanted more.

He knew it, but told me that he didn’t want to be late. I assured him that he wasn’t going to be late and kissed him again, but this time my hand grabbed his growing bulge.

Flipping the Switch and Receiving My First Facial from Him [FM]

It was one of those nights that I felt that I was just going through the motions. It was great to connect with friends, but the drinks, dinner, drinks routine has run its course and I just wanted to head back to my place and hang out.

I was out with friends and he was out with his friends. We had made plans to meet up later in the evening, so I texted him and mapped out how I was going to “Irish Goodbye” my friends. He told me to text him when I was on my way home and he’d do the same.

Luckily, the bar was crowded enough that I left unnoticed and made my way back to my place. I smoked a little on my way home and fortunately didn’t run into anyone when I entered my building.

I got into my place and all of the curtains were open and decided to walk around in the winter illuminated dark. I changed into sweats and zip up hoodie and put on some music and texted him. He texted back that he was leaving in a few and would text me when he was on his way.

His First Time In My Toy Drawer [FM]

I know he masturbates, and he knows I do the same.

A week ago, we laid in bed after sex and discussed masturbation, which led to him being introduced to my Lelo Enigma. That led to him using it on me and getting me off, which led to another session of him fucking me so good with me having the elusive doggy-style orgasm without any manual help.

MMMMMM it was soooooo good…………I digress.

Last night, I watched as he brushed his teeth in his boxers. I was standing behind him in one of my old concert t-shirts and my mind was scheming.

There is nothing wrong with getting naked, climbing into bed, and letting things happen. I just wanted to mix it up.

He finished and rinsed his mouth and I came up behind him and grabbed his hand.

He looked at me as I led him into my walk-in closet. He’d had been in there a few times, but never explored and I figured, there was no better time to show him some things.

I pulled the top drawer from my built-in and watched his eyes bug out as he saw my collection of dildos and vibrators for the first time.

Our First Booty Call [FM]

I had been seeing him for over a month and we are in the honeymoon phase of the relationship, from what I understand. He was going out with friends from his workspace and I was meeting up with some friends for drinks and a bite to eat. He had an early meeting in the morning and was going to head back to his place and put some final touches on his stuff for the meeting. This was his first time leading a meeting like this and I didn’t want to be a distraction.

We checked in with each other via text during the evening. He called it quits early with his friends and went home to wrap up some work things. I eventually made it back to my place and decided to shower and get into some comfy clothes watch some TV.

I was half asleep on the couch when he texted me that he was done and going to turn in after he took a shower. I told him to give me a call once he’s in bed. Thoughts ran through my head. Should we have phone sex? Should I masturbate on the phone for him? Then it came to me.

The First “Girlfriend” Blowjob [FM]

We had just settled in for the evening and were on the couch. He had chosen to continue watching a mediocre show that I wasn’t into, but wasn’t going to complain. I completely understood his thinking of watching to the end in hopes that it might get better.

My Aunt Flo’s bags were packed, but she hadn’t left yet. Anything that I did was going to be for his pleasure only, and I was completely fine with that.

I nuzzled up closer and rested my head on his shoulder and watched TV. My hand moved from his chest lower and I began rubbing his cock which was getting hard on contact. He said nothing and continued watching the show.

My hand slid into his sweats and I began to stroke his hard cock.

He grinned and ask “What are you doing?”

I smile “Can’t a girlfriend stroke her boyfriend’s cock, while he watches TV?”

Earlier in the evening, we were out with friends and those titles were bestowed on us. We aren’t really “title” people, but we have been seeing each other exclusively for a few weeks and neither of us seemed to be bothered by the titles.

I Had Him at Bacon – [FM]

We both drifted off after having morning sex. It had been a busy last two weeks for the both of us and I was feeling that a morning of doing nothing was needed.

I watched him sleep for a few moments. This was the first time in the handful of days together that there was this sort of silence and stillness.

He opened his eyes and I smiled. We kissed and nothing was said after. It seemed that we were just savoring the moment.

I kissed him one more time before getting out of bed. I could see him watching my naked body in the mirror and bit my lip and smiled as I made my way to the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and sat on the toilet. I sat up straight and put my hair in a ponytail as the steam began to take over the cool air.

I quickly rinsed and he entered as I was reaching for my towel. He told me that he used the other bathroom and I re-started the shower for him.

Setting the Precedent with a Pre Work Blowjob [FM]

I had just finished my run on the treadmill and was stretching when he texted me.

His phone was blowing up with texts from his sister and her deadbeat boyfriend. He told them months ago about his plans to move out and was finally executing those plans.

He wanted to know if I wanted a coffee I said “yes”. I had already had made coffee, but I wanted to see him before he went to work and witness the family drama in person on his phone.

I greeted him with a kiss, he gave me a long look over in my running tight and jog bra and my hair in a ponytail before he put his coat on my counter and set his bag next to it.

I sipped my hot coffee and watched as he scrolled through his texts and then handed me his phone. I saw first hand what he had been explaining and texting me about. It was pure lunacy.

I handed his phone back to him and listened to him rant before shushing him and giving him a kiss. I told him that everything will work out and he needs to relax as my hand pressed into his crotch.

My First Time As a Sugar Baby – Part Three (The Morning After) [FM]

I had slept like a rock only to be awakened by his phone. He got out of bed and answered it. It was his assistant. He had told me about her and how’s she’s amazing and basically knows all of his dalliances. He told me that he pays her a higher bonus than the others because she’s “that good”. I watched him work his way back to the bed and I climbed out and made my way to the bathroom. I turned and smiled at him as he watched me cross the room naked.

I returned to find him talking to her while laying in bed, so I climbed back in an nuzzled up to his body. I looked up to him as she explained his “marching orders” for the day. I looked up at him and smiled and he grinned.

I lowered my head to his peck and kissed his nipple and then looked up at his reaction. He grinned. I took his nipple between my teeth and gave it a tug and then sucked on it before looking back up at him. He mouthed the word “stop” with another one of his grins.

My First Time As a Sugar Baby – Part Two [FM]

On our way to dinner and he explained the situation. We were having dinner with a business associate of his, and he was also going to have a “friend” with him. She was older and had known the business associate for only a few minutes before we arrived and their “relationship” was not planned to go beyond the evening. Ohhh, what you can find out in the ladies room.

Dinner went as well as I could have expected. As the two men talked, us ladies did our best to make small talk and try to participate in their conversation from time to time. There was no lingering afterwards and we headed back to the hotel. He wanted to make a stop in the bar for a nightcap. I had paced throughout dinner myself and agreed.

As we had our drink, he complimented me on my dress and how I carried myself at dinner. His hand rested on my thigh, and inched ever so slightly higher as the conversation veered in my comfort level with what was about to when we got to his room. I spread my legs ever so slightly, to give him a little more access as I assured him that even though it was my first time, I was completely comfortable with what was going to happen. His hand came just short of making contact with my panties. If he went any further, it most likely would have looked awkward by anyone that glanced our way.