Funny Sexytime Altercation with the Boyfriend

In the middle of sex with me on top: He moans. I (being a tease) slow down and ask "what?" Hoping he'll moan again. He grabs my waist and tries to take the lead, saying "keep going." I continue teasing by going even slower, giggling as I ask "what?" again. Out of revenge and frustration, he playfully slaps my tit, sending me into an unexpected orgasm. He cracks the fuck up; I'm dumbfounded and have to sit there in stillness to recover and catch my breath (even though he wanted me to keep going and I wanted to obey). As we go on there's more slaps here and there and by the end anytime his hand gets near one of my tits I'm cringing (half in pleasure, half in fear) and laughing and screaming "don't touch me!"

TL;DR: Being too much of a tease got me slapped in the tit and…I CAME

Edit: words and punctuation


1 comment

  1. I later quipped "while most guys are yelling ‘FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY,’ you’re new motto is SLAP HER RIGHT IN THE TITTY."

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