Our First Booty Call [FM]

I had been seeing him for over a month and we are in the honeymoon phase of the relationship, from what I understand. He was going out with friends from his workspace and I was meeting up with some friends for drinks and a bite to eat. He had an early meeting in the morning and was going to head back to his place and put some final touches on his stuff for the meeting. This was his first time leading a meeting like this and I didn’t want to be a distraction.

We checked in with each other via text during the evening. He called it quits early with his friends and went home to wrap up some work things. I eventually made it back to my place and decided to shower and get into some comfy clothes watch some TV.

I was half asleep on the couch when he texted me that he was done and going to turn in after he took a shower. I told him to give me a call once he’s in bed. Thoughts ran through my head. Should we have phone sex? Should I masturbate on the phone for him? Then it came to me.

I got off the couch and took off my hoodie and put on my puffer and slid my feet into my big winter boots and headed over to his place.

Our places aren’t that far from each other and I made to his place with a few minutes to spare. I patiently waited like a stalker chick outside of her man’s place for my phone to ring and like clockwork, he called me 17 minutes after we had last texted. He asked what I was doing and I told him “to let me in”. He said “where?” and I told him that I was making a Booty Call and he should to let me in. Moments later, the door opened to his dark place and he was standing in his boxers. We made our way to his bedroom and I gave him a gently nudge to the bed.

He laid on the bed with his legs spread and hanging over and watched as I unzipped my jacket and revealed my bare breasts to him. I rubbed and tugged them a few times and bit my lip and watched as he pitched a tent in his boxers. I slid my pants over my hips and they dropped to the ground. He grinned as he surveyed my naked body. I wasted no time and slid off his boxers of and knelt before him.

I cupped his shaft and my tongue danced up and down. I looked him right in the eye and smiled as my tongue and lips teased his tip. I asked him when the last time he jerked off and he told me before work. I asked if “this was better?” then fully took him in my mouth for the first time. He exhaled and gave me an “oh my God yes” as I started to pump and bob his cock. I got off my knees and put my hands on the side of his hips and took him deeper in my mouth and continued to bob. He put his hand on the back of my head and began giving me a little thrust with his hips and I moaned with his cock moving in and out of my mouth. My pussy was ready for him.

I released his cock, rose, and stood before him at the foot of his bed. He slid further back on the bed and I climbed on top of him and wasted no time guiding his tip to my tight wet pussy. I worked him deep inside me and began grinding and pumping. His hands grabbed my ass as I bounced on his cock. He held me off of his hips and began thrusting hard and deep inside of me. I leaned into him and found the perfect angle and grabbed his chest as my insides contracted. He continued to pump his cock in me and as soon as I moaned, he dropped me into his full length and I let out a loud moan, not caring about his neighbors. I grinded him as my juices flowed.

He pulled me into his chest and in one quick motion was on top of me. We kissed sloppily as he thrusted deep inside of me and it took my breathe away. His hands squeezing and pulling on my breasts, I arched my back as I could feel another orgasm building inside of me. He continued long hard strokes. I could feel his every inch moving in and out of me.

His hands grabbed mine and he pressed them into the bed. I could feel my insides tightening and didn’t’ want him to ruin the moment and ask where he should cum, so I wrapped my legs around him and told him to fuck me hard and deep. His pace became more deliberate and moments later, he thrusted and held himself deep inside of me and felt the twitch of his cock as grunted then let out a moan. That threw me over the edge and I moaned. He drew back and thrusted and held his hard shaft against my clit and I grinded against him relishing in us cumming together for the first time.

He let go of my hands as his cock was finally drained inside of me, then lowered his head and began kissing me. My whole body was tingling. We kissed between breathes until he pulled out and fell beside me. His hands drifted over my breasts giving my nipple an occasional tweak and tug. I turned to him and gave a deep passionate kiss before getting up and made my way to the bathroom. He followed a moment later and asked if I’d spend the night, to which I declined.

He watched me gather my things and get dressed. We walked to the door and he asked one more time for me to spend the night. I smiled and kissed him one more time before making my way to the elevator.

I don’t remember the walk home. I was on cloud nine and found myself at my place taking a quick rinse and texting him goodnight.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10x9a3m/our_first_booty_call_fm

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