How My Boss Made Me Feel Better [F40/M32] [Public Sex] [Coworkers]

It was the kind of day that no one should be out in. Temperatures below freezing, icy roads, and a steady snow that made travel almost impossible. I had barely managed to make it to the store, sliding several times. I had planned on sitting in my car long enough to verify that none of my other coworkers had attempted the drive before turning around, so I could at least say I tried.

Plus, I really needed the hours if the store did open.

I mindlessly tapped on my phone while I waited, only glancing up to see who was driving by when I did hear a car. I stopped looking up after 15 minutes and was so engrossed on YouTube that I jumped when someone knocked on my window.

Bundled up from head to toe was my boss. She waved but I could only see her eyes as she had covered the rest of her body as warmly as possible. I could tell she was shivering, so I turned my car off and hustled outside.

“You told us you weren’t coming in no matter what,” I said as I shoved my bare hands in my pockets. We started for the storefront together.

“That was before everyone else called off,” she shrugged. “I was wondering why I hadn’t heard from you yet.” We got to the door and she started digging in her purse for her keys but her gloves weren’t helping. I pulled my keys out of my back pocket and unlocked the door. She rushed in first and I followed, making sure to lock the door behind me. The store didn’t open for another hour but we both knew customers wouldn’t hesitate to walk in if the door was unlocked.

I watched her walk to the back of the store through the darkened aisles. Even with her long winter coat, my eyes fell on her long legs, covered by dark leggings.

Stop it. That’s your boss. She’s older than you. Save it for when you’re alone, idiot.

My reverie was broken by the familiar sound of the alarm being disabled. She walked back to the front of the store and I turned away towards the floor to ceiling windows of the storefront. “Did the snow get heavier?” I asked as I pulled off my beanie and coat.

She stood beside me and started pulling off layers too. Gloves, hat, coat, and scarf. We absentmindedly tossed out outerwear on the counter behind the cash registers.

“It does,” she agreed. She moved some boxes from the other side of the counter to the floor and then pulled herself up to a sitting position. “Nobody is going to come out in this mess.”

On cue, a figure came into view as they stepped on the sidewalk outside the door. He put his face to the glass and shielded his eyes so he could see in the still dark store. I started to walk to the door to tell him we didn’t open for another hour but found my arm being pulled the other direction.

“Get down!” she whispered. She had slid off the counter, pulled me, and then almost dived behind the cash wrap. I looked back at the customer but then did as I was told, kneeling down below the counter level to join her. She was my boss after all.

“What the hell?” I laughed. My nerves were already a mess from the drive over; now my boss had me sitting behind the cash registers like we were kids. She raised up to her knees to check the door. The figure was walking back to the car, no doubt planning on waiting for the doors to be unlocked. She came back down, bumped into me, and I overdid my reaction, sprawling to the floor chin first.

“Ow.” I muttered after my display of bad acting. I forgot the thin carpet of the store covered concrete and I came down harder than I planned. She had stood back up, brushing her leggings off. Even as I touched my chin, I could see her ass jiggling as she brushed off her legs. I forgot myself and she caught me red-handed, staring at her.

“Only you would bust your chin on the carpet,” she said. I looked down at my finger and saw a small dot of blood. “Come on, let’s get the first aid kit in the back.” She started through the aisles again and I popped up and followed.

“If you hadn’t suggested diving to the floor, this wouldn’t have happened.”

“And if you didn’t think you were funny, this wouldn’t have happened either,” she retorted. She pushed open the door to the stockroom. She flicked the switch and the fluorescent bulbs came on for the first time in 8 hours. She took my hand and guided me to one of the small tables we ate lunch at, a folding chair on each side. “Sit.”

“Okay,” I grumbled. I lost my concentration again as I watched her walk over to her desk in those leggings. Shit. I have to stop. She almost caught me before. Or ignored me. She opened the first aid kit and returned with a small peroxide pad.

“I try to have a little fun,” she began as she pulled a chair right in front of me. “Shake off some anxiety after sliding my way here, when you all know how much I hate driving in snow.” She sat down and our legs touched. It didn’t mean anything to her but I could feel my cock twitch. “And Mr. Life Of The Party here cuts his chin.” She ripped open the pad and put it on my chin. “Hold this.” I again did as I was told, She gave a slight smile at my obedience at least.

“Life of the party?” I asked. She rolled her eyes and stood back up and I wished I hadn’t said anything. She took a short walk to the coffee pot and started filling a filter with coffee.

And I was watching her ass again. She had on the same light colored polo with the store logo on it as I did but hers somehow made her tits look perky. Mine didn’t do much to hide my middle.

“Everybody wants you to come to everything. Brian’s party. Leighann wanted to make sure you could go eat wings. Emily picked you up to go bowling. You can drive by the way.” I smirked at this.

Emily really had insisted on picking me up. She might have insisted on having me in bed later but my boy Uri had been good enough to give me a ride home early. “It’s like you have a spell on everyone.”

She pointed at my chin. “That should be good now.” She walked back towards her desk to get water bottles to fill the coffee pot.

And I watched her again. “Do I have a spell on you too?” I asked. It immediately sounded like it was too much. She let the question hang in the air for a few moments. She opened the first water bottle and began pouring.

“You’re okay I guess,” she responded. I was relieved she didn’t take it the wrong way. I didn’t want to be fired for verbally harassing my boss. She tossed the bottle in the trash and cracked a second. Before she poured, she set the bottle down and locked eyes with me.

“It seems like my ass has a spell on you this morning though.”

Fuck! She had noticed. I was panicking, trying to find something that would justify why I “seemed” like I was looking. “I, well, you know…” She tossed the second water bottle away and walked back towards me. Despite the pit in my stomach, my cock twitched again.

She sat back down in front of me, not breaking eye contact. “I hear those girls talking about you all the time.” She put her hands on my knees and smiled.

What is happening?

“You got hard on Zoey at the club one night and they kept trying to figure out how big you were. Emily has thrown herself at you since she started and you always seem to duck her. Shannon said she passed out in the same bed with you drunk but left you hanging after she made out with you in the morning.”

“That’s not true,” I lied. She held up her hand.

“I’m not done.” I again did as I was told and went quiet. “I know you let Leighann at least blow you every now and then.” This annoyed me. Leighann had told me how she liked to suck dick so I offered mine. She wouldn’t fuck me because we weren’t dating but getting a random, sloppy blowjob from a cute blonde after she had been out drinking every few weeks had its perks. But that was supposed to be between us. She could see the look on my face.

“Don’t be a baby, girls talk,” she said, taking her hands off my knees and folding her arms over her chest. Over her breasts. I got harder. “I know you look at my ass. Why do you think I always ask you to hold the rolling step stool when I need to reach something? The step stool has brakes, you dummy.”

I got brave again and broke my silence. ”Did you drive here with some crazy idea that you could fuck me in the store because no one else was coming?” It was brazen, forward. But that’s how I got when it came to sex. And it was her turn to get caught off-guard.

“I didn’t say that,” she answered. She stood up and turned away from me but I saw the embarrassment on her face before she did. She stopped and faced the door to the sales floor.

“Say it.” Braver, more forward. “Say you want me to fuck you.” No turning back now. Her shoulders were rising sporadically now.

“We have to open the front doors in 30 minutes,” she said. But I was right behind her now. I grabbed her hips and grinded my fully hard dick into her ass, the khakis barely restraining me. She groaned and pushed back. “Oh my God, you’re so hard.”

I pulled her ponytail so her chin would come up and used my other hand to stretch the collar of her polo down some, exposing the nape of her neck. I put my mouth on her neck and she groaned again. “Oh fuck, I love your mouth there.” Her being so vocal made me feel like I got harder even though I was already at my full length.

She was close enough to the wall beside the door that she was able to brace herself. I used her resistance to suck at her neck and grind into her more. Her other hand was squeezing the tip of my cock through my pants. “If you don’t take that out soon, you’re going to have cum on your pants the rest of the day.”

I again listened and stepped back to drop my pants and boxers. I stepped out of my shoes as she turned and seemed pleased with what she saw. She started undoing her own pants and leaving them on the floor. Our lips met and we kissed deep. Before we could get into the rhythm of the kiss, I pulled away and started licking her bottom lip, then sucking her top, dodging her tongue reaching for mine.

“Stop fucking teasing me,” she said. She was stroking me now and it was my turn to moan. “If you’re not going to kiss me, let me put your dick in my mouth.” She began to kneel but I cupped my hand under her chin.

“We don’t have time for that.” I led her back to her feet and continued teasing her lips with my mouth and tongue. I slid my hands under the polo and under her black bra and was met by her hard nipples. I massaged them and squeezed her breasts in my hands.

“Oh, play with them, yes,” she purred. Her encouragement led me to be a little more firm in my touching. I remembered the time constraints however and slid my hand over her belly, through a small patch of hair, and let my index and middle fingers find her clit.

Her legs shook. “Oh fuck, right there.” She started grinding her hips into my fingers. I grabbed more than a handful of her ass cheek to steady her. “There’s that ass you always look at. Is it everything you wanted it to be, baby?”

“Baby?” I asked. I started a small circle around her clit and one leg came off the floor. I grabbed it with my free hand. “You tell me if this is what you wanted, baby?” My boss was now completely spread around my fingers in the back of her store. Thank goodness the cameras are only on the sales floor.

I think she had a moment of clarity. Her eyes snapped open and she gave me that same stare from earlier. “It’s been a few months, okay. Here in the last week or so, every day when I turn on my wand, I see you. Oh, don’t stop,” I continued circling her clit as she asked. “I just thought if we did end up here this morning, I’d flirt a little but that would be… shit,” her hands gripped my shoulder harder. “…it. But I didn’t think you’d be touching me in the stockroom.”

Her eyes went closed and her mouth fell open. I put her leg down and took my fingers away. Before she could ask what I was doing, I sucked her juices off my index finger and let her taste herself from my middle. I came close and grabbed my dick, guiding until it was just below her clit. I put my hands on the wall behind her and started rubbing my head with her clit, thrusting slowly up and down. She moaned but then pushed me away.

“20 minutes,” she pointed at the clock on the wall. “Go to my purse.” With just socks on, I went as quickly as I could on the linoleum floor and looked into it. “Unzip the inside pocket,” she called. I opened the pocket and saw tampons but then saw shiny foil underneath it. I came back out, opening the condom wrapper.

“You totally planned this,” I smiled. I rolled the condom over the precum dripping from my cock head and to the base.

“I’m older than you, not dead…oh fuck,” I broke her train of thought as I grabbed her hips and guided myself inside of her. I was partially inside her and we locked eyes again. So I got bold. I used my hands to lift her legs from the ground and held her against the wall. “Oh no fucking way, I’ll turn around instead.”

But she wasn’t the boss for the next few minutes. I adjusted until I got my arms underneath her knees and I stayed just far enough inside of her where I didn’t have to put myself back in. Her hands squeezed the back on my neck.

“Oh my God. I don’t know how you’re doing it but hold me right there!” I started thrusting up, locking my arms so that her pussy became my personal fuck toy. I was in deep concentration on holding the position; her head was against the wall moaning obscenities and asking for me not to stop.

It couldn’t have been long but her moans became repeating ohs and she dug her nails in my neck. Which made me thrust harder. “Make me cum baby, make me cum,” was the last coherent thing she said before her orgasm made her lose control.

I was shocked I made it. Besides her moans and dirty mouth, her scent and the loud sounds of her fucking had me on edge the entire time. Not to mention how hot it all was. “I’m right behind you,” I groaned.

“Wait, wait, wait,” she managed as started to regain control. “Put me down and take that off.” My arms were killing me so I gladly did so. She sank to her knees and started licking the top of my cock. “Let me swallow you.” She put her mouth on me and slid halfway down easily a few times. “Does Leighann do that?”

I didn’t have to answer because she already probably knew she didn’t. Instead, I watched my boss expertly suck and stroke me. “I’m going to bust,” I warned her after about 45 seconds.

She grabbed my ass and forced as much of my dick in her mouth as she could and I released. I grunted loudly and moaned with both fists full of her hair (it doesn’t take long to pull a hair tie off).

She gagged and took her mouth off me as I calmed down. I saw her swallow and then she licked and squeezed more out of the tip. I could have blacked out from how good it felt. She sat back on her heels and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand.

“Better get your pants and shoes back on,” she said, nodding at the clock. She stood up and started pulling her panties and leggings back on as well. She wiped her mouth again and squirted some nearby hand sanitizer into her palm. After she was done disinfecting, she picked up her hair tie and put her hair back up.

“Bring us some coffee up front when you’re ready,” she said as she headed back to the sales floor. I buckled my pants, still in shock by what just happened. I scooped the condom off the floor and then walked it to the bathroom. I wrapped it up in a paper towel tightly and pushed it into the bottom of the small trash can. Just in case.

I went to the coffee pot and started pouring when the door popped back open. My boss stuck her head in.

“I completely forgot. How’s your chin feeling?”
