A Voice in the Void

I don’t have words for you

All that I could say has been said

Written and rewritten

Uttered through tears

So I’ve found more comfort and safety in the quiet

Leaving pages blank

With you

Sounds seem to resonate better than words

My screams and sighs and moans fill your ears completely


My tremors are understood




The communication with my body is practiced and mastered

My sensual needs prioritized

My bliss a shared endeavor

So in a wordless world

I welcome you where you thrive

I’ll luxuriate in your physical fluency

Let tongues lash only with lust

And lips only part for pleasure

Our one divine language







When words have failed

And hurt

We’ll speak in sex

And I’ll leave the rest to silence

Magick Manifesting: A Lover’s Spell


For years it was nothing more than a foreign concept… Something I’d reserved for an illicit connection; A lusty dream encapsulating every explicit expression I’ve ever desired to extend to another person. Something I wasn’t supposed to have or want, yet wanted. Hungered for. Obsessed over even when virginity was all I knew. Something that only fully existed in my mind and heart, while innately and keenly aware that wishes- like words- are spells.

And so with every daydream, every silent incantation of this word wrapped in orgasms, I’ve cast longing cries upon the world to manifest my desire beyond this sensual spirit and body. In my carnal visions I am never alone: the Alchemical and Physical laws of equivalent energy are solidified and solemnized betwixt myself and at least one other. Flashing through my mind’s eye are an unending stream of moments to come: of all the want and hunger I have ever carried- matched, reflected, multiplied, and savagely enacted upon me by an equally energetic body. In my wanting I am shown that desire and Magick live in tandem in an infinite realm. With the four elements within me, my body a living offering and altar, and my bed embracing shadows unsuitable for a book… I conjured the intangible.

I Needed You Today [MF]

Today I was ready

Ready to fall into your arms

To smile with you

To shed our armor and kiss away the latest scars

Today I needed

To tend to another fire as a brief reprieve from watching the world burn

I needed your warmth against my skin

To melt into a momentary bliss

Today I wanted to hold you

And let your pulse drown out the roaring streets

Topped only by my pleas for more

Today I needed you to feel

The sensual spirit that dances at the thought of you

Trembles at the sight of you

Crashes, swirls, and rises with your touch

Your words

Today my body begged

For a pain fueled by desire

To be left in lusty shambles

A satiated weariness

A welcome change

From the daily hurt, heartbreak, and exhaustion of my empathic existence

Today I needed to know love

To scream with joy at its presence

I needed to share my inner beauty

And counter the ugliness I’ve witnessed

Today I needed to shut out the world

When You Leave [MF]

When you’re empty and I’m full

All your favorite places used

After you’ve called me yours

Claimed me with wild hands, teeth, and tongue

And you’ve rinsed away the essence of our lust from both our bodies

Regained your senses

Venturing back into the every day noise

I lie here where we were

Still burning

Still dripping

Still wanting

Still feeling you close


Phantom traces of you lingering

Playing back the way you bit


Sighed and smiled

Conjured climaxes with ease

I’m left alone

Trapped in incessant arousal

Failing to recover breath

My hands forcing another release as I relive the moments again

As they do

Until you return

Eaten and Pounded Until I Was Too Orgas[m]ic to [F]unction

I gift my SO with all my GW pics before I post them, and he was pleasantly surprised to receive so many this weekend. I took the opportunity to request “a munching” as I am addicted to the way he eats me out. “Most definitely.” Yay. I was anticipating it all day, even as we ended up making plans for a date night. We saw a show, came home and had dinner and wine while we watched a comedy special. The night was running long and it can take me a while to climax from being eaten out. I was thinking a raincheck was going to be inevitable, but the SO shut it down: “I promised I would.” Mmm. Ok

I climb over him, legs on either side of his head, my ass and clit hovered over his face while my face hovers over his cock. He’s fully clothed, and it’s to my understanding a munching is all that’s going down tonight. It will take a while and it’s late and though I’d like to return the favor somehow, I’m surprisingly ok with it happening in the near future.

Surprised by a Powerful (F)uck on Septe(m)ber 28

September 28th. Daylight.
I’m still in shock and trembling from the waist down after what happened a little while ago. I was overtaken in the best way.
I wasn’t expecting it, but it turned out to be just what I needed.
I feel so alive…


On the couch this morning with my bf who’s tired from working overnight. He nods off as we stream a few episodes of Bob’s Burgers and random videos. “Poor guy, he ought to head to bed” I think. He gets off the couch and starts going through his bedtime prep routine. It’s a bit earlier than he usually hits the sack, but I know he needs the rest.


A few minutes go by, and he comes back to the couch and straddles me. We kiss and he’s being playfully handsy, but I’ve resolved myself to the idea that he’s just being a flirty tease before he sleeps the day away- it’s kind of his thing. He goes and finishes clearing away his breakfast dishes, and I get off the couch to see him off and tuck him in to bed. Our last sexy time was a couple days ago (and I’d had a few solo sessions before today), so this was a rare occasion where sex wasn’t on my list of things to do, and I figured it wasn’t on his either.


Sex with the SO averages about once a week. I’d love for it to be more, but that’s a whole other thing. If I go longer than a week without, I start to get nutty- I’m tense, cranky, 1000x more horny, and distracted. Usually a solo session does the trick if all I need is a release. Well, I’ve done that a couple times in the past week, and it didn’t help.

I needed more than just an orgasm- I needed him. The last few days everything about him made me horny to the point of physical discomfort. Every kiss, every time we made eye contact, his touch…I shut my eyes and grimaced as I dripped. Such a miserable, almost shameful pleasure. My mind races full of daydreams I wished were happening instead of him looking at me like he couldn’t see the addiction in my eyes.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I climbed into bed with him, wanting to grab him there and then. But my conscience held me back. I hate waking him up. Being next to him- naked…I dripped. I rolled over. I held him. I dripped. I couldn’t wake him. But I needed to. My inner thighs were tensing. I could orgasm with a thought at this point. I’m trembling and dripping and…I can’t wake him.

A Per(f)ect (M)unching, A Well-Placed Pillow, and A Chair

With the SO some time between 1 and 2 this morning. He strips me down and sets me on the bed. Grabbing a pillow, he slides it under my back, and pulls me to the very edge of his bed. He sits in his chair, putting my legs up over his shoulder. His tongue has touched me over 2 years now; I still hold my breath before that first touch. Right on my clit. He holds me in place while he flicks and traces circles around it. My breath is already heavy, my moans fluctuating between low growls and high-pitched whines. He loves the taste of me so much he moans. I'm grabbing my tits, the back of his head, his hands, his back… At times I have to pull my legs apart to keep them from clamping shut around him. When his touch and pressure changes, a different part of me shakes. My hips jerk on their own; my back arches as I cover my mouth (pretending to be modest). His tongue tickles in the best kind of way. He looks at me- I can't stand it. We take turns pinching my nipples and squeezing my tits. I'm on fire; babbling his name- whispering (when I have the willpower to control my voice) how he "eats me so good." I beg him not to stop. I swear he's so good he makes me wish I could eat my own pussy to see if it really tastes as good as he says.

Funny Sexytime Altercation with the Boyfriend

In the middle of sex with me on top: He moans. I (being a tease) slow down and ask "what?" Hoping he'll moan again. He grabs my waist and tries to take the lead, saying "keep going." I continue teasing by going even slower, giggling as I ask "what?" again. Out of revenge and frustration, he playfully slaps my tit, sending me into an unexpected orgasm. He cracks the fuck up; I'm dumbfounded and have to sit there in stillness to recover and catch my breath (even though he wanted me to keep going and I wanted to obey). As we go on there's more slaps here and there and by the end anytime his hand gets near one of my tits I'm cringing (half in pleasure, half in fear) and laughing and screaming "don't touch me!"

TL;DR: Being too much of a tease got me slapped in the tit and…I CAME

Edit: words and punctuation