Picking Up The Vibe [M29/F26] [Choking] [Doggy] [Face Fucking]

I made eye contact with Jen when I was headed for the bathroom. I immediately thought she was cute and smiled. Jen returned the eye contact and smiled at me.

When I came back to my table, my food was being dropped off. I barely remembered the meal, however, because I was looking at Jen every time she passed through my station. And she looked at me and smiled a few more times.

I walked up to the bar to order another beer. After I told the bartender my order, Jen came directly behind the bar to grab some cups.

“They have you running all over the place don’t they?” I offered. She set the cups down on the bar and smiled again.

“Oh, you noticed that too? I thought it was only me seeing how much I’m killing myself tonight,” she laughed. She put her hand out. “I’m Jen by the way.” I took her hand and squeezed slightly as I shook it.

“What time do you get to stop running tonight?” I asked, still holding her hand.

Good Afternoon [MF]

I always liked Katrina.

We were always polite. We shared some laughs when we spent time together as a group. And I thought she was gorgeous. But never did I think there would be anything past that.

However, one night back in college, everyone else had left the bar early. The free drink special from 10-11 had ended and everyone else in our group made plans to see us later.

We realized that we probably should have left when our friends did upon remembering that Katrina’s car was with her date who had taken it earlier to retrieve his phone from his car. That was parked back at her place.

Then he said something he ate wasn’t sitting well and he was headed home for the night.

“Some date,” I muttered as we headed for the exit. Katrina kept in step with me and slid her arm through mine. I thought nothing more of it than a drunk friend using another drunk friend to lean on. “My place isn’t far, but we have to walk up the hill.”

“It’s a good thing I wore flats,” she shrugged.

When The Work Is Done [F21/M24] [Cowgirl] [Blowjob] [Foreplay] [Smoking]

“This is finished. Do you mind filling it back up?”

“No, hand it here.”

I tapped the bottom of the bowl over the small trash can and then passed it to Erin. Erin set the bowl down on a small wooden coffee table and then picked up her grinder.

“I’m so glad this week is over,” Erin sighed as she sprinkled more weed into the bowl. I didn’t think Friday would get here.”

“Me either,” I said. I leaned back as far as I could against the couch. I had walked in her door and only made it to the floor in front of the couch.”That’s why I’m trying to smoke the memory away.”

Erin and I had been spending more and more time together lately over the past few weeks. What began as a casual smoke session at her apartment after we met through friends took a different turn after we ran into each other at a bar one Saturday night.

Despite hanging out with completely different friends that night, I was surprised when my phone went off shortly after I had said my goodbyes.

E: Are you going home? It’s early!

Right Place, Right Time [M24/F21] [Virgin] [Blowjob] [Passionate Sex]

I fell head over heels for a girl named Natalie. We worked together at the college radio station and I was friends with her boyfriend at the time. Little did I know that we would both soon find ourselves single a few months down the road.

He broke up with Natalie because he felt like she was too immature. She was younger than him and wanted to party; he wanted to focus on his school work. So he felt like they didn’t mesh anymore.

Natalie was devastated as she had been in love with him since high school. He also moved away for the summer as part of an internship opportunity. So Natalie was left all alone in town with nothing to do other than working her part-time job.

Meanwhile, my relationship was on the rocks. My girlfriend was getting ready to graduate college and I had just gotten back in the previous semester. We kept lying to ourselves that long distance would work when she got a job an hour and a half away, but the writing was pretty much on the wall. We started arguing more, I started drinking and partying in response, and she felt alone in the relationship.

Right Place, Right Time [MF]

I fell head over heels for a girl named Natalie. We worked together at the college radio station and I was friends with her boyfriend at the time. Little did I know that we would both soon find ourselves single a few months down the road.

He broke up with Natalie because he felt like she was too immature. She was younger than him and wanted to party; he wanted to focus on his school work. So he felt like they didn’t mesh anymore.

Natalie was devastated as she had been in love with him since high school. He also moved away for the summer as part of an internship opportunity. So Natalie was left all alone in town with nothing to do other than working her part-time job.

Meanwhile, my relationship was on the rocks. My girlfriend was getting ready to graduate college and I had just gotten back in the previous semester. We kept lying to ourselves that long distance would work when she got a job an hour and a half away, but the writing was pretty much on the wall. We started arguing more, I started drinking and partying in response, and she felt alone in the relationship.

Birthday Sex and the Low Cut Top [MF]

We were broken up. I’m not going to sugarcoat it; I lied to my longtime girlfriend, Bethany (Beth), she caught me and she asked me to leave our house we were renting.

So as summer began, I found myself on one of my friends’ couches. I was still working retail back then, so it would take some time to save some money and figure out a plan for a new place. Thankfully, my friend did not mind and was gracious about the whole thing.

Contact between us was minimal. I could come to the house and get clothes if I needed them, but for the most part, she didn’t want me around. I remember that I was so scared of confrontation with Beth that I once snuck into the house after I was sure she was asleep just to get clothes.

This was before she told me I could come in whenever I needed to of course.

Beth is a Cancer and her birthday falls in late June. I was still in contact with some of her friends and they told me they were planning on taking her out the night of. I had no desire to ruin her night so I didn’t plan on seeing her at all.

Good Girl [F21/M24] [Toys] [Dirty Talk] [Fingering] [Work Sex]

“Go ahead and take those panties off for me. Put them in your purse.”

“I’m not taking off my panties,” Erin hissed into her phone. “I told you I have a conference call in five minutes.”

“A video conference,” I replied grinning. “You’re the one talking about how you want to fuck me right now, but the minute I respond, you back away.”

“I’m not backing away,” she said, pulling her dark hair up into a semi-neat ponytail. “All I was reminding you of was the time constraints.” She stole a look around for anyone looking in her direction on her floor of the office. Satisfied, she set the phone down while she stood, easily slipping underneath her skirt. Erin grabbed her black, soft underwear,and pulled them down so that she could step out of them.

“They’re off.”

“Send me proof,”

She sighed playfully as she picked up her phone and took one shot of her panties on the floor and a second shot of her panties in her purse.”

“Good girl.”

“You have 2 and a half minutes to make this good,” she smirked as she sat back down.

[M40/F28] Saw my FWB in the grocery store [Public] [Bathroom] [FWB] [Creampie]

I was annoyed. I pushed the restroom open and looked. Empty. I reached back out the door and grabbed a slippery when wet sign that was laying under the water fountain. I slammed it open and sat it in front of the bathroom door.

“There,” I growled. I grabbed Taylor by the arm and yanked her into the bathroom, barely stealing a glance to see who saw me.

I came into grocery store because it was Wednesday and that meant half price sushi. It had been a long day and I was trying to better my mood. I spotted Taylor as I was heading back across the store from this same bathroom.

I didn’t expect to actually run into her for the first time in months even though we lived in the same town. She was pushing an empty cart when we saw each other. I stopped in my tracks, curled my finger at her, and stalked back to the bathroom.

It was pretty bold of me to assume she’d follow. But she was there, minus the cart, when I looked behind me.

How My Boss Made Me Feel Better [F40/M32] [Public Sex] [Coworkers]

It was the kind of day that no one should be out in. Temperatures below freezing, icy roads, and a steady snow that made travel almost impossible. I had barely managed to make it to the store, sliding several times. I had planned on sitting in my car long enough to verify that none of my other coworkers had attempted the drive before turning around, so I could at least say I tried.

Plus, I really needed the hours if the store did open.

I mindlessly tapped on my phone while I waited, only glancing up to see who was driving by when I did hear a car. I stopped looking up after 15 minutes and was so engrossed on YouTube that I jumped when someone knocked on my window.

Bundled up from head to toe was my boss. She waved but I could only see her eyes as she had covered the rest of her body as warmly as possible. I could tell she was shivering, so I turned my car off and hustled outside.

“You told us you weren’t coming in no matter what,” I said as I shoved my bare hands in my pockets. We started for the storefront together.

[MF] I Was Determined To Prove Myself

This intro took way longer than expected. Look for the +++++ to get to the actual hookup.

I had known Claire since college. She moved into her career as an accountant and I ended up dropping out of school before winding up in retail. We had mutual friends and would see each other a couple times a year as we lived in the same college town.

One summer, Claire ended up getting trashed at my apartment for a friend’s birthday. She had made several strong sexual comments toward me but I laughed her off as drunk. But as I woke up a little hungover myself the next day, I opened Snap and told her an honest truth: I had found myself jerking off to dirty thoughts I came up with about her every now and again.

I was immediately mortified after hitting send. I suspected she would block me and not speak to me again from my being so forward with her.

Instead, she was pleasantly surprised.