His First Time In My Toy Drawer [FM]

I know he masturbates, and he knows I do the same.

A week ago, we laid in bed after sex and discussed masturbation, which led to him being introduced to my Lelo Enigma. That led to him using it on me and getting me off, which led to another session of him fucking me so good with me having the elusive doggy-style orgasm without any manual help.

MMMMMM it was soooooo good…………I digress.

Last night, I watched as he brushed his teeth in his boxers. I was standing behind him in one of my old concert t-shirts and my mind was scheming.

There is nothing wrong with getting naked, climbing into bed, and letting things happen. I just wanted to mix it up.

He finished and rinsed his mouth and I came up behind him and grabbed his hand.

He looked at me as I led him into my walk-in closet. He’d had been in there a few times, but never explored and I figured, there was no better time to show him some things.

I pulled the top drawer from my built-in and watched his eyes bug out as he saw my collection of dildos and vibrators for the first time.

I turned to him and my hand slid onto his boxers and I began to rub his bulge.

“I want you to chose one that you want to fuck me with while I suck your cock.”

He grinned, paused, then pointed at one.

It was one of two that I wanted him to choose. “Grab it and lets have some fun.”

I watched him climb on the bed as I turned down the lights and took off my shirt.

I climbed on the bed beside him and ask if he’s ever done this before and he replied “no”.

I leaned in for a kiss and it lingered.

He watched as I slid his boxers of and skipped the fanfare and began to devour his cock.

I was on all fours with my hips next to his shoulders. He adjusted his body slightly and then I felt it. The tip of the chocolate brown dildo parting the lips of my pussy and penetrating into my wetness.

I let out a muffled moan as he pushed it deeper inside of me and the thought of two men taking control of my body entered my head.

I moaned as my head bobbed on his rock hard cock and he pushed the dildo deeper inside me. I heard the click, followed by the vibration inside of me and my body quivered.

I tried my best not to rock as he fucked me with the dildo.

I tried my best not to stop sucking his hard cock.

I wanted him inside me, but this wasn’t about me fucking him. This was about us getting off using a toy, to which I got a lot of pleasure seeing his comfort level.

“Click” and the vibrations increased. I came up for air and let out an “oh my god yes” before sliding his cock back in my mouth.

I built a rhythm on his cock as he worked my pussy with the dildo. I was lost in the moment and my moaning increased.

“Click”. The vibrations increased to the top speed and he focused on my clit. By focus, I mean he slowed his thrusting down and pressed the dildo against my clit as it slid in and out my pussy.

I was close to cumming when I heard him say “Oh my fucking god” and his hand slid to the back of my head.

He applied pressure and I took him deeper in my mouth. I tried my best to keep a pace, but was about to lose myself in my own orgasm.

My moans merged into one long one and then my hips shook and dropped on his hand holding the dildo and I let out longer deep moan with his cock in my mouth.

I was able to regain my composure and a brief second later, he moaned and I tasted him in my mouth. He let out a grunt and released my head. The vibrator was turned off and he gave me a few more thrusts into my sensitive pussy before he pulled it out of me. He watched as I did my best to clean up every drop of his cum before collapsing next to him.

My body was stilling tingling as he kissed me. I shared anything that was left of his orgasm and he rolled on top of me and kissed me harder.

Our heads separated and he asked when he gets to see what’s in the other drawers. I smiled and told him “soon”.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/116k6ja/his_first_time_in_my_toy_drawer_fm


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