(F26) Best Friends Finally Have Sex (MF)

We’ve been friends for a while now. Maybe even best friends. We travel together, hang out together when we’re off work, text all day. We are each other’s first call when we have good news or need help.

You my best friend, but we are in that weird place where we are friends but it is starting to feel weird to be *just* friends. I guess, in retrospect, it was inevitable that something would happen. There had already been some close call, some *almost* moments. There was just too much sexual tension. Last Saturday wasn’t special; it just happened to be the day that it all boiled over.

We had gone out to dinner, and we had just arrived back at my apartment. I think we had intended to watch a movie. We had had a few drinks with dinner, but we weren’t drunk. We were at the relaxed, tipsy place where you have started to relax and your inhibitions were lower than normal.

Once the door shuts behind us, I lean against the wall and toss off my jacket and fumble with my shoes. You walk straight to the refrigerator.

“Do you still have the beer from last weekend,” you ask over your shoulder. I look up.

“You drank it all. I think I have that other one,” I shrug.

“Yum,” you say sarcastically. “Do you want anything?”

“No, I’m good,” I answer distractedly. “Are we still watching that movie?”

I lay down on the couch, and you walk over.

“Here, give me these legs a second,” you laugh as you lift my legs up long enough to sit on the couch and settle them across your lap. Your hand rubs light circles against my leg under my jeans. My t-shirt has slid around while I was getting settled. My cleavage is unintentionally exposing a lot of cleavage and there is a small strip of skin visible on my stomach right above my jeans where the shirt has risen up. My is slightly mussed. I prop myself up on my elbows. You glance at me before pulling up the Netflix menu.

While you scroll through the menu, I reach for a pillow. You toss it over the top of the coffee table.

“Are serious,” I ask laughing. In an ill-advised moment of impulse, I get up on my knees on the couch and bend over to stretch for the pillow which unintentionally puts my ass on full display. You hook an arm around me and pull me against your side.

“No. Come here. Don’t move; I’m comfortable. You’re warm.” You are laughing now too. I lean against your side and lay my head on your shoulder. You kiss my forehead. My hand traces your chest under the collar of your shirt. You slowly lean over and press a single, soft kiss on my lips. I pull you back down to my mouth again, and we kiss more deeply. One of your hands tangles in my hair. I pull back slightly gasping.

“We can’t — this is reckless — we…” I trail off when you pull me back against your mouth.

“Don’t we know better than this,” I ask softly, doubting my own protest.

“Do we,” you ask as we kiss again and your hand slides under my shirt. My hand caresses up and down your chest and belly as I explore the new/familiar territory. I climb into your lap. Our kisses are deeper, our hands tangle in clothing, and I feel your harden under me as we start rocking together. You pull back to look at me.

“Are we doing this,” you ask seriously. I pull you back against me and initiate another slow kiss. Our tongues tangle together intimately. When we pull apart to gasp for breath, I rest our foreheads together.

“Yeah. We’re doing this,” I answer you. No one moves for a minute. It’s final. We’ve made up our minds; we’re doing this. We fall into another kiss as I unbutton your shirt. You pull mine over my head and toss my bra across the room. When we kiss this time our chests rub together. I can feel how wet I am; how turned on I am. My hands grip your biceps before they drop down to your belt buckle. I unbuckle your belt slowly as we watch each other. I lift off your lap just long enough to strip off the rest of my clothes while you shove off your jeans and boxers. I back in your lap and grind against you skin on skin while your thumb rubs my clit. I bury my face in your neck kissing and teasing your skin. You toss your head back.

“Darlin,” you groan. My pussy clenches at the undertone of pleading in your tone. I lift up and sink down on your cock. This time we groan together. You pull my mouth back to yours and kiss me roughly. My hands can’t stay still, loving and exploring your back, your sides, your arms , your belly, your shoulders. My hips roll against yours, and I grind against you on every other down stroke. The room is filled with the sounds of our pleasure. I shake against you.

“More!” I beg. I fill your groan vibrate against my neck. You lift me in your arms and and maneuver us until we are both keeling on the rug. You gently position me on my hands and knees and take your place behind me. You slap my ass once, *hard*. Then, you start thrusting hard and rough inside me. I scream in pleasure. I can feel you pressed intimately against me as your hips smack into my ass. I drop onto my elbows and arch my back. You grab my arms for leverage and fuck me hard and fast. I manage to reach up to rub my clit. Soon, I am falling apart on your cock.

Before I have a chance to come back down, you have flipped me onto my back and settled on top of me. You lay your head against mine with our cheeks resting together. I can feel you, tense with need. My legs wrap around you, and I lay my arms against yours with my hands clasping your shoulders.

“Move, baby,” I murmur. You make hard, deep thrusts, not even pulling all the way out of me each time. Your pelvis rubs against my sensitive clit. I can feel the heat of your groans against my cheek and neck. You’re gripping my hips. “Oh, baby,” I moan.

Still sensitive from my earlier orgasm, I cum quickly, and this time you follow me. Your grip is bruising as you bury yourself as deeply inside me as you can and fill me with cum.

You drop on top of me. Your arms frame my own and you stroke me gently. My hands rub your back and stroke your hair.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/112ri5c/f26_best_friends_finally_have_sex_mf

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