F26 I tease you all day and you flood my pussy with cum.

We’ve been dating for nearly a year now, and the sex is fantastic. We are both committed to keeping things exciting. I can be a wicked tease though.
Last night you said something unwise during dinner. I laughed it off, and you — naively — thought that you were in the clear. You were so wrong. I was planning.
The timing is perfect. I work remotely, but you are at work right now. Tonight we are going to dinner with a couple we are friends with. I have a nice, long, uninterrupted stretch to torment you while you are unable to do anything about it.
I started things off this morning. We woke up wrapped around each other. We showered together, and I took full advantage of the opportunity to tease and caress you. When we got out of the shower, I hopped up on the counter and initiated a nice makeup session. Slow, deep kisses. Exploring your neck. Whispering in your ear. I let you grind your cock against me for several minutes. Then, I informed you that it was time to get dressed. You glared at me, and I laughed. You promised to wreck me tonight. I laughed harder and said that we would see how cocky you were tonight.
Before you headed out the door, I stood in front of you and stroked your cock through your pants. The fabric is tented obscenely. “I guess you are really regretting that little comment you made last night, huh,” I whisper against your lips. I slowly pull my hand back and tell you to have a nice day. You glare at me.
When you get to work, you check your phone and are treated to a picture of my hand sliding into my panties. You read the next message: “Feeling your hard cock this morning made me so wet. It felt SO good when I got to cum all over my hand.”
The messages only get racier as the day wears on. During lunch you send me a picture. Your cock is pressing urgently against your zipper. “That looks uncomfortable,” I reply. “Baaabbyyyyy,” you whine.
Next, you try threats. “I swear to God that you aren’t going to be able to walk tomorrow,” you promise me. “How are you walking right now,” I ask. “I hate you,” you reply.
I message you vivid, elaborate fantasies. I tell you that you will never forget what happens tonight. I don’t relent for a minute. I am ruthless the entire day.
When you pick me up for dinner, you walk around the vehicle. Instead of opening the door, you press the front of my body against the side and crowd against my back. I can feel your cock pressing urgently against me and I can feel your hands grip my hips tightly as you lean your body weight against me. I am surprised that you aren’t doing anything. I feel deep, shaky breaths against my skin where you face is buried in my neck. Your skin is burning. I squirm and you groan deeply, almost painfully in response. Your hands tighten their grip on my hips. “Don’t move,” you gasp. I feel my pussy getting even wetter. Fuck. You aren’t trying to start anything. You’re grounding yourself*.* This is SO hot. Carefully*,* I hold very still and accept your body weight pressed against me. My hands stroke your forearms as I wait. This is beyond intimate.
Finally, you lift your head and turn me around. You step forward and your cock presses against my belly. You lay your forehead against mine. “I am going to fuck you into the mattress later.” I smile sweetly in response to your threat.
As we drive, I run my hand up and down your inner thigh and kiss your neck. During dinner I press into your side and rub your cock over your pants while no one is looking. You don’t even try to tease me back. You let me keep the conversation going while you squeeze my hip and my leg so hard that they will be bruised tomorrow. During the car ride home, you don’t say a word to me. This throws me off guard. I didn’t expect silence. When we park, you grab my wrist tightly and drag me to the elevator and our apartment. You throw me on our bed. I scramble onto my knees.
“Slowly. Mind numbingly slow or not at all,” I set the terms. You throw your head back and groan.
“Are you trying to kill me,” you demand. I take your hands in my own and slowly lay back pulling you on top of me. When your body sinks into my own, we both gasp.
“Please. I really want this,” I whisper against your lips. Begrudgingly you nod. Slow was the last thing on your mind.
I slowly spread my legs once I have your agreement. When the head of your cock runs against my wetness, I shake and you growl. “I’m so wet, babe. No foreplay. Go ahead,” I invite temptingly. You slide inside slowly. Your movements are deliberate and I can tell that slow is a struggle for you right now. Agonizingly slow, you rock your hips while I arch my own. Your head lays right against my own with our cheeks pressed together. Our arms wrap tightly around each other. True to your word, you stay incredibly slow. My clit grinds against you and I shake. Suddenly, just as I start to feel overstimulated, I cum violently. You thrust deep and rough three times and drench my insides with cum. Your body falls on top of my own.
Was this worth all my teasing???

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10x91te/f26_i_tease_you_all_day_and_you_flood_my_pussy


  1. So I absolutely love being teased and led on. It’s the fastest way to turn me on and get riled up. Reading this was an absolute dream! Would love this kind of interaction every single day

  2. All I can think of is how sweet and sexy payback is gonna be🤣 2 can play, and I play for keeps😉 haha

  3. Even in your writing you are an expert at teasing had me hard the whole story well done

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